29 Jul Divine Wholesomeness
The illusion that we are broken came from many lifetimes of trying so hard to search and look for something that can make us feel whole. This is the illusion. There is nothing missing within us. We are wholesome, not broken and we are loved not taken for granted. We bought these illusions and unconscious beliefs from many imprints of our ancient bloodline, DNA and karmic bondages.
How can we reinstate this state of wholesomeness into our existence? We need to find clarity and directions to what factors, patterns and distractions that led us believe that we are not complete.
The state of wholesomeness is the Soul. It is the divine spark that co-creates our lives here in mother earth. It is a divine grace to know that we are perfect in the spiritual dimension. That there is nothing that is missing, everything is within us. We hold this divine key to wisdom, knowledge and love. It is a state of non-attachment. We have forgotten this innate knowing. In order to disentangle our distractions, we have to understand our patterns and conditioning. These questions will help you find clarity in your Akashic Records or blueprints of your soul.
Questions to ask to find clarity and how to heal these ancient Recordings:
1.What are the patterns of behavior that I inhabit in this lifetime? Look back at your distractive behavior, name the theme of your patterns for example if you have an alcoholic father, you have inherited “feelings of abandonment” that can lead to many layers of insecurity, rejection, failure, fears, not feeling loved or accepted, low self-esteem, negative beliefs about self, pain, low self-worth, unable to trust and many other low vibrations of being a victim.
2. How can I shift these blockages in my blueprints? First step is to forgive, clear the sacred contracts of your soul from the cords of the other person involved. You can do this even if the person had passed away. Create a sacred space, ask the higher self of the soul and yours to co-create a harmonious relationship with forgiveness and compassion. Asking the Masters of Light to help you in this healing. We are magnificent multi-dimensional souls. We have the power to clear any imprints from the past, present and future lives because we are eternal.
In this type of healing our Akashic Records, we are given the divine grace to heal any wounds of the soul. To recreate a new template of our life’s existing patterns. To rewrite these Records and imprints of our more evolve self. Sealing these soul’s Records with love, ease and grace. Every time you clear a blockage, ask to fill the space to be infused with divine virtues.
3. What are the ways to be focus in my divine mission? To be focus is to know what blocks you. Acknowledge the problem of this pattern. Spiritual holistic healing will support the ways to heal and clear the blockages. Find support form others that you can trust. If not, find mentors or healers that can elevate your consciousness. Clarity comes when there is no entanglement. Pure divine connection to your direct purpose why your soul chose to learn these lessons and find solutions. You are a powerful co-creator of your blueprints. Everything that you allow is a sacred contract that needs clarity.
4. How can I maintain this state of being wholesome? It is very easy to get distracted in this chaotic life. There are lots of temptations, manipulations, voices in the head that can bring us back to these old patterns or ways of unconscious living.
Living fully conscious in this dark world can be a challenge if we do not maintain a healthy, supportive and balance life. We have to build new healthy habits, patterns and conditions to support us in co-creating a new rebirth of our blueprints. Community support and feelings of belonging is necessary to prevent us from falling. Isolating our self is not healthy. Knowing our self, triggers, reactions and defaults is our body’s signals to what we are resisting and how to flow in the right zone of our calling.
Being wholesome is balancing the forces of nature. It consists of our body, mind, heart, spirit and soul. When we are align to what our divine purpose here, we can balance these aspects of life. Sharing your gifts to the universe, co-creating higher frequencies of vibrations of love and Light will sustain this state of wholesomeness. We are fractals of the whole creations. Sparks of divine Light! Shining your Light within creates a rippling effect to those who need it. It reminds them of their Light within. Be you, wholesome, free spirit and truthful to your authentic self. Together we co-create this divine and sacred dance.
“May you live your life knowing that you are loved, wholesome and beautiful. There is nothing missing, every thing you need is all within you. Your presence is sacred. You are powerful divine gift to the universe. Shine your bright Light!” Namaste
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