25 Jan 6 Planets alignment
Divine emanation of the alignment of these 6 planets:
We are in the shifting of a new template of human genome. As we usher into the unified consciousness, we are called to increase our higher frequencies into the higher ascension. The Alpha generations will usher this timeless infinite soul’s path. They have the codes of unconditional love, sensitivity, compassion, kindness and collectively we become the eternal students of the stars. The star seeds are being ignited within to unite, gather and support these high energies of alignment, integration and to access the interstellar and interplanetary alignment. More harmony, synergy, deep purpose and divine mission are connecting us to being fully embodied into our mother earth. Self-recognizing that we are here to serve and connect to each other. There is no separation or illusion that can stay here anymore. We listen and vibrate to the truth. The illusions that veiled our perception had been illuminated by the power of the Great Central Sun. Activated by the Masters of Light who silently watched all of us. They are here with us collectively journeying within and our creations.
Planet Venus- she is full of beauty and grace reminding us of our divine feminine goddess, that in the midst of chaos there is stillness to be found. Within each of us, we can be the eye of the storm. Inside we have peace of mind, peace within our hearts and souls. The body co-creates these frequencies of gentleness, kindness and happiness that you are here incarnated and experiencing all sensations of emotions. The body is fully equipped to rejuvenate, reinvigorate and remember how to be flow with divine grace. Respecting each part of your human genome without any guilt, harshness and shame. It is time to rise, accept and acknowledge that your human body is going through massive shifts in frequencies and density. Follow the pulsations of your heart and release any toxic emotions that are stocked in your cellular level of memories and consciousness. Free yourself from any harming emotions and thoughts that are not serving your highest good.
Planet Mars- Courage, vigor, and ready to move forward to the next steps that will take you to the peak of your success. The actions that you will take one step at a time will add up to the trajectory of your soul. Asking questions to attain a higher vision for yourself and that will serve in attainment of peace for all mankind. These higher frequencies of light are awakening our rainbow warriors’ template to forge through the heavier dense dimensions of the old paradigm. It is reawakening the fire within igniting the spark of the Great Central Sun that is partaking in this huge shift of our evolution. We are guided to listen to the calling of the enlightened ancestors of the land, the plants kingdom, animal and mineral kingdom are collaborating and co-creating this new shift into interplanetary travels and exploration of the space. The elementals have been here longer before humans, they are co-existing with us to help us remember our origins. We are nature, everything around us is a part of our existence. The fire burns our egoic mind and dissipates our illusions that we are isolated beings. It helps us to know and remember our true essence like trillions of cells in our body, we belong to the conglomeration of the stars in the sky.
Planet Neptune- the dreamers are here to infuse to our collective the lightness of life’s mysterious ways of enchantment. We seem to forget how to dream, this is the wings of light. When we dream it takes us away from the density of being human. The weights of our shoulders will be lifted. The million matrices of our hologram will reinstate where we once had been and where we are heading. The future timelines are here co-establishing a new way of thinking and acting. We will free ourselves from any restrictions and contractions. We become accustomed to new visions of how freedom feels and what dreams are made of. This movie of your life story will be in your hands. The setting, the characters that you allow in your life will depend on your free will. Everything is a choice. You choose the lighter path, letting go of any heaviness and dramatic parts of yourself, the victim is gone. You allow only things that enhances and lights you up. There is no illusion in your choices. You are awake and conscious of all your creations. Be a dreamer of positive energies, become one and all around you will be filled with love, light and bliss. Live your dreams come true. The mystics are activated and leading the ways for a new frontier of light.
Planet Saturn– the timekeeper, it stands still like a father watching his child grows and leading it’s time to fulfill its mission. We are like children of the sun, we come here with the eyes of innocence, pure hearts and not knowing what is in store for our golden path. As we blossom like a flower of our youth, we sometimes forget our own power. We become a sacred rebel, trying to find who we are in this chaotic world. Until we meet face to face Saturn to understand our purpose, this dharma leads us back to happiness. The joy within our hearts, that knows we are in the right path. Eternal soul that we are, we are reminded over and over again in our cyclical incarnations around the Sun, that we are here finite. Limited time in this body suit, so wake up, be kind and bloom like a Lotus in the mud. Climb the highest mountain, be steadfast, persevering what is given to us with love and light.
Planet Uranus- we are in the Aquarian age and with this we are soaking the juice of the transformations of our earth and seedlings. The humans are experiencing the galactic template that is merging into this hybrid. We are in the precipice of time, awakening all of us into the new template of timeless and spaceless exploration of ourselves and the planets around us. The veil of hidden stars is gone. We are travelling in the vast creations of ether. The sky is infinite just like us. We are becoming accustomed to our original state of spirit and that we flow with what is given to us. The destruction is part of human awakening. As we traverse these soulful journeys, we activate our 12 strand DNA the liberation of our souls. These massive shifts will be felt each day each moment we enter the portals of lights. The evolution of AI will be more pronounced, and our children are indoctrinated with this technology advancement. They hold the codes of this template; the new Gen Z and Alpha Gen will be the embodiment of the galactic human hybrid. They are free to be who they are. They shine their Light presence wherever they go. They have the wings of the Seraphim. They are protected, guided and we will be the highlights of accomplishments as a collaborator in merging this new technology and advancements.
Planet Jupiter- the blessings of expansion, exploration and freedom. This is the huge planet of Jupiter showering us with divine grace. As we continue to traverse with our collective, we become more conscious of our intentions, thoughts, emotions, and actions. These affect and create ripples to all sentient beings of light. They manifest in our mother earth that interact with all planets in our solar system and the galaxy Milky Way. That is how important we are contributing to each other’s growth, progress and harmony. If all of us will raise our frequencies and vibrations for the highest good of all, we will become efficient in co-creating a unified consciousness. This will promote great health, wealth and prosperity to our families. Each one of us who incarnated here have sacred contracts with our Source of Light. This contract needs to be taken seriously, responsibly and we are accountable for each of our own creations. Together we can believe that the chaos is here to wake us to what is meaningful to our collective. Each personal stories matter to the whole humanity.
May the blessings of these planets activate our mind and heart to serve as the highest version of ourselves! May we release any form of sufferings and pain. May we trust that divine grace is upon us. May peace and love be upon us in all ways. Namaste!
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