22 May Opening your heart
We have a tendency to hide from what we want to communicate because we have assumptions. The root of this behavior is coming from fear of intimacy. We choose not to speak about our own stories and truth because we do not want to harm others. We have this unconscious egoic mind game that keeps us a bay from what we truly want to convey. We withhold information just because we are afraid to be judged.
How can we be true to our own self? We need to face our own inner demon. What are the struggles and complications that you keep inside your head? These stories may not be even true for all you know. We are all playing thoughts that either harm us or does not really matter in the end.
Being authentic and vulnerable to open your heart to the person that matters to you is important factor in creating a loving and true relationship. Trust that whatever you are going to share will be taken with respect and know that you are safe.
As from my personal experience, I feel that when I opened up to someone special to my life; it creates an opening for both of us. There is a deeper understanding, clarity and transparency between each party. We become more open and it breaks that barrier of secrecy. We do not need to hide or lie about any emotions or stories that is important to us. We are born to be free. We have this power to speak about our intimate life.
I feel that people like to be secretive about their intimate stories because we like to control or manipulate others. I learned that our own family breeds secrets, lies and deceptions. If you look back at your family dynamics, you will probably find some dysfunctions. Why do we hide our deep emotions? Somewhere in our past, we were told not to speak up, or we did not receive validations that we are important.
Vulnerability is raw and it takes courage to expose your true authentic self. Triggers are red flags that you are carrying an imprint or wound in your history. The other person is your catalyst to bring more Light into your shadows. There is a sacred contract between any transactions that we co-create in this incarnation. Awareness of who you are attracting, and what are the patterns that keep repeating in your life story are guide posts to come into a full circle with your lessons.
The challenges are here so we can understand what we are resisting. How we can release our control? It can be a challenge as we are blind to our own self. Knowing yourself and how your body reacts to situations will be beneficial to your actions. Courage to speak from the heart, takes a lot of guts to do. Our family have conditioned us to hide and kept secrets from each other.
This is a part of power, control, chaos, struggles and manipulation from our own family. In order to have a breakthrough, we have to break open our heart. Feel the pain, take a deep dive and be bold to take the next step. Tell it as it is, without censors. This is a very powerful expression of your soul. You will find full freedom in speaking your truth. Your lightness is palpable. It gets easier as you practice and it becomes a core value within to speak your truth. No matter what even if it hurts, this for me meant authenticity towards your self and others.
We gain freedom when we exercise true expression of our self. We travel lightly, we do not hold unto the past and future what ifs? We operate in the present moment. This is creating a deeper bonding between you and others. You gain a treasured friendship, not shallow but deep to the core of your soul.
Your own conscience is a compass to direct you into your true path. Your truth may not be true for others but the point is you feel lighter with a clear conscience. We are given this instinctual system to detect our own BS. What stories are you keeping to yourself? Are these stories helping you in your ascension process? Or are they keeping you stuck? Why do you do this? Is it from fear of judgement, fear of change or exposing your vulnerability? These questions can help you find clarity and openness. Be open to what ever comes up, do not resist or judge, stay with the feelings. Be here for you. Open you heart and feel this raw emotion that wants to come out from your vulnerable self. Let it be.
When I let it all out, I felt free. I felt at peace with my soul. There is no hidden agenda, there is only lightness; standing in my truth. What a huge shift to take courage and say things that you have been keeping to yourself. Be able to face your own fear. Let if flow and know that we are here to experience our truth. Truth will set you free!
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