22 Mar Enlightened ancestors calling
We are being called to awaken in this evolution of our consciousness by our enlightened ancestors. Let us be grounded in our truth and speak our true authentic voice, together we can be one. Each one of us has a unique expression of the soul. Our soul chose this timeline to incarnate to witness this transition of our consciousness. We cannot be blindsided anymore, our third eye is open and activated. The veil is lifted. There is no separation. We are the children of the Sun. We are the rays of Light to bring hope for the generations to come.
Our voice sends a rippling effect to the DNA of our bloodline. We awaken our cellular memory from our ancient timelines in Lemuria and Atlantis. When we anchor this golden time to live a life in unified consciousness, the fall of twisted manipulations and control will be exposed to our awareness. We will question the things that are presented to us. We know better. We can smell truth. In our awakening we will experience the fall of hidden agendas. It will be revealed to us, Light dispels darkness.
In our prayers, reflections and meditation, we will feel the essence of peace. In the midst of turmoil, chaos and challenges, we will find courage, hope and inner strength. If everything is taken away from you, what is left in your heart and soul. If you are broken hearted, then your body or vehicle will be empty. But if you are wholesome, no one can disturb your being. You will remain connected to the power of love and Light. You are divinely guided in times of darkness. Everything is impermanent, this change is necessary to learn new ways of adaptation and to listen within your inner self and know the truth.
You are always connected to the divine intelligence. Ask yourself questions that can be a catalyst to your growth. Do not suppress anything but be willing to expand your horizon. Go where you have not gone before, take the road less travelled. This will expand yourself into a new dimension that can open your mind more fully into a new portal or aspect of your existence. Do not limit yourself, you are the multidimensional state of the universe. You are a fractal of the creation. You can create something bigger than what you think.
Your mind is expansive connected to the universal mind. Stop resisting, go with the flow of life. When you are called to isolate, make use of your time to be more open and co-create a new way of living. Be an open portal of love. Open your mind to limitless potentials. Become an innovator, start a new way of thinking. Believe.
When there is a change, it is calling for co-creation of a new template. To start from a new beginning, we need to release the old ways of fear base mentality. We are done with that shadow. We are into the Light aspect of our being. Integrate your shadows and know that your ego is the one that separates you from accepting your shadow. We are here to experience our shadows and embrace our darkness. They had been here for eons of lifetimes. Shadows are our catalysts to create change. They guide us to what is necessary to shift. If we are guided even in the midst of darkness, then what is it to fear? Here in the dark, we have the divine presence of Light. We are never alone.
Your perception is conceptualizing that you are separated from within. When you are feeling that you are separated or broken from within, stop and feel your heart. Bring the energy of love within. Feel your body, move and dance into the rhythm of your graceful existence. You are at one with your ego, there is no right or wrong only perceptions of how you perceive your life. The gift of fully integrating your own ego is acceptance and knowing yourself, feeling the truth in your heart. You cannot be who you think you should be. You are only true to yourself when you fully accept you for what you are. There is no separation.
Your life is but a spark of divine oneness. We are going through this transition to wake us up to what is important. We have forgotten what is real. What is love? We are here yet we are not an open vessel of love. We judge, discriminate and criticize our own brethren. We create our own enemy. We are the enemy of our soul. We bring separation where there is none. Our virus of fear of love, this is the closed hearts of humanity. We only allow certain parts of our heart to love but not love fully. We live in hypocrisy, for not being able to give our selves. We are afraid of our own soul. What will happen if we give fully? Do we receive the same love? We question our souls capacity to love without boundaries. We love with condition. This is a collective awakening to what is happening, because we need a radical shift. We need to see our own depth. What if everything is taken away from us? Can we still love? Do we still feel the love of God or the Universe? Do we know the true meaning of love and being human? To be one with the darkness and Light is to know that no matter what happens in our lives, we are always guided, protected and loved. There is nothing that can take away this divine connection. Because of our strong faith, we can pass through any trials. We can open our hearts fully and recognized the true love that resides within our hearts. The beating heart of love is here, fully receive and give to each other. We are divine sacred portals of being human and the spirit. We are eternal spirit experiencing how to live being one with each other once again. “May you be at peace and know that all is well.”
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