09 Dec The thirst of your soul is my medicine
“The thirst of your soul is my medicine.” This was a message that came from our Akashic Records healing. I reflected tonight, what does this mean? Who is talking? I just realized that this was the voice of the unconscious mind!
When we are going through our dark night of the soul, we are lost. We are unconscious of our magnificent Light. We get confused, foggy, wallowed in deep sadness and brokenness of our spirit. Our thoughts run in our head like thick clouds in the sky. We cannot find clarity and lightness. We are deeply embedded in our fragmented self. In the midst of this chaos, our soul is quenching for thirst, like a dessert without water. We are desperate for Light to pull us out from the valleys of our spiritual’s death. We are tapping into our personal and collective unconscious mind.
Our spirit is broken, fragmented from within. “Why this is happening to me? Is there God? And if you are listening to me, here is my calamity. I give up! I listened to you but things fell apart. So here I am totally surrendering all this darkness back into your hands. Take it away from me, I am powerless over these situations and you do the work, I declare.”
This is my voice when I lost control over things that are chaotic around me. I found a space of declaration and surrender. When I did this, after few hours the answer was given. I received a phone call to bring me the help and support that I needed. This is the medicine of our unconscious mind, when we reached a point of total surrender. Nothing else matters but to let go of what we do not have control of. Letting go of resistance, contraction and being small. We are here to experience the grandiosity and awesome wonders of the creations. We are gifted with vast support from the unseen force in the universe.
Today I was summoned to speak and channel the messages of the Atlantean Archangelic League. They had been wanting me to speak daily to wake up our collective unconscious. But there was a resistance on my part because of the commitment and daily work of conveying the messages.
Here I am contemplating with this calling. I have done this three years ago, created videos daily for 365 days dedicated to the angels. After that year, I was able to release my karma with my beloved twin flame. Then a huge shadow had swept my soul into the abyss of deep sorrows. I lost my son Theo from suicide. I was broken. There was no Light. I stayed in my room for three months, gave up Light and just stayed in this dark hole. This was the darkest night of my soul. I never knew what brokenness meant until those cold nights of November 2017.
Our lives are full of twists and turns, paradoxical in nature. When we are unconscious we cannot see the bigger picture. We take our sufferings personal, we become self-absorbed. We get consume by our ego. We are blinded by darkness. We cannot see that our darkness is the door towards our liberation. The thirst of the soul is the medicine to be conscious. Unconsciously, our dark night is the gateway to our spiritual awakening. This portal is the initiation to receive a break through from the collective unconscious.
How can we see beyond the illusions? We need to be able to lift the veil of separation. Our soul is thirsty to find answers, endless seeking. Deep within the answers are encoded in our Light body.
When we are lost, our soul is fragmented. We are carrying the unconscious state of our inherited DNA. We can also carry the emotional key codes that belong to our mother and father. The lower emotional frequencies like guilt, fear, rejections and many others. Our soul is saturated from all of these imprints.
If for example your mother had a miscarriage and did not have a proper clearing of her sacral chakra. The sacral chakra will be saturating with these lower frequencies such as emotions of guilt and pain. You will incarnate with these emotional keys of the same vibrations as she was carrying.
We can ask our fractals of spirits to anchor back into our body and soul’s hologram. Our life story can be passed on through ancestral lines of generations. If we are not aware of these patterns, we will repeat the same cycle all over again.
As conscious beings of Light, we are the karma healers. It stopped in our generation to help our future children gain freedom from any blockages and patterns that are attached to these traumas. This is called timeline grid healing. We become aware of the spirit and the suffering that we experienced during that certain timeline. We collapse this in our present timeline. By bringing awareness and ask the spirit to anchor back to our soul’s hologram. We reclaim our power back. We become conscious Light beings.
There is no time and space when you are aware of your multi-dimensional state. Our soul is a holographic fields of the entire creations. Approximately our body consist of 37.2 trillions of cells and continue to go on cycles of regeneration.
When we are traumatized, we create a void in the spirit. This creates an imprint in your brain that holds the memory of events. For example, you suffered a death of a loved one on a certain day. The next cyclical year, around the week of that anniversary date your emotional body gets heavier. You feel sadness in your heart. When you are unconscious of this imprint, you will be confused. You can get consume with your sadness that will turn into a deep state of depression.
The way to take care of traumatic events is to create a care plan for your soul. Book some time off for yourself and take some retreats to be in stillness. Especially during holiday seasons like Christmas, you want to have that silence and connection to the spirit. Honoring your sadness with sacred time and space. To embrace this pain is to acknowledge our humanness. We are fragile, sensitive and emotional beings. We have to stop doing things that are not important. We bombard ourselves with materials that have no meaning.
The Atlantean Archangels are here to help us remember our true divine essence and activate our Rainbow Light body. The activations from the Atlantean Archangels formed our luminous effervescent 12 strands Rainbow Light body. This transmission is from the ancient Atlantis. We are being summoned by these 12 Archangels to vibrate higher in the coming of 2020. This is the year of receiving divine dispensations from the Major 4 Archangels Raphael from the East, Gabriel from the West, Michael from the South and Uriel from the North they hold the earth templates into its orbit as safe guardians from the entire cosmos.
Our human collective vibrations have to accelerate our consciousness into a much higher frequency to adapt into the higher vibrations in our Schuman resonance. We are given this armor of the Rainbow Light body in order to vibrate and reach a higher state of divine consciousness.
Our Light body is encoded with all the vibrations that our soul had accumulated in all timelines, dimensions and realities. Our body, mind, emotion, spirit and soul which is the earth, air, water, fire and ether elements are living entities in our human body and earth system.
When our Light body is activated and received attunements from these Archangels. It creates a rainbow Light body, 12 multi-colored columns of Light. The Archangels are emitting these Rays of Light into our system to assist us in our ascension process. When we receive these attunements, we become the Rainbow Light Body. We vibrate in a synergistic harmonious state of being with the angels. We are co-creating a sacred space for the collective ascension. We are the Light bringers of the cosmos. The Archangels infused their gifts within our system to be an ambassador of this emissary of galactic beings.
There are more messages and activations to come to help us understand the genetics and how we can morph into our Rainbow Light Body. The Light codes will be given in a way that you can start assimilating this into your subconscious drive. The super conscious mind is activated and will stay in high frequencies of Light information and vibrations. As we anchor this into our human body, we emit this pure divine Rainbow Light and will activate those around you and will create a rippling effect into the human psyche and consciousness. Beloved be still and open your mind and heart to receive these sweet whispers from the cosmos.
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