Grounding Remembrance Inner work Energy Flow Separation

I love to use acronyms and create meaning out of words. When I tapped into griefs today, I realized I needed time and sacred space to go with the flow of this powerful emotions that we tend to run away from.

Who wants to feel grief? We totally want to run as fast as we can from this emotion? Why? Because it hurts, it breaks our hearts and we feel this void in our hearts.

Why do we have to do grounding? We do grounding with mother earth to help us release energies that are not serving our highest good. We can drown in this river of emotions. We get stuck in our mental fields and get scattered. We have to ground this unnecessary energy, all the way down to the core of mother earth Gaia. Allow the spirit of Gaia to anchor this energy of separation and sadness. To heal we have to be vulnerable, to face our fear and allow to flow with grief, that have layers of attachments.

Remembrance our loss loved ones, some negative and positive memories can come up. Be open, there is no harm in allowing all kinds of emotions that were bottled up. This is your healing time, be gentle and kind to yourself. This can help you move forward with your attachments. The stories that we loved to keep can free flow in our mind without pain.

Remember the great triumph that this soul had gone through. Remember their laughter, character and persona. They are unique to you, they touched your core being. Allow yourself to remember even though it breaks your heart. This is healing your memories and soul from separation.

Inner work, this is all for you. Things that come up, emotions, mental thoughts and memories can overwhelm your day. Take your time, it is a process, a continuing journey with you loss. It does not have a destination, it is a perpetuating cycles of events that can trigger any moment. Journaling my way through life, helped me tremendously. It is a path that your mental thoughts can be release and you can see clearly what is within your head space.

Energy can be scan in our Chakra energy centers. Scan and be conscious how you are vibrating in your chakras energy centers? This can be your guide in understanding which part of you wants to open up and heal. In my experience, my heart chakra is the most affected part of my grieving. I pay attention to this chakra and truly dedicate some universal energy healing every time I feel heaviness. I make sure that I am attune, meditation helps me a lot in healing.

In the morning I create a sacred space wherever I go. At nighttime, I meditate and reflect on things that happened that day. Bless all people that I have touched and be at peace. I also call my angels, Archangels to take me to their retreat spaces. I dream vividly and know that these dreams are healing my subconscious and memories. Be atune with your energy centers. Seek energy healers.

Flow with what emotions come up for you. In suppressing we cannot fully heal. We have to allow the flow of our intelligent system, it knows what needs to clear and heal. Emotions are energetic imprints in our being. It can be layers of variety of emotions hidden within our core being. Flow in the river of sadness if it comes up. Let it be. As we allow the flow, we access a new path of healing that will create a new flow of energy. This space is sacred, the wounds of our souls. Allow the divine light to flow through our emotional body. Ask your spiritual teams and guides to help you heal this dark spaces of abandonment. We belong to this powerful of light. Let the true healing Light flow in your system.

Separation can bring us to a dark place where we feel alone and abandoned. This is our existential suffering us human beings. We were separated from the spiritual world that we knew. When we were born, we have this imprinted in our being unconsciously. So we created illusions, things that does not matter in the end of our lifetime. Material consumerism, attachments to people, things and places that does not truly nourish our true essence. Because of our fear, we attached ourselves to some things. When we lose our loved ones, this triggered within us our separation from the Source.

It brings back emotions that were imprinted in the past of our subconscious drive. It can lead us to a very dark place of annihilation. We feel empty and we lose our sparks of light. Become aware of this space, when you feel separated know that within each of us is a spark of divinity. This spark of light will atune us to the whole existence of our humanity. The separation that we feel from our loved ones is interconnected to that sacred space of our souls and Source. When you have receive this awareness, deep within you knows that we are never separated. There is no space and time, we are eternal souls living in this infinite time of creations. We have the power to co-create situations with the divine source. Being atune to this knowing, we develop healthy habits to value our golden time here on earth. We value our own worth and become conscious of how we can create a life filled with love and light. We learn to prioritized according to our soul’s blueprint. We become align to the divine plan for our lives. We awaken and heal our griefs, surrendering to the flow of divine grace. Let us celebrate the lives of those that touched us. Let us be in glory with them, as they continue to guide us. Be open to their messages of love and light.

 “Thank you divine grace for this wisdom and help me assist those who needed to receive this blessings of healing griefs. Namaste!”

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