06 Dec
- Selfless, spiritual and wants to serve the collective consciousness
- Inspiring lives, they like to evolve, learn and grow wisdom to share to others
- Teachers, guides and judges
- Likes freedom
- Travel to sacred spaces and interested in ancient wisdom Lemuria and Atlantis
- Balanced female and male or androgynous
- They don’t like rules and restrictions
- They are rebels
- Protective of their emotional boundaries
- Private and feels low self-esteem
- They love nature and ocean
- They feel like they are outsiders, do not belong to this universe
The Andromeda Galaxy was formed roughly 10 billion years ago from the collision and subsequent merger of smaller protogalaxies. Andromeda is approximately 150,000 light years and it is 2.5 million light years away from Earth and the nearest large galaxy to the Milky way. The number of stars contained is estimated at one trillion roughly twice the number estimated for the Milky Way. The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are expected to collide in around 4-5 billion years.
The 7th dimension is a realm of cosmic sound that generates the 6D geometric forms by vibrational resonance. Sound originates in the vibrational frequencies of the spinning, orbiting bodies in the universe. According to Barbara Hand Clow author of “The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions” The Divine Mind or God influences all the bodies in the universe by movement and measure. In the Milky Way, cosmic sound travels within the great 7D photon bands and structure the Galaxy itself. Within the photon bands, 8D “thought waves of light” step down by octaves into lower frequency 7D sound waves. These waves circulate galactic energy into the spheric field of the Milky Way. Since sound waves are lower frequency than light waves, these waves sing the Divine Mind. The Photon band that is now activating Earth is a key part of the great Milky Way structure.
The Keeper of the 7D is Andromeda, which is now converging with the Milky Way while all other galaxies are moving away. Andromeda is visible as an exquisite spiral in the night sky just spinning outside our galactic plane. Andromeda has a huge influence on the Milky Way especially within our solar system, since Andromeda has a similar solar system. There is a planet named Aion, which is like Earth. The only difference is that Aion did not experience a great cataclysm as Earth did 11, 500 years ago. They are devoid of collective trauma.
In Andromeda there is no separation from God, because it retained its biological knowledge, it is the keeper of 7D for Earth. They transmit harmonic records by sound from the Aion Library to the center of the Milky Way and the vibrational intensity of the records is rising exponentially. Andromeda created a Cosmic Restart Button 2,000 yrs ago and sent Christ, a 9D Messiah. According to Barbara’s channeling that DNA reformulates by love. Christ seeded humanity with grace, which draws each one of us to a new level. We are withdrawing from the Elite organized religions and reclaiming our sacred. At this time, celestial sounds quicken Earth as Andromeda beams our Galactic Center. Cosmic consciousness is becoming audible on earth by sacred sounds from the Galactic Center. We are being reattuned with nature.
Andromeda Channeling:
Beloved Beings of Light, we are here to support you in your transition into a higher octave of frequencies. The high frequencies of sound helps you harmonize your trillion of cells to vibrate into higher frequencies of light. This is a channel of light that we receive and transmit it through the sound waves particles to your 3D plane. It takes your higher self to anchor this into your system. We ask you to merge with your higher self and body deva spirit to fully anchor these sound waves. To receive higher frequencies of Light from the Galactic Center, you need to clear your system of heavy densities and toxins that block your receptors. Your Pineal Gland needs to decalcify to receive these vibrations and balance your left and right brain. This is to amplify the sound frequencies that is being transmitted to you. As you become more aware of your light frequencies, you are becoming a galactic embodiment of the higher realms.
Together we will assist you in fine tuning your vibratory rate. The electrical current that you are receiving from the cosmos, and time waves of the quantum field of unified space will gravitate into your system to magnetize fully into your planet Earth during these tumultuous cycles of clearing. You are attracting higher emotions of love and light when you fully embody and understand your true nature. You are a wave of vibrations, functioning according to what your energetic signature transmit into the universal energy. When you emit higher frequencies of light, you receive higher octaves of resonance from the universe. You are externalizing what is vibrating inside of your thoughts, clear thoughts pave the way to higher vibrating life.
The more fully conscious you are of your natural state of higher vibrations, it will become a natural condition for you. This is your return home to the vibrations of God, it vibrates in higher frequencies of light and love. Your awareness of your multi-dimensionality being such as physical body, emotional body, mental body, etheric body and astral body will help you anchor this new template of your super conscious mind. You are a receptor of the Divine Mind, tapping into your highest potential.
The sound waves will assist you to remember the higher frequencies of your Galactic travels into the vast galaxies and universe. As a Galactic Emissary of the Council of Light, you have sign for this divine appointment. You are always guarded, guided and protected. We are here to direct you to the meaning of your precious life on Earth. There is no separation between us, we are timeless and beyond space. We live in quantum fields of miracles. As you receive this activation, you will feel this in your heart and core being. It harmonizes within your DNA/RNA remembering the codes and keys of higher dimensions. Your trillion of cells are happy to receive these nutrients. They are happy to be reactivated and recalibrated to its highest good. They are vibrating higher when receiving channeling from higher realms. They are listening to what you are accessing and reorganizing their holographic matrix. This become your trajectory for your visions and dreams to come true in the unified field of consciousness. You are being recalibrated to a harmonious, unified and compassionate template into the New Earth during this ushering of the golden era. You will find that you are indeed nature, surrounding yourself with plants, your pet and living organically to help sustain the sovereignty of Earth. Healing yourself will send ripples of love to all sentient beings. Vibrate higher and BE. Blessings!
Personal experience:
I have a student that is from Andromeda. I did not realized this until one day while going to meet the two students, I was driving and there was a strong force inside my car. My bag fell to the floor three times. It felt strange. As I arrived to our appointment, both of my students arrived. I started talking about the new way that I am accessing the Akashic Records. I was talking to my other student and received some information for herself. Suddenly the other one asked, “where did I come from?” As I tune within, I heard the clear words, “Andromeda, Andromeda.” I did not know then what is Andromeda? But I said it anyway, she was so excited to hear this. Apparently, she knew this when she was young. She studied Astronomy and felt that she had come from Andromeda.
Then, another incident that I was with her. I was driving the car and went for sound bath. After this I parked my car to take her to the sky train. While we were sitting inside the car, she was emotional and was crying. I went out of the car and opened my trunk to get a box of napkins. When I got back inside the car I started the engine and it will not start. The battery died. I had to ask my son to come and help me recharged the car. The next day I went to have my car check by a mechanic and there was nothing wrong with my battery. The force was too strong that it influenced my car.
I feel that Andromeda has difficulty accepting their existence here in our planet. They feel they do not belong here and have a low self-esteem. They are highly intuitive and have a lot of gifts to share. I believe if they can accept their higher consciousness and be gentle on themselves they will have a smoother transition in our planet. Adapting and accepting into their incarnation to be able to bring out their innate gifts of higher frequencies will be beneficial for Andromeda star seeds.
Reference: Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions
By Barbara Hand Clow
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