Take the time to love life

Life can be busy with all the things that you want to do and create. Sometimes we lose sight of what is important when we are focus on things that we want to do. Today take the time, to breathe, meditate and feel the things around you. What have you created? And how you can shift your focus into a more lighter ways of dealing with your self. We can become hard on ourselves when we are in the middle of it. We forget to take time and let things unfold. Grow with your ideas with gentleness and kindness towards yourself. We want to do things without taking the time to know why we are doing things in a rush? Let it takes its course. Time is precious but there is divine timing that only the Source or God has it all figure out. We have no control or power over this dimension. The spiritual force has our blueprints mapped out. Let us take the time to love life and our blessings.

One thing I learned is that when things are not working, it is time to pause. Surrender to the present moment. Resisting is not helpful but allowing creates a space of flow. Flow with what you are given and know that everything passes away. There is time for everything. As I listen to what is given to me, my life purpose becomes more clear. I am here to help others see the bigger picture of their lives. In the midst of chaos, I am able to guide and bring in light. I thank God for this precious gift of healing. To help others see their highest potential is truly an inspiration. Supporting others to see beyond illusion.

In this sacred path, we are guided to know that we are always supported by our spiritual guides and Masters. Open the doorway to allow them lead us to the right path. We can be stubborn at times, not being able to let go of old patterns and conditioning. But there is hope for all of us. We are being called to follow the lighter path. There is another portal when you are stuck in your own ways. This is the path of ascension, when you are able to transcend lower emotional frequencies into a higher octave. Feel lighter, send healing energies to those who are asking for help and be happy with your life and blessings. Create a life filled with meaningful relationships and celebrate. Living with a joyful mind creates a blissful life.

Ask yourself these questions when stuck: Am I getting in the way for better things to show up in my life? What is it that keeps repeating in my karmic relationships? Can I let this go and allow new things to show up? Will I be at peace and totally surrender my life to God or Source? Can I forgive others for hurting me and forgive myself for hurting others?

Then be grateful, focus on your blessings everyday. Appreciate others in your life and let them know how much they meant to you. Celebrate your success and be happy with others success. Help others who are in need and know your boundaries. Have strong faith that all is well. You are so loved by the universe, you are here to shine your bright light! Blessings!


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