27 Dec Reflections for 2018
2018 had been an interesting year for me, healing my griefs with losing my son Theo is like waves of tsunami sometimes it hits hard without any warnings, huge waves of emotions that runs deep to the core of my being. I look back and I still don’t know how in the world I stayed sane though this agonizing pain. The only thing that kept me going is the communication I daily do with Theo. Talking to him as if he is alive here beside me in his apartment. I was telling my daughter about this, if someone can see me when I am alone that they would think I am crazy coz I literally talk to Theo as if he is alive 🙂
This kept me in touch with my loss, his spirit is palpable. I can see his smile in my inner eye. He watches my moves and supports me through all my dark times. The love we have together is unbelievably superb beyond this world. I am blessed to experienced such profound love. This love is unmeasurable, infinite and timeless. He broke my heart open. To be a space for love for others. I became present with all my relationships. I treasure every soul that comes to my energy fields. I became alive because of this separation from Theo’s physical presence. Somehow, I learn my lesson of not taking for granted who is present with me. What a beautiful gift!
With this deep pain, I regain my composure by taking it as a gift. A gift to create something beautiful for my life and others. It is a treasure to hold deep into my life. That while I am here in mother earth, I will recognize the presence of love. To see beyond the form, to feel deep, to be present and act on my dreams. Fearlessly, I face this world. This universe became my play ground. I co-create with the divine presence of the Source of all that is. I revered life.
I am very grateful for all of these gifts. Theo had given me love and life. This upcoming year 2019 is bringing me fruits of my labor. The ending of my nursing career of 27 yrs. Suddenly I found myself in a space of pure creativity. I can write whenever I want to. I can create gatherings. It is time to enjoy and be the master of my creation. Life is mysteriously weaving the threads of my tapestry.
What are my intentions for this year 2019? I intend to share my gifts of wisdom, knowledge and healing through mastery courses. To be able to mentor students to teach what I created. Publishing Cosmic Soul which is composed of the readings and healings that I did for 10 yrs. To teach how to access their book of life. To share internationally my works in my home town Philippines. To reach out to the orphans and be able to help them in their elevation of consciousness.
To teach that everyone of us has the innate ability to master our own blueprints. To transcend our victim consciousness into empowerment and courage to more forward. To teach that any obstacles is a door of opportunity to expand. To know that triggers are our catalyst or compass to our way to freedom. To free ourselves from illusions of attachments and truly see our divine essence in this incarnated body and mind. That we are bigger than this. We are not our body. We are infinite beings of Light. That as a part of this macrocosm, we can make a difference in our collective. To shine this bright Light and inspire trillions of stars in our galaxy. This is 2019, expansive and brilliant. Happy New Year to all you beautiful souls in the universe. I love you from the bottom of my heart and soul! xo
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