14 Mar Waking up with what is real
Today as I listen to the waves of this vast Pacific Hawaiian island, I receive activations from my past childhood. When I was a child growing up in the beautiful island of the Philippines, I remembered being a nature lover like a mermaid.
Everyday I would visit the ocean and spend a lot of time swimming with my friends. Climbing up the “kalachuchi” or Plumeria tree early morning I would bring my pillow and be mesmerized with yellow and white colored petals of hundreds of flowers around me. I told my secrets to this huge tree and loved her dearly. I talk to nature, the plants, trees, guavas, mangoes, ducks, frogs, flowers, rocks, stars, moon and every creatures that I would see. I did not experience separation, my veil was lifted and was super connected. This was my reality as a child. What a magical life I lived!
Spending time here in Hawaii brought me back to my childhood and how I appreciate these golden times here in Waianae, Hawaii. The spirit of nature, the mountains around me and crushing strong waves of the sea and today we were blessed by an ancient turtle. This is the message I received, “you are at home my dear child. Remember the times you spent with me when you were a child. Bring it back to your present moment. Slow down and be at home with mother earth. You are here to experience the magical creations around you. This is our home and I am always protected as you are. Protect yourself from any noise and be here now with me. As I bring you the ancient wisdom of nature. Aho!”
What a magical time with the wisdom of the turtle. Thank you mother turtle, my wisdom keeper, as I went on my day with Debbie my dearest soul sister. I sat down by the front view of the beach and was beckoned to write. Inspired by this message of the turtle.
My friends from Vancouver were contacting me and updating me on the Corona pandemic. I asked my Higher Self, “why I am here in paradise while the world is in fear?” I am called to write and finish my book, what a perfect fit to what the collective is experiencing now. As I channel these messages for others, I feel as a servant to the divine calling. I align myself to the voice of truth and authenticity. What is my true purpose in incarnating on mother earth? To bring joy, and guide others to live an authentic life full of blissful happiness and inner peace.
For me, these are the golden nuggets of life. When you are at peace with your own self, when you have embraced your own shadows and weaknesses, when you feel joy in your heart, when you see Divine love in everything, when you are grateful for all your blessings and lessons in life, when you remember where you came from and acknowledge your ancestors, when you live your life with your Higher Self anchored to mother earth. When you share your life to inspire and give hope for others, when you are compassionate and know that we are all souls experiencing being human. Then you will be free from all the illusions that are distracting you from receiving illumination from the Source, God or the Universe.
Today money came up and how the investments of people are down. I look at money as an expression of love, I create money from thin air. It comes when I need it. I generously share money to my loved ones and strangers. I am abundant and wealthy in my heart and for this reason money flows to me.
I looked back at when I was a single mother, I valued education and spent a lot of money to ensure my children had private education. I valued education, so today I asked myself, why I don’t have investments? I have invested in values, I use money where I believe it will go. I valued my children’s education. I am not saying that public education is not great but at that time I was valuing what my children’s education was. And as a result my daughter values her education and has received a full scholarship for her doctorate degree, which I find that it is a fruit of my labor from having that value in our family.
What is money in my perception? Because I watched money and how my brothers and sisters used it, I received a lot of different perspectives on what is the true value of money. Money is a vehicle or a tool to express love and values. When your intention and perception comes from an abundant state of mind, money becomes fluid, it flows. But when your perception comes from lack, it is stagnant or stuck. You cannot take it with you when you die, so it has no eternal value. Time is most golden asset that you have. We forget that our time here on earth is finite, we are uncertain when our deadline is. We are impermanent living beings, we can die in our sleep, or who knows when? We have an expiration date, written in our blueprint. We have a divine contract with the Source. We are cyclic beings.
Money that you invest in stocks is like a roller coaster, it goes up and down but the way you live your life is the most important part of your relationship with your money. If you are worried, fearful of losing all your investments, then you are attached emotionally to what money is. We are lost in the mind trap of materialism. We forget that our present time and moment is what’s truly important. We pay attention to money’s growth but we did not invest in our soul’s growth.
To be in the heart space, to be grateful for everything, to be attuned with your loving essence and with all sentient beings is where the treasure is. We are one.
How we can contribute to our collective awakening? By sharing our true wealth, the divine’s gifts with others without expectations, to know that love is the most powerful force in the universe that bonds us all.
In the ancient land of Mu, love existed for all beings, money did not separate anyone, and we were all seeing others as divine sacred souls. We were open, clear, joyful and peacefully co-existing with nature and mother earth’s children. We are in high vibrations of love. This is our true home, the awakening that is happening now has been waking us up through eons of lifetimes. But we keep repeating the cycles of greed, corruption, consumerism, hoarding, lust, sloth, laziness, jealousy, anger, envy and many other lower vibrations of our consciousness. It is time to wake up, be present with an open mind and open heart to remember our ancient knowledge and wisdom. Be a Light to those who are still asleep. We need each other to raise our consciousness. We need to be here for each other. We are protected, loved and guided.
Be free from the illusions that we are not one. As we breathe, we are breathing our ancestor’s wisdom. Carry this within you, fill your heart with the love that they gave you. Fill your lungs with joy of being here, present with mother earth. We are the one who is responsible for co-creating this magical land. Let us remember who we truly are, ancient souls of Lemuria. We are Light beings and together we will co-create this paradise. It is here in front of you. The soul of another human being is your home too. Open and see them as you. We are collectively awakening from our amnesia. Let us wake up, share divine wisdom and be free. Aho!
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