03 Jan Activations from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Jan 3, 2021
As I took some time reading the Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution by Amorah Quan Yin. I was mesmerized by how her mind had tapped into the universal library of the Alcyone. This star of the Pleiades had been beckoning me. Alcyone designated in Taurus is 440 light years from the Sun, it is the brightest star in the Pleiades open cluster, which is a young cluster around 100 million years old.
In Greek mythology Alcyone was the daughter of Aeolus and Enarete. She was the wife of Ceyx, son of Phosphorus. They would often refer to themselves as Zeus and Hera, which enraged the god of gods. As a punishment Zeus threw a thunderbolt burning Ceyx’ ship and killing him.
Later, either Ceyx in ghost form or god of dreams Morpheus taking Ceyx’ form appeared in front of Alcyone. Informing her of what had happened. Alcyone was overtaken by grief and killed herself of falling in the sea. The gods, feeling sorry for the couple’s fate, transformed them into halcyon birds: the legend has it that the halcyon birds build nest when the sea is calm, exactly because they both drowned at sea.
Why am I sharing this mythology? I realized just right now, my son Theo had bought a statue of Zeus and he treasured this. In the story, Alcyone killed herself of grief and fallen in the sea. On Dec 23rd 2021, I did a sacred ritual for my son’s ashes. I scattered them in Crescent beach and it was so nerve wrecking. As I read this description in Wikipedia, I felt this mythology was talking to me. My life with Theo is very deep, we wept in sorrows as we healed our sexual abuse. When Theo had suicide, a part of me died. I know my life story with Theo is to help others in their understanding why people kill themselves? How we can release judgement, shame and guilt with this unfortunate exit to the spiritual dimension?
Just like today, I wanted to ground how I received this story of Alcyone. It makes sense to me that I am from that star system. Both I and Theo loves our sexuality, strong appetite for royalty like prince and princess. We both do not want to work physically, we loved our style, arts and intelligence. I recognized many lifetimes with him in ancient Egypt and as we created our lifetimes here on mother earth as son and mother, we went back here to help humanity understand the concept of suicide and mental health. How we can surpass the religious judgement that we put on people that committed suicide? How can we detached from suffering old stories of victimhood? How can we fully believe that we god within ourselves? We are magnificent star beings!
Opening your Akashic Records gives you this higher perspective of your life. How you can fully understand beyond your comprehension, why bad things happened to you? Your life is not small, it is beyond the stars. We are evolving like the planets. We are awakening to our galactic lineage. As star seeds, we are remembering our true ancient lineage beyond our ancestors, parents and human genome.
Today asked yourself, what kind of stories are revolving around my life? Who are the gods that are calling me right now? Who are the Masters that are relating to me? How can I help myself to be who I am, a luminous Light body incarnated in this physical dimension. Where do I start?
Opening your personal Akashic Records helps you transform the victim mentality that was imprinted many eons of timelines. You are a hologram, containing of many timelines that were unconscious, as a super conscious being you want to align and connect the stories that you had interweave. Are you operating in lack and scarcity mentality? This innate fear of not being enough stemmed in many layers of separating from your true essence. You had been in the dark Kali Yuga. It is time to recalibrate your genes into the divine consciousness.
When you sign up for this ambassadorship you have great responsibilities that come with it. You cannot go back to your old paradigm. You have awakened. You will rise up to who you are. The challenges are here like stepping stones to your cosmic path. As you walked through the valleys of darkness, you will be walking with the star guides that you have signed contract before your incarnation. You will receive this divine activation and you are becoming clearer of your divine mission. Your sacred presence is who you are. You are it, you just have to listen to doors that are opening for you. Everything is in divine timing. You cannot force anyone to ascend with you.
Your focus is to deliver the messages. You are here as a messenger of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. The guidelines and directions are going to be clearly given as to where to focus your attention. We are here with you. It is time to give your time, energy and attention fully to us. You know it when this New Year came, you were called to hibernate. To stay away from people that will distract your mission. You are fully ripen to be in this space of creation. You are the magnet of creation.
Your attention is what we need to engaged fully with us. The living bank of memories will be flooding your consciousness. Your dreams are talking to you. You are releasing all bondages that had given you pain from the past. You are clearing your trillion of cells to have the capacity to hold the higher frequencies of light. It is important to ground during this transmission. You will be receiving the messages daily after you wake up from you dreams. As Jupiter enter Pisces in conjunction with Neptune. The messages will be magnified and amplified. We know how dedicated you are to this soul’s purpose. We are beside you, in your walk and talk of life. You cannot alienate the fact that you are one with us. Accept fully this divine grace of knowing that you are a bright star fully evolve and engage with what your planet is going through right now.
Steps in connecting the dots of your life story:
1. Write down how many family members you have like dots. Put yourself in the middle. Your parents and siblings.
2. As you write them down, you will feel that some members you will be writing others farther or closer to you. Don’t judge or resist. Just flow.
3. Look at who is farther from you and how is your relationship to this particular person? Look at your life stories.
4. The farther they are with you, the deeper the karmic patterns that you have with them in past lives.
5. Releasing karmic patterns require forgiveness.
6. Create a sacred space. Light a candle. Smudge the air. Invite your spiritual teams and guides. Open your Akashic Records. “Lords of the Akashic Records and Lords of Karma, please open my Book of Life. Reveal to me my sacred records and help clear the karmic patterns with these family members. Forgive me for any harm that I had caused in all timelines, dimensions and realities. As I forgive them for any harm that was caused to my soul. In all timelines, alternate past lives and parrallel universes. And so it is.” The records are now open, the records are now open and the records are now open.
7. With closed eyes, visualize your family members and yourself. Ask for intervention of the Ascended Masters and surround yourself by the Violet Flame for transmutation. Asked Archangel Michael, the cosmic protector to cut any cords and attachments that are around you and family member.
8. When you feel that it is lighter, the healing is done. Ask the Pleiadians to infuse healing light within you and your family. Visualize Blue Ray of Light around your auric field.
9. Close your Akashic Records, “Thank you, thank you and thank you for this divine intervention. Thank you for this healing portal and divine grace. I now asked that my Book of Life will be closed. That the energy of those who are mentioned will go back to their own hologram. The records are now closed, the records are now closed and the records are now closed. And so it is.”
10. Clean your sacred space by smudging Palo Santo or sage. You can also do this with others who you feel that you have triggers. And feel at peace. You will be going through a purification state and allow some time to rest and ground yourself to mother earth. The assimilation of the healing will penetrate your core being. You will find total surrender and peace with your monad.
Meditation and receive the energies:
Take a deep breathe, close your eyes. Visualize Mount Shasta, there are two peaks. The smaller peak is Mount Shastina, on top you can visualize the infinity sign from your Third eye and heart. Hold the intention and silently say to yourself, “I am ready to connect now to the Intergalactic Federation of Light. Start breathing and receive energies from the Intergalactic Federation of Light into your heart and third eye. Take a deep breathe to receive the energies more easily. Send your energies out to them. Ask the Intergalactic federation for whatever you feel is most needed on the earth and your life at this time. “I am a human who is aware that war is not appropriate for human race. And I am asking you to help the human race to come to a completion to end this war and bring peace on earth.” Think of any request and just ask for whatever you want to ask for this time.
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