12 Sep The Trickster, Shaman, Mystic and Alchemist Archetypes
On July 10 till 16th 2023 my soul sister Cidalia and I went to Mount Shasta for our personal retreat, and I recognized that these archetypes were activated during our trip to Mount Shasta. The trickster is an entity that distracts and creates confusion during our travel. There was a spirit of a fool. It felt like my mind was tricked in thinking that Theo was with me and was taking me to the astral realm. The Shaman appeared and was the medicine that I needed to help me go through the underworld. When we met Dr. Tonya Elliott, she took us to the Ascension Rock. I was in a different world. As we were climbing the rock, I felt the spirit of an animal within me. I was like a jaguar climbing and looking at the landscape. Then, it changed to a lion and I felt the fire within me. Until I settled and suddenly, I was out of my body. I remembered staring at the rock beside me and it turned into a face of an eagle. I was holding the face and I was in awe of its transformation. But as I left my body, I was taken by the eagle to its back, and we flew all over the majestic mountain. I saw the four women around me who were trying to wake me up. I saw them turned into old ancestors. It was phenomenal. It felt like time stood still. I was out of my body and in the presence of the mighty eagle showing the paramount vista of this sacred land. Dr. Tonya handed me a gift of two Owl Medicine feathers. She told me, “don’t give this away, this is your medicine from the Owl. It is a gift of wisdom.” I was humbled. I have always loved the owl and I was wondering why I have never seen it. When I received this gift, it made it more special as these are feathers from the great owl. I treasured this sacred medicine.
I felt my spirit came back into my body and these 4 women continued the sacred medicine song and it felt surreal to be back. That was a mystic experience of the mystic. The combination of these three archetypes can be draining my whole system but I was so high that I did not feel any weakness. I was full of spirit. We were riding with the energies of these shadows also and we almost did not make it home. We did not have enough gas to go home and cross the border. We ended up in Cannon Beach at midnight, staring at the thousands of stars and sitting by the burning fire. It was a night to remember. It was adventurous connecting to the galaxy of stars and universe. It was beyond my imagination.
Today I was introduced to the Agarthans, the ancestors of the Telosians, they were initially Atlantean and Lemurian refugee survivors from the Atlantis destruction.. They are the gatekeepers of the Halls of Amenti. The Telos is one of the divine citadels of the Agarthans who are now a highly advanced, multi-dimensional and sophisticated civilization that resides inside the pristine core of hollow earth. The Telos who lived inside Mount Shasta.
I have never heard of Agarthans. I dreamt of these giants last night. One took me closed to the vast ocean and I saw two huge boulders of rock like mountains. It reminded me of Cannon Beach. In between these two rock formations was the ocean flowing with vibrant colors like rainbows and Aurora Borealis frequencies of light. It was electrifying to watch. The vibrations were so high and stunning to watch. I woke up feeling the vibrations of the light and ocean. I was immersed in magic. I realized I have a client this morning and then knew the connection of this dream. The origin of this human who is coming to see me. It was fascinating to see how the Akashic Records of this person expand my horizon and was able to connect to the Agarthans. I felt humbled and inspired to write about this timeline. I knew the Telosians are bringing me these souls that will reveal to me their heritage and communications. I am so grateful for this opportunity.
The healing session is about creations when we incarnate with the victim consciousness, and we find ourselves in a certain field of studies and how we can alchemize that 3D matrix into a more evolve timeline. Creating a 5D matrix within us and around our fields. It gave us clarity on how to navigate through these different timelines. How to focus on the quantum matrix of creation and do not be distracted by the old paradigm. Through this dynamic system we can let go of the old, tap into the new timeline and manifest it in our realities. With no fear or resistance to the unknown mystery of life. The fear or shadow as we become friendlier to them, we gain deeper understanding and wisdom. That all is well in the seemingly stuckness and slow turn of events. As we accelerate these higher frequencies that we are receiving, we are letting go of our old ways of thinking and managing our lives. One divine perfect time, it is being revealed to us. No more resisting or holding back but to fully self-recognized our sovereignty. To reclaim our birthright. We are free from any type of interference. We are powerful beings of Light and love.
The Alchemist
As we become powerful, the energy of the Alchemist is pronounced. There is no space and time within the Alchemist Archetype. It is present with the quantum fields of eternity. The infinite timeline of creation is one that has no resistance and fear. There is no contraction or tightness but free of constraints and restrictions. It is free. No attachments to the outcome and expectation of others. But doing things because of our passion, driven mission, and purpose. This is the alchemical way, when we take this power and know without a doubt that we are here called, chosen for this sacred work and to fully receive this divine grace and blessings for the highest good of all and the collective.
We become galactic warriors of light. We let go of any fear of the unknown, we become zealous and have the courage to move forward with what we choose to create for our lives. We feel at peace within, and our mind flows with what is unfolding in our current timeline. Our multidimensional state of being becomes palpable and we know how to navigate between shadow and light. This is the shadow work turning lead into gold. This golden light that passes through our energy centres, straight from crown chakra, received by thousand petalled lotus, the Lord Medicine Buddha is showering us with its luminous illuminating light of wisdom and ancient knowledge. We are blessed to be here on mother earth, to radiate and shine this divine light within. We become the golden liquid light. We are the light that will help transcend our consciousness, together with the Masters of Light we can shift our 3D world and live in blissful harmonious Mu.
Remembering our Lemurian and Atlantean ancestors to support and guide us through it all. Recalibrating our body, mind, heart, spirit and soul to the highest version of ourselves. Together we are the alchemist of Mother Earth, shifting into our crystalline light body and igniting the crystalline light matrix of Gaia. Activated, aligned, and integrated, we are gathering the light workers and co-creating a new Earth. In all timelines, grids, and vortexes we can all activate this cosmic grid of light with our spiritual light bodies, we are the avatar that we are waiting for. Believe and trust that you are guided, with your Higher Self anchored within your body deva spirit and mother Earth Gaia. Divine blessings of grace and bliss!
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