How can we help heal mental breakdown?

What caused mental breakdown? Mental breakdown can be caused by many factors. The brain is a complex and dynamic organ with many layers of possibilities. We are multi-dimensional beings emotionally and spiritually we are affected when we have stress.

We are going to explore the depth of a mental breakdown from a mystical point of view. As someone who had experienced mental breakdown, the caused for me was about my sexual abuse in my childhood. Because the root of this was from my own father, my family was in denial about opening up and acknowledging this pain.

There was a lot of shame and guilt, they were not ready to open their heart. It was something that no one was ready to face. As a teenager, I confronted my mother and she denied my truth and told me that I was having a nightmare. I developed insomnia, no appetite and depression, feeling hopeless about my case. I felt I wanted to die. Because of my strong faith to God, I prayed and was able to face my darkest nights of the soul.

Looking back, now that I am a soul healer and facing others who are in the same predicament. I wanted to explore and see what truly happened when someone had a breakdown. Let us go deep into their psyche and how as a family member we can help and create a safe and sacred space for their healing.

Do not rationale with the victim. They lose their touch of reality or present moment when they are in distress. Listening is number one skills in helping someone go through this crisis. The person disassociates from their body. The spirit leaves the person as an escape of their emotional and mental pain. This becomes their coping defense mechanism. The Serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that is involved in sleep, memory, depression and other neurological function affects the chemical balance of the person. When the person is depressed the level of Serotonin is low and caused malfunction of our emotional and mental body.

The mind of the person creates another reality that caused delusion or paranoia. The neuro-pathways are hay wired and the person involve can not distinguished the present condition. Because of the chemical imbalance in the brain, and when the person is in state of acute depression, you will need to see a Medical Doctor to have a state of balance and anti-depressant medications. Although I do not believe in these medications because of their side effects in long term use. One who is in acute phase of depression should seek help. I believe in therapeutic approach and counselling together with medications can help the person in acute state of depression.

Suicidal thoughts or threats are real, treat them by bringing the person to a Psychiatrist or Psychologist. Do not take this for granted. This is serious.

Alternative healthy ways to help someone in crisis:

  1. Meditation is important part of healing. It clears the mind from illusions and allow the person the have a healthy state of mind.
  2. Grounding to mother earth, the energy of nature is the best healing tool. Walking in nature helps the person release tensions and unnecessary stress. Yoga is the best opening tool to open up chakras energy centers.
  3. Bring alternative healing tools like Reiki, Bio- energy healing, Access Bars, or Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupuncture, shamanism, hypnotherapy, massage and sound healing to tap into the universal healing energy. Allow healing for the whole family to help in their own personal crisis. Everyone is affected by this crisis.
  4. Create a safe and sacred space for healing to happen. There is a lot of things going on with this person. They are very sensitive and will need some silence.
  5. Healthy ways of nutrition, explore Ayurveda, ancient Indian Traditional healing method.
  6. You will need a Spiritual Guide in dealing with this crisis to help the whole family understand and open up for their soul healing.

Healing mental breakdown has many layers to unfold. The roots of this is pain and it affects the whole family. There is karma bondages and the Akashic Records of the family that experiences this. We can open these sacred Records for the ancient timelines and heal the ongoing pattern of lower emotional vibrations. Shame and guilt is deeply embodied within and can cause underlying layers of other attributes such as low self esteem, anger, or not being able to trust that can create cycles of illnesses and depression. Opening the Akashic Records of the family will help heal the roots of karma.


Blessings of miracles,


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