07 Aug 88 Lion’s Gateway Activations
This auspicious timeline is activating us in our collective to receive the power of the sun. In this transition of your galactic human genome, you will see beyond your existence. The polarity that was seeded during your genetic experimentation with the myriad races that influenced and imprinted you will come into a common ground which is the neutrality of your higher perspective. This will help you assimilate and see beyond polarity.
The communications that you are receiving is clear, that you are a star seed and have come here to help awaken humanity. The courage in your heart like the Lion’s heart is at one with the collective. To create a trajectory of love, being present and anchored in this lifetime with open mind and heart. Refining the Galactic lineage to one unified field, there is no separation or polarity. Dismantling all fears of separation from the Source and all that is. The alchemy of unifying forces that will assist you in remembering your Galactic heritage. This gateway portal is downloading you information for your highest good and potential, when you are open to receive it. The Sirian energies activating the nexus points of the pyramids in Giza and attuning your planetary bodies with this light technology and information being passed on through eons of lifetimes. The Sphinx is a monumental activator of these powerful energies, that holds the template of the collective Akashic Records. As this alignment with the Orion’s belt of Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak downloads us with higher wisdom of the heart. Reminding us of our sovereignty and where we have come from.
The Leo energies, symbolizes the heart of the Great Central Sun. In this creative timeline you will reinvent yourself. You will be more focused in your creativity. Knowing that with every moment you spend in joy is like building treasures for future generations. You become a lighthouse for others to receive light nutrients that will help them in seeing their light. The light fractals that you are seeing is an indicator of your broader and widen spectrum, activating you in this accelerated and higher universal light frequencies.
Your solar plexus is activated to trust in the universal timeline. Surrendering to what is unfolding right before your eyes. To listen and act on what is being conveyed to you is to fulfill your heart’s desires. Do not be alarmed when your manifestation is happening fast. There is no time and space between your intention and manifestation, you have become a galactic transmitter in your planetary earth. The alchemy of your 3D into your ascended avatar of 5D is more pronounced. The channeling becomes a conduit for you to self-realized that you have shifted into this dynamic system.
The self-sacrifice old programs are being dismantled to renew your self-worth. Balancing the forces and integrating your feminine and masculine aspects helps you to embody this new template of the Galactic Human system. Seeing the light within and radiating the light of joy in your heart helps others without your self-sacrifice. Being your authentic self and anchoring your higher self into your body deva spirit to be a full embodiment of human and divine expression.
The mirror reflection affects the way you perceive others, by dismantling the polarized mentality and separation, you become more attuned into the unified filed of consciousness. This brings the synergy of love and unity that will heal the planetary’s consciousness and all sentient beings. This collaborative and harmonious living with the plants, animals and minerals kingdoms assist humanity in your unification with other races and beings on earth. Being unified within your inner self, reflects it back to you as in unified collective. It takes assimilation and action to understand this new concept of you being unified without judgement, separation, and fragmentation. As you evolve in this new template of unity, you will begin to experience the collapsing of all timelines. You will perceive that your existence is holographic in nature beyond space and time. You are reclaiming your birthright as a majestic divine expression of the Source of all that is. You are a fractal of love and light. May you co-exist peacefully with all that is and know that you are here to experience love and light.
Maureen Edwardson
Posted at 15:58h, 07 AugustWow Teza! Your channeling is so deeply aligned with my heart and soul’s purpose with IRT!
Blessings in Sirius Oneness dear sister🙏😇💗