04 Apr 9 Weeks of Karma Clearing
As this year 2021 begun I felt the coming incubation of my soul. I took my life seriously with clarity and see what kind of relationships did I co-create. As my good friend Finn told me, “you like creating drama.” It came so strong and clear that I needed to see these mirrors from my insanity. I did not want to live my life with confusion and be surrounded by people that are not appreciating my values. But first I took a great look at myself, questioning how I treat myself? Do I treat myself with respect, loving care and kindness?
Theo, my son who passed away on 2017 left a great impression to me. He asked me, “ why are you in that relationship? You are not a priority instead you are a commodity!” It lead me back to do a self-inventory of who are true to me? Who are the people that are wasting my time and energy? These are vampires that I don’t need in my life. I like to live my life simple, pure and free. Meaning I want my life to be free from any entanglements and karmic bondage that leads to drama, confusion and conflict. I want to be clear where my directions are going and who are the people that truly appreciate and cares for me as well as I care for them.
I started to go on a detoxification of my body. I went on for 12 days of Wild Rose and cut off myself from toxins like sugar, milk products and carbohydrates. It felt good and I knew that I had an addiction with sugar as my body felt the craving urges at nighttime and sweat profusely. I was an addict. I was able to disciplined myself and felt free from this craving. After this detox program, I felt inclined to do more so I took the Milk Thistle liver detoxification for another three weeks.
I noticed while I was detoxing my physical body, I was also clearing my relationships. I spend more time in nature by myself. I walked in silence by the Crescent beach and commune with God and Theo. It is quite ironic that Theo means God in Greek.
I was teaching Akashic Records Level One for 6 weeks when all of my purification was happening. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually I was having an intense detox. Letting go of layers of karma especially my sexual karmic bond with a partner that did not want to move deeper into a higher level of relationship.
I was also writing about Theo’s death, sex abuse trauma, addictions, suicide and mental health illness. It was dark and heavy. I was not able to sleep for 4 nights and lost my appetite at all. I knew I had tapped into my dark night of the soul, into the dark abyss of my soul. I felt like I was relieving the night mare again, back to square one. Only this time, I gave myself permission that I needed to embrace the dark.
My client’s cases were heavy as well, black magic and ancestral karma. It was intense healing. They received the healing and I was left with the residues from this darkness. I allowed myself to be in this dark portal. I felt that I was a fetus in the womb of creation. I self-realized that I needed to feel their pain, anguished and desperation for me to channel this and transcend it to Light. It was consuming my soul.
On the fifth day, the sun was brighter. I asked for prayers from my family and close friends to send me some healing Light to help me pull through this darkness. I had written some blogs about Theo and left it at that. I needed a break from this traumatic event in my life. Writing is cathartic. It helped me purged more, release more and set myself free from this darkness. In the midst of this, I co-created with the Cosmic Doulas a Sacred Writers’s Workshop. As we go through the writing process, I continually write with the students to co-create the next book to publish this year.
I planted some mini- daffodils in my little garden. I felt the calling to drive to Harrison Hot Spring and I did. I heed the calling. While I was there I met the owner of the crystals store, we talked and I ended up bringing my books for her store. It was magical co-creation. My intention in giving my books to her is to help her with her grieving process. I ended up receiving more from the universe. I can now reach more people in that part of the country. I feel blessed to share this wisdom and knowledge of Akashic Records.
I shared my darkness to her and felt relieved. The drive ended up in two nights and stayed in my silence retreat. I felt at home and did not want to leave the space. I was mesmerized by the spirit of the mountain Cheam and the lake. I walked for hours and found some wonderful spots to relax, shop and chill. I spent time with myself. It became clear to me that this is what I want to create freedom, inner peace and spending time in the beauty of nature.
I adored the birds singing, wind chimes blowing and staring at the tulips blooming their radiant colors. I even consider to move there too. I stopped writing the dark night of the soul. I found a perfect journal that has a crow painting which was Theo’s fave bird. It felt so good to be in a retreat. I found clarity. I will only write things from the past, with the present higher perspective and the channeling guidance to help raise the vibration. My intention in writing Theo’s story is to help inspire others who are experiencing darkness. To be a healing Light, and I want to do this with flow of ease, love and grace.
During my preparation for the 9 weeks course for Karma clearing. I wanted to write an introduction about this course. I wanted for you to see where I am, what is happening in my life and what made me co-create something to help others release these heavy burdens that we carry all through our lifetimes. Without even knowing that they were not only ours in the first place. They were imprints from our ancestors that were passed on through generations from generations to come.
We are the karma healers of our generation. We do not want to pass this into our grandchildren’s lives. Let us stop this now. Let us examine our conscience and truly look deep within our drama. What are we getting from this confusion? What is our participation? How can we help ourselves? Who are the Masters of Light? How can we implement the steps into healing these entanglements? These are questions that I want to explore with you.
How can we as a collective transcend this victim story into an empowered state of being? It is time to rise up. Be at one with your inner self to find strength and face the circumstances. We are here to shift the victim story to freedom and liberation. It is time to recognize our ignorance and illusion that we are blind to see.
We are all accountable for every thoughts that passed through our mind. We need to realize that we have the power to shift our mind. Into something positive and tap into the universal mind of Creation. Everything is energy, when we put out something positive it attracts positive energy. It is a bio-feedback, we are one resonating in higher frequencies when we are awaken to our own creations. We are magnets of this unified field. When we act accordingly to divine’s plan. We can be a strong voice of love.
Let us have compassion for those who are suffering. Let us be grateful that we are given this privilege to correct the harm that was done to us. We will bring the new earth into the midst of the incubator of our soul. One by one we will influence others through our intention to heal our planet earth.
Karma clearing is about embracing the darkness or shadows of ourselves. To become authentic to our own selves and acknowledge our illusions. To find the courage to say enough to suffering. To know that you are loved no matter what. Your soul is beautiful and we will co-create a new earth when we are ready to sweep those cobwebs away that create stagnation in our growth.
We are supported when we ask for help from our Masters of Light. Ask and you shall receive. My intention in co-creating this course if for all of us to face our karma. These are the lessons that we have been recycling for eons of lifetimes. To transcend our dark night into light. To gain our power back and reclaim our divine birth right which is to experience love, harmony and peace. To stop recreating lower vibratory experiences of our generations to come. To co-create a new earth full of hope, unity, faith, trusting in divine grace with love, abundance and peace.
“May our collective wake up from our unconscious state of mind and have the courage to face our own shadow. To be a peaceful rainbow warrior of Light and co-create a new earth full of love, harmony and divine perfection.”
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