Reprogramming our Unconscious Mind

Our unconscious mind is our records of attachments, old programming that no longer serve us. This is rooted in fear and survival codes of humanity. As we ascend into the fifth dimension, we are given access to be our Higher Self. Fully encoded with integrity, we are able to understand how the universal laws affect our reality. Everything is here within us. We are encoded with these light codes from the Source of all that is.

We are being ask to let go and surrender old programs, reversing polarity we become align to what is true for us. When we signed up to be a way shower we are destined to serve humanity with our mastered skills. Our existence is in a multidimensional state, when we are aligned to our core essence. We purify our thoughts with no judgements for ourselves and others. It is about vibrations and consciousness.

Our Higher Self is now anchored within, we have done the integration. We are serving this human collective to radiate light and attune them into the higher frequencies. Gaining wisdom about our ascension process, we become one unified consciousness. Freedom from the reactive world of ego, we become attune with love. Love is the strongest power in the universe. It bonds us beyond the form and allow us to open our mind and hearts.

Forgiveness, true surrender and integrity are the most important aspects to be integrated to be wholesome in our ascension. We become one with all and we realized that everything is a part of us. We are holographic fractals of the universe.

Chaos in the world is here to create the unified field. We have to collapse the way we think and reverse our polarized mind. In the true essence there is no time and space but we are eternal souls. To restructure our neuro pathways, we need to let go of our old ways of thinking. The way we think is old programming, we are being align to our Higher Self in order to understand the bigger picture of our existence. We dissolve the heavy programs, everything has to go. Access can be granted when we can prove that we are in integrity. We are aligning physical reality, not tolerating old programs. No matter what is going on around you, we break old patterns, breaking down human ego and dissolving all dualities.

As you vibrationally align and it takes choosing for every moment. We are intentional creator. The new encodement that we have received. Stay focus about this aspect. Old karmic patterns are wiped out.You become the higher portal, old programs are dissolved for yourself. The more crystalline structure and we process realities simultaneously, massive program upgrade we can not frequency mis-match. we have to hold the higher timelines in place. Each person has their own grids, galactic access. Energetic access to earth, as you dissolve every aspect of our self. Staying focus on what is important now over what used to be. Our hearts open and all of this physical things are not important anymore. When you reached your peak potential, your reality collapses. Unifying of timelines where all the other timelines collapsed. Align realities in soul level not human.

Trust the universe, it is us that would not listen. It is us that wants it our own way. In a human level we are at the best place ever. You have to go on a journey, gatekeeper that you are shown what you have to do. Frontrunners we hold the encodements for our new civilization. To encode them into the new grid keepers of the new earth. There are so many comic portal for ascension, we become the whole universe.


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