Quenching the Thirst

When we are thirsty for something be it love, knowledge, attention or water; we feel the urge to fill in this space. As I listen to clients experiencing this void, I realized that we have the tendency to grasp from the external be it other people, things or place to fill the missing part of the equation. The distraction becomes a confusion that can lead to more emptiness. Like a deep empty well, we try to fetch water that is not there.

We keep adding up things to make up for this void and it becomes an addiction. Our own mind can create more pain than we will ever know. How can we see clearly? How do we come to a point of fulfillment? What are the things that confuses us? Where is this emptiness coming from?

Let us examine this thirst. It is a space of separation from the Source. When you are empty, there is a void within. It can come up from death of a loved one, divorce or any abandonment situations that will trigger this feelings of being alone. We feel the pain of losing the other person. Deep within us is a wounded soul. This becomes like a barren desert, drought, heated and dry.

Taking care of succulents I see the metaphor of life. We crave others attention to give us what we think will fill our thirst. But the truth is like succulents, they don’t thrive with attention. The more you water them, they die. Others will not fill our emptiness. The more we grasp, the more pain we feel. This thirst can only be quench with the divine essence. The knowing that we are always connected. We belong, we are one with all that is. This empty spot is the existential suffering of being a human. This is the spirit that is fragmented.

This thirst is about our separation from God or whatever this means to you; be it the universe, source or creator. It is this separation that we felt right at the get go, when we were born into this world. We feel alienated, where are we? Who is this body? This is the fragmentation of our spirit which is unconscious. As we become adults, we are still looking for acceptance. We get confused with this longing, looking at our external reality and still remain empty. Why? Because we have not become aware of the fragmentation of our body and spirit.

Like these succulents, we will thrive in the drought. Our dark nights of the souls will see Light, when we realized that this thirst is about our separation from the divine Creator or Self. When we look for others to fill this gap, we are in the cycle of addiction. Adding up things to feel more empty. Insanity.

The awareness or knowing that we exist here as a spark of the divine essence will bring us into a space of wholesomeness. We adapt to our own drought. We accept this space of emptiness that only the divine can fill. We see others with a different Light. We stop clinging for others attention. The emptiness makes sense to us, our projections become beautiful and clear. That we are here like succulents, thriving in the dryness of our conditions us human beings.

We become new, we let go of our monkey mind. We become attune to the higher frequencies of love. Our emotional body thrives with so much love and healing Light of the universal creations. This is the metaphor of life that nature can teach us. Open your eyes to what is around you. They are encoded with wisdom. This ancient knowledge that we all have within. Only when we pay attention to what is around us. Who is coming to us? When I become aware of things like these succulents came into my field of awareness. I ask questions to go deeper. By opening this question, “what are you teaching me?” Then, nature starts to communicate and you receive this gift of wisdom. We are truly one, vibrating in one unified consciousness.

We see divine wisdom in little things. Life is meant to be simple. We complicated things with our mind, our ego. Illusions are distractions to our illumination. But through this illusion that we find our Higher Self. The lower vibrations are catapult to raise our vibrations higher. Stay focus on the positive side of the continuum.  We are the alchemist and magnificent beings of Light. We are powerful portal connected to the Source. We activate this dormant factor of our Self when we become aware that we are one. This power lies within us and in nature. Our sacred geometrical pattern of existence resonates in higher frequencies when we receive these activations from our Masters of Light. We need a conscious aware community to support us in this walk. Our soul’s journey and return to home is wonderfully orchestrated in our blueprints. There is no thirst, this is a divine communion with our true essence, our Light.

Sat Nam


  • Faith
    Posted at 16:22h, 23 October

    Absolutely en point, as usual Teza. Great piece. It is true, once we unveil the layers of conditioning, we see what is truly underneath it all- Love. Light. Source.

    Namaste my friend. ♡

    • Teza Zialcita
      Posted at 03:45h, 13 November

      Thank you! Blessings to your path! Teza