10 May Viral infection of the soul
Why do we keep repeating the same patterns of suffering? We have inherited this in our DNA, karma and ancient bloodlines. This misaligned energy such as suffering is resonating to the frequency of the Martyr archetype that holds the vibration of sacrificing ourselves.
We have this archetype deeply embedded in our psyche, spiritual energy, consciousness and mindset. If we look back 2000 years ago in the time of Christ, we carry rituals from our religious beliefs about the passion and death of Christ on the cross. This in itself is an imprint of suffering, Christ is about unconditional love, and forgiveness, not sacrifice. The significance of dying on the cross is about transcending the human victim consciousness. It is the death of the ego and rebirth to the new resurrected soul and spirit of the divine human being. The underlying current theme of this unconscious negative belief of suffering is about “deserving of love.” We are unconscious of this truth, and we are not able to grasp that we truly deserve love.
In our society right now, we are surrounded by fear, pain, scarcity and separation from our divine nature. There are a lot of experiences of lower vibrations, like tragedies of mass deaths and killings. One fear creates a spiral of lies, deceptions and manipulations.
It is like a virus when it attacks our immunity, our foundation is weakened and we can become the perfect host for infiltration. How can we as a collective participant become conscious of our own co-creations within? This viral infection of our society starts from within. It becomes a contaminant for infiltration of our souls. It is distractive, contagious and propagates its disruption on our wholesome state of being. When we decode the pattern of distraction, we can implement the preventative measures that we create.
The virus is the interference in our focused attention towards Light and love. When we operate from fear, and separation from our divine state; suffering, lack and other toxins, we become susceptible to infection of our soul.
What can we do to start our clearing and preparing for a healthy state of being? Our body, mind, heart, spirit and soul have to cultivate the divine’s essence, which is divine love. Alignment of these aspects of our being can create a healthy and balanced state of in our systems. We are vulnerable energetic beings that can be a target for this interference to our existence.
The holistic approach of health and wholesomeness starts by knowing ourselves. What are our vulnerabilities, patterns, karmic bondage, weaknesses, strengths, and triggers? These are the numerous blockages that we carry in our systems. When we acknowledge these vulnerable parts of ourselves, we become aware. These fragmented parts can be our assistance in knowing our weaknesses.
The divine energy or transmissions will assist us in healing our condition. By ourselves, it will be a challenge to heal our deep wounds. By seeking support and help with others who have gone through dark nights of the soul can help us along the way. The journey of the soul lies within and others Light can help us go through it with clarity and direction on how to navigate the storms of our voyage.
This is like preparing the ground for planting seeds. We cultivate a good foundation for our souls. With inner strength, courage to move forward and support from others we are able to help the garden of our mind. By weeding out the things that do not serve our highest good we can then start planting the seeds, they will grow with the help of the sunshine or the Light of the world. The seeds grow into strong plants that will flower with the essence and fruits of completion in this beautiful cycle of life.
Our systems when aligned to the highest good of all beings works in its limitless potential and we are in alignment with the stars of the universe, therefor the virus has no place to attack and infiltrate our wholesome state of being. In order to be in this condition we have to be aware of the process. The preparation of our soul’s foundation and how it is in synchronized movements with the universal laws. We are co-creating with these laws, when we are awake, aware, aligned and activated to the universal energies of creation.
Our environment needs to be in high vibrations to support our frequency. We have to surround ourselves with sound healing, divine mantras, positive people, laughter, joy in our hearts, meditation, eating healthy and increase our consumption of organic vegetables and fruits, listening to spiritual gurus and journaling with your Akashic Records to assist you in co-creating your divine blueprint. These spiritual practices will enhance your well- being and will make you happy.
Fear is a virus that infiltrates the soul if we are unconscious. We have each other to support our existence. Be and shine your authentic Light. Flow with your liquid divine Light. Time to rise up, we are all deserving of love. Let us uplift each other to co-create a universe that is a bounty of abundance. We are the stars that shine brightly in the sky. Shine shine shine! Namaste!
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