19 Apr Healing duality
There are multi layers of timelines that are spontaneously co-creating our different realities in this current life that we are traversing. The 3D is the linear time and space constriction that is shifting into the 5D of infinite love. In the 4D astral we can observe that our current linear time is in a huge collective awakening into the higher frequencies of Light. We are releasing a lot of lower vibrations that we cannot host anymore. We are anchoring the higher frequencies of compassion, forgiveness and unified consciousness.
What is appearing in our present realities are multiple layers of perceptions from all the timelines that have existed here on mother earth. How we see and perceive things is totally different from each other’s perspective based on our experiences; ancient Akashic Records, karma and imprints. We can be in this pandemic of Covid yet everyone has their own interpretation of their own individual experience.
We are living in multi layers of timelines that are spontaneously existing in our current timeline. Others can be experiencing this pandemic with fear, anxieties and uncertainty due to the imbalance of energies and awakening ascension symptoms.
The light workers that have been doing the work and have received activations from the Ascended Masters and Galactic beings they are perceiving this situation in a different light. They are attuned to the frequencies of the unified field. We are being given this chance from the universe to pick up the broken pieces, and recreate this new timeline of a very high frequencies known as the Golden Era. We are showered with the golden Light of Christ consciousness.
We are evolving and recreating our paradise template with a new understanding and the wisdom of unification of our masculine and feminine energies. We have done the work and are now experiencing the harvest. The fruits of our labor are here.
In the midst of confusion, separation and pandemic. We are being called to rise up and see the world as a new born child with awe and magic. This is the awakening and remembering that we are all pure souls, who co-created with the universe. We are bigger than this.
We are recalibrating the new paradise template with our Christed self and remembering our Adam Kadmon. Our crystal and rainbow warriors are here to activate our 12 strand DNA, helping us to feel expansive because we are being reborn into our new risen golden light. There is no room for shadows or heaviness. We are Light.
The virus is the infection of the soul, we are asleep to who we truly are. We are powerful fractals of Light that is interconnected to the divine’s expansive creation of the universe. We are the Light at the end of the tunnel. Remembering that our true essence is filled with divine grace and love. We are the ones who are anchoring this pure Light. When we co-create with the universal energy, we are meant to be here as our souls choose to witness this great awakening.
We are being asked to stay still and radiate pure awareness and divine consciousness. We are the messengers of the Divine Light, together we will ascend into the unification of our souls. We hold the vibration of the Higher Mind of Creations and through this matrix we infuse the wisdom and Light for those who are open. We are here to unify the duality into a cohesive unified divine consciousness. The I becomes We.
You are not alone in this transition. We are surrounded by the Ascended Masters and the Galactic benevolent beings of Light, to help us in our ascension process. Our loved ones who have passed on in the astral are here cheering us on our way to wholesomeness. We are remembering our Star Family. Follow your intuition and ask for assistance from our divine messengers. They are waiting for us to communicate with an open mind and heart to listen and be. Feel the messages that are being shared, they are here to help you in your daily struggles. To be attuned to the higher frequencies, we need to let go of old ways. Bring in the new energies that are in alignment for the highest good of all sentient beings.
Surrender the extremities of life and fall into the arms of our mother earth Gaia. She is waiting for us. It is time to clear all energies that are not serving us. It is now time to be attuned to the unified consciousness, where there is no separation. Peace, love and joy vibrates within and we share the gifts that we innately inherited from our ancestors. We commune, interconnect and bless our humanity with humility and compassion.
Our future generations are coming to a new template of humanity. The new Paradise Template is here, restructuring our DNA into the highest version of our spiritual Self. The unification of the spirit, body and soul is happening as we anchor our Higher Self into our body deva spirit. This is the integration of our sacred and earthly self.
The duality is becoming oneness. Together we can emerge as one unified consciousness. Stay present and anchor into your heart. Be grateful for all the blessings that you are receiving. We now begin our true path of the peaceful warrior.
Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@danielwirtz
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