11 Nov 1111 Gateway Portal for our Collective
Today I woke up to an acceleration upgrades of our collective consciousness. I woke up in the middle of the night and surrender to receive the messages from these Masters of Light. Waking up to write is one of my practice, to be in silence and listen to what I am receiving. The 12 Dragon Elders are communing to me this week. After my retreat with my friend Susan’s children. I was told that the children needed initiations with the Dragons for protection.
The Indigo children who came to awaken us for the transmutation of the systems that are corrupt. They brought awareness to our realities that we need to pay attention to what is occurring right now. It had been here since the beginning of time. We were just in a mass hypnosis. We are gullible and vulnerable to the mal-intentions of these malevolent beings. We played victims to the circumstances. We lost our sovereignty and power.
Ask yourself these questions, what are needed to change and transform for the betterment of our future generation? The things that are bombarding us from mass distractions, fake news and media manipulations, greedy economy, pharmacological warfare and war invasion of other countries and control of our freedom. These are just some of the tactics that are now playing to corrupt our souls.
The children of the sun, crystals and rainbow warriors are here now. You will notice the appearances of the rainbows lately, these are activations of your Rainbow Light body. You are this being, you just forgotten the keys and codes for your ascension. This process of awakening is beyond you now. You are collectively rising to the occasion. No more playing small. You are an expansive soul that is here to brightens others path. You are a fractal of the holographic matrices of the Dragons that carries your DNA to a new template of this light warrior.
You are in a mind game. The way to navigate through this is to stay in your heart chakra. Being mindful of your inner thoughts and where you put your attention. Compassion is one of the key that will ground you back into your heart. The wisdom that you carry is from the gatekeepers that are here to help you rise up. They have been watching us to see if we can sustain a light body encoded with the ascension properties. Like the chemicals within our system, we are indoctrinated through our gene pools, environment and beliefs. How we can alter this invasion of our souls without being negative and hostile to our own inner peace?
The Squid Game is design to wake us up from our sleep, but the violent ways that are imprints of this hypnosis is yet another violation to our souls. It will teach children more violence and mind games. It will corrupt our peace. Learn your lesson through awareness and peace. There is no time, we are boundless energies. Like the stars in the universe we are shining light beings. When we are attune to this universal energy, we are in synch to the magical moments that we receive. Letting go of our control to the situations that are not in harmony to our souls.
Quickening is the collapse of our egoic mind, we become integrated and focused on love, laughter and living from the heart. The children are our line to know what is important in our lives. Pay attention to their needs like love, knowing that they belong, give them validations for who they are, their strength and their weaknesses are part of being human. They are teaching us constantly how to evolve as better humans and fully divine. Embracing these teachings from the children will help us enter the kingdom of God, the Source of all that is.
We need the elementals to ground us to mother earth our planetary body. The Earth Dragon helps us to remember our land. Practice invoking the enlightened ancestors that you have and the indigenous ancestors that prepared our land that we are standing from. This is a practice that keep us grateful and humble to our mother earth. Taking a walk in the forest, bathing in her majestic trees. Giving us the oxygen that we need to breathe. Breathing in and breathing out the carbon that the trees need. What a symbiosis of energy exchange. Like our selves we need others to assist us in our ascension process. To remember the keys and codes that we need to navigate through these changing times.
The Water Dragon help us to flow and circulate blockages to be release within our system. Our egoic mind can play tricks and make us believe of the lower emotional frequencies that our emotional body is imprinted. We become aware of our emotions and where in our body this emotions is stuck. By listening and tuning in to our body when we are feeling something extra ordinary we are able to locate, acknowledge and let go of these emotional imprints within our emotional body. This wisdom will help us through our daily life and we become more aware of our emotions when we are stuck in challenging times.
The Air Dragon helps us in our ways of thinking and how we can let go of thoughts that are vibrating in lower frequencies such as jealousy, anxiety, worry, fear or survival, competition, anger and many more negative state of our mind and thinking. Our thoughts are energies that manifest into form. If we are not aware of these thousands of negative thoughts, we become blocked to shine our light body. Because layers of shadows dim our light within. Our Shakti or fire in the kundalini or path of our nervous system in our spine lies behind the secrets of our awakening. Our incessant thoughts if not grounded into our roots chakra becomes foggy mind. Our brain can breathe through this fog by practicing yoga, to ground to the roots chakra and directly release any toxins or heaviness that we are carrying by over thinking and busy mind that we have. The Air Dragon helps us to release this by being in contact to our planetary body.
The Fire Dragon assist us in purifying and igniting our fire to move through the illusions. This fire sits in our stomach, the solar plexus chakra energy center. The Citrine crystal can assist us in harmonizing this energy center. Our action takes precedence from this inner knowing, our center and gravitational force to move and trust the universe. The Great Central Sun that governs our light body connects us through the power of Archangel Michael the mighty powerful warrior of light. This Master helps us to clear and cut any cords from the lower vibratory frequencies that are attached to us unconsciously. The fire helps us eliminate any excess baggage that we carry in our energy centers. Giving us a more clear and direct divine mission to what is our purpose in this lifetime.
The Akashic Dragon is helping us connect to our divine blueprint with the help of Archangel Metatron who holds the keys to our ascension process. When you are given the access to your personal blueprint, you are able to function in your highest potential and for all sentient beings. You become one with God or Source of all that is. You are living multi-dimensionally with open mind and heart. You live in the present moment interacting with your soul’s blueprint. This dragon helps you to transform your victim archetype into an empowered state of being. Thriving in what you are here to share and serve the collective. You become centered in your mission. You are the master of your soul.
These 5 Elder Dragons will assist us through this navigation in our present moments. As I introduce them slowly, take your time to assimilate and receive their initiations in your system. Spending time with their presence will activate your consciousness to be more aware of these presence in your DNA/RNA consequences. You will receive downloads and insights from your own spiritual masters to encircle you in this challenging times. As we wake you up to what is your true essence, we are here to help you become true and authentic to your own soul’s path. Becoming a true master is working through the challenges with ease, grace and flow. Like liquid we can help you alchemize the state of frozenness. Turning you into the golden liquid of light that we need to usher the golden times. Remembering the Atlantis times of your higher self, connected to your mastery. Do not be distracted with what is happening, this is your mastery and we are here to lead you back to why you are here?
Reflect, meditate and journal with your Akashic Records. Create a sacred space with your invocations to the Masters of Light will help you become stronger Rainbow Warriors of Light. We are one Hologram and your existence is a fractal of us. You are remembering the Holy Matrix. You are a guardian keeper of this paradise template. As we reveal ourselves to you, you will remember us. Becoming one in this portal of 1111, you are receiving the activations of the Masters and Elder Dragons of your existence through light years of communications we are now here. Blessings!
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