Waking up with the Masters

The divine infinite intelligence of the creator, The Source, is within us in our multi-dimensional bodies of light and love. Our cellular fibers, tissues, membranes, bio-etheric fields, crystalline fields, holographic matrices, memories, and consciousness hold this energetic blueprints of the Divine source of all that is. We had forgotten the codes and keys to unlock this wisdom. Right now these graces are being dispensed to humanity. We are at the threshold of the awakening of our divine consciousness. We are blessed to be in this divine fields of creation. Our portals are opening and accelerating in our awakening as a whole collective consciousness.

The body, mind, heart, and soul consciousness of our humanity is shifting into being divine. The masks that we wear can lead us astray to what our truth is. The illusions and separation that blind us, can get in the way of achieving the mastery of our soul’s purpose. The sacred heart is where the fire of the holy spirit resides and burns away our darkness, making space for the infusion of light. This sacred heart space is where we want to ground our monkey mind. This is where the sacred dance between the divine and our souls begins. The fire within our sacred heart ignites our passion to co-create a life filled with grace and divine eternal love.

Being a Cosmic Soul is the template to master our soul’s purpose. Through opening our Akashic Records, the truth that resides in every one of us opens the portals that are hidden from sight. They are revealed to us with clarity, precision and understanding. We understand why things have to happen in the dark night of our souls. What are the treasures hidden in our darkness? How can we see the light in these situations and find the courage to empower ourselves? What are the steps to liberate our attachments from these blockages? What is true freedom? What are the secrets of the Masters to find answers to our overwhelming challenges? These are the questions that will expand our consciousness and bring light into our realities.

Truth, what is our truth? Truth is relative and different for every one of us, we hold the blueprints to our destinies. We can only align to our personal truth when we are broken open. Our souls hold the keys to our truth when we are able to let go of control. Surrender to the divine flow ever calling. When there is no resistance, we flow with the divine grace. This is the true calling of the spiritual warrior. We are being called to let go of our ego and merge to that grand design of our blueprints. The Akashic Record holds our soul’s vibrations, we will align to our truth when we can access our blueprints. This will give us a glimpse of our future ascended mastery. We are here to co-create this divine plan interweaving with other sentient beings of Light and Love.

What is liberation of our spirit?

Liberation is about freeing ourselves from the attachments of this world. This is allowing ourselves to be free from the chains of human deceptions, lies and manipulations. It is our very self that hinders us from being a master. Mastery is an alchemical process, we are turning lead into gold through our spiritual wisdom. The illusion of being separated from the Source is the ego’s way of tricking us that we are small. We are bigger that what we think. How to transform these insecurities? We need to be an observer of all of our creations. Everything that we see is our projection. Because we are the magnet of our realities. Our mirrors are the trigger to go within and see what is blocking us in our creations. First and foremost, we need to know and master the tools that we have. The way we think things through, for instance, may or may not allow access to solutions that create shift.

The same mind that created the situation is incapable of the alchemical process. The secret is to turn it around. When you are overwhelmed by a reality, hooked by how it is presented by the senses, it is necessary to stop and pause. This momentary pause allows one to reflect and bring in another points of perception, perhaps of the opposite spectrum. Turn things around just like the sufi twirls, go with the dance of the universal energy. Fear turns into love and light. Light and Love collapses the densities of any situations. Forgiveness is a powerful portal to see beyond the challenges. But we can only go through that sacred space when we have purified our mind, heart, spirit and soul. The process of liberating our thoughts from false identification (ego) takes a deeper understanding of how our consciousness works.

When we attain freedom from our illusions, we become free spirited sentient beings of Light and Love. This sacred space is attained when one sees everything through the eyes of God. We will never attain inner peace as long as we perceive or blame others for our situations. We have to free ourselves from this projection, look within and know that others are the catalyst to empower us. The treasure is finding the gem in every challenge. We have the power to transform what is on our plate with the assistance of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and angels, Benevolent beings of Light, our spiritual teams and guides, loved ones, ancestors from other dimensions and the Lords of the Akashic Records. The pathway to true freedom is becoming a Master of Light and Love.

Our soul mastery is about the integration of all our shadows and light aspects to become whole. There are sacred contracts that we have co-created in our blueprints that need clarity and understanding in order to fully function as the archetypal energy of a Master. When we understand the soul’s perspective of what is our highest good in this incarnation, we will be fully aligned to our fate and destiny, The universe will synchronize with our movements and bring us the fruits of our works. Miraculously, we will be basking in the sacred space of total surrender to God or the universe. The activations that we are receiving from these Masters of Light and Love will bring us to our highest vibrational frequencies. The law of attraction will manifest right here right now. Together with the creator we will create this amazing dance.

Blessings of miracles,


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