13 Sep Unreciprocated Love
In the past I have given love and not fully receive what I deserve. I asked myself, where is this pattern coming from? How can I reverse the situation and receive unconditional love for myself? What was happening to me when I co-created this relationship? We are the magnet of our realities. We cannot blame others for what we have. We have to own our part, learn the lesson and move forward. We are the co-creators of our sacred contracts. As I evolve in my spiritual growth, I realized that all is one.
If I see the other person as separated from me, I still have lots of work to do. The easiest way to see others is through compassionate eyes. Knowing that others serve as our catalyst to be empowered. We can let go of the toxicity with total forgiveness and allowing the space of healing between us.
I looked at my patterns in relationships, I see that I give more than I receive. Where are these imprints coming from? They are from my childhood and the feeling of not deserving of love. Feeling shame of my sexuality, as I had experienced sexual abuse from my own father. I had a flashback in my retreat, about my mother, when I experienced abuse. I came to her and did not receive validation. It created an imprint of shame and guilt in my subconscious mind.
In the retreat that I had in Kye Bay, I created a healing ritual to claim back my power. I release the shame and guilt that I had carried through all the years. I gave it back to my mother and father. I cleanse my body of shame and guilt. Swimming naked in the ocean, I felt free and clean. This was a beginning of a new journey. I learned to value myself and know that I am worthy of love.
When we are blocked, we have a lot of excuses to move forward. It can come from survival, fear of letting go, change or unknown territory. We get stuck, unable to move forward and have the courage to face the depth of our fear. These are the dark nights of the soul. When one is being called to go through some shifts or transitions but not physically able to maneuver the ways to have a breakthrough. We keep repeating the same patterns of insanity and unable to completely let go and gain freedom of the spirit.
The lesson that I needed to learn from these sacred contracts with my parents and others is about loving myself unconditionally. I came here to experience how to value myself. To prioritize my self, validate my birthright to claim love and happiness. I am divine and I am love. The lesson of unreciprocated love is about receiving love for myself. Externally I was giving love to others but not able to give it to my own self.
When we want to let go, we are able to do this by putting our attention to what works for us. I did not waste my time getting attached to the relationship that is not working but instead I put all my effort to what I loved to do. This helped me catapult into a higher vibrations of love. It helped me go through the unconscious state of my mind with clarity. I surrounded myself with positive people that are like- minded and very supportive. When we put our attention and focus on what we want to build the energy flows. We co-create expansion in the universal energy. It gives us effortless means to gracefully let go of the old patterns. We become courageous, clear and know what we want. We are aware of our existence that is treated with great respect and love.
Life is a full circle of giving and receiving. There is a flow of love and light to what is. When we honor our selves, we only allow positive light in our fields. We filter and gain discernment with what is good for us or not. We claim our benevolence. We let go of things that are not serving our highest good and all beings. We are fractals of the creative force in life. the holographic matrixes of the unified field of consciousness.
Our existence is so precious, the time and energy that we give to the world will come back thousands of folds when we do it with love. But first we need to love our own self, this is the great lesson of unreciprocated love. We value our existence, honoring our divine soul. We give love and receive because we know that this is our birthright. We are vehicles of love and Light. As we traverse this paradoxical world, let us open our mind, heart and soul to the lessons of our lives. To transmute these energies that are toxic for us. To truly feel loved, be loved and allow love to live within our hearts and souls.
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