18 Mar Timeline Grid Healing for the Soul

Timeline grid is about healing the personal history or biography of the person in their Akashic Records. It is important to know what are the patterns and recurrent conditions that we are creating in our lifetime. If we look back in our history there is an energetic imprint where it was implanted in the holographic, crystalline and bio-etherial fields of our existence. The wisdom in knowing this, is the awareness that will bring it into our consciousness and release these patterns. When releasing these imprints, we have to realize that everything that is void needs to be filled in with love and light. In order to grow into a different pattern of sacred geometry in the energy fields.
We are the Master Alchemist of our blueprints. We can shift anything that was created. We are powerful beings of Light and love. The Ascended Masters will assist us in our creations and miracles will come into our realities when we are open and have that capacity to love all sentient beings.
Steps in healing our timelines:
1. Acknowledge the problem. See it for what it is.
2. Look at your personal history. Go back into your conception, see your mother’s emotional intelligence and how she handles her life. Geneology.
3. Look at your childhood. What kind of Child Archetype did you experience? Were you wounded, orphan, abused or magical, divine, nature child? This will bring back memories that will trigger your state of the inner child. Write a letter to your inner child and validate her unhealed emotions.
4. After looking at your personal history and biography. It is time to name the beliefs, patterns, and conditions of your family dynamics and your childhood.
5. State your emotional state now, ie. fear of intimacy
6. You will see that the fear that you have now is a recurrent theme of your life.
7. The awareness will heal your patterns, this is where we are going to work with the help of the Ascended Masters and your spiritual guides.
8. Create a safe and sacred space. Open your Akashic Records.
9. Ask your Ascended Masters ie. Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin to be with you and help you in releasing, clearing and healing these patterns from your Akashic Records.
10. Go into your heart space, close your eyes and envision these people that had hurt you and the people that you had hurt in all timelines, dimensions, space and reality. Send forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and gentleness towards yourself and others.
11. Ask the Ascended Masters to fill in the void in your holographic matrices with love and light. Create new patterns of truth, joy, inner peace, harmony, abundance, love, compassion, freedom and liberation from any attachments and bliss.
12. Seal your body, mind, heart, spirit and soul with a sacred geometrical form of Merkabah, the vehicle of light with Archangel Metatron.
Sacred Prayer:
Divine infinite creator, grant me the grace to release any toxic and negative energies that were imprinted into my existence in all timelines, dimensions, space and reality to be clear and healed. I ask that these energies will go back to the Source of love and light. Please infuse me with these new patterns of surrender, serenity, courage, hope, faith, trust, compassion, forgiveness, love, peace, abundance, joy, enlightenment, wisdom, truth, freedom, liberation, and bliss that will help me in my soul healing. Archangel Metatron please seal my body, mind, heart, spirit, and soul with the sacred geometrical form of Merkabah, be it done with ease, love and grace and so it is.
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