Galactic Human Hybridization System

Genetic Human Hybridization System is the process of interbreeding individual from genetically distinct populations to produce hybrid humans. That carries energetically this source of information of the expansive multi verses of its original blueprints. It carries the humanoid and galactic seedings of the ancient star codes. What is going on with this program of galactic human hybridization? Human gets sick biologically, mostly with their blood system in order that the galactic encoding system can work harmoniously with the blood genetics. Like bloodletting, the energetic component of this ritual is to release multiple timelines of slavery within your consciousness that had been hijacked through your consciousness. 

To agree to your new template of the future timeline of the Galatic Human Genome it creates a rift or incongruency between the cellular level of biophotons. What are the biophotons that are imprinting in our human consciousness? They are the genetic encodings of the galactic star races that were interfered during the reptoid and draconian wars in our galactic history.  How did these races interfere? By using genetic warfare to our genetics, hypnotising consciousness and implanting these limited beliefs that control the sub conscious and created the void or unconscious state of mind. It interfere with the frequencies of our collective’s vibrations, creating a limited constricted bandwidth. This interference prevents each person to think outside of their box so to speak. Limiting contacts to the origins of their amplified and magnification galactic human DNA/RNA. 

As this collective awakening is happening, it creates ripples of quickening quantum fields that will accelerate our timelines into the future blueprints that originated from the star races that seeded our existence. The limitation and restrictions that our collective is experiencing is like a volt of electrical charges within our deep hypnotic state. 

The galactic light rays activates fear energies within the karmic cycle of humans. The humans are attached to the survival technology of flight and fight system of the malevolent reptilian encoding genetics. The recipient must clear these souls’ contracts from being a victim to becoming a galactic human warrior archetype to fight between the levels or measures of the human disease death protocol. In order to fully comprehend the human system and our galactic contract needs to ground to mother earth. The chemicals and minerals components of the human system will synchronize harmoniously through genetic coding by creating an agreement between human DNA and galactic star seed keys and codes. 

Our collective is going through a transition that which depends in each individual choice and freewill. The rift is here, helping us to reset our timeline to the golden Atlantis when we are in honor and respect of its existence. The multiple choices that will create your realities. The external reality that you are experiencing is upon the vibrations that you carry in your divine blueprint. The unfolding of the mysteries of your life, will be experience fully when we are in alignment to the higher self. 

The work is then upon what your intention is, thoughts, emotions and actions that you do. If you are not aligning to the Universal Laws of nature, you will be attaching to the stories that your ancestors had been recycling. The cyclic karmic imprints of your bloodline. Distinguish what are the patterns of your family dynamics. Recalibrate those energies that need to shift into higher frequencies. Inner peace is attained in the silence of the self. In communal with nature, it mirrors to you who you truly are. 

The ancestors are calling us back to the origins of the community. Gathering towards a healthy and holistic earth. We are entering the age of enlightenment where humans are longing to be in unison with truth and freedom of control and manipulation. The patriarchal system is losing its stronghold and brainwashing that they had done for eons of lifetimes. The feminine rising is palpable to help within, to receive love for itself and fully give towards others and sentient beings. In order to fully bloom like a flower, each part of the plant system is flourishing in exact amount of sunshine, water and earth minerals. Like humans we develop the balance, harmony and synchronization of our holistic system to its optimal function. 

Our children, the future generation are the ascended masters that had come back into this incarnation to assist us in remembering our true essence. They carry the rainbow frequencies that will harmonize our creations to the light spectrum of the golden light ray.

They are the Solar Rays from the Great Central Sun. Their frequencies of joy and love reverberates in the Sirian mission to help raise human’s vibrations. Attune into their frequencies of acute observation, pure innocence and authenticity within themselves, they carry the origin blueprint of the illumined ones. Held these children of the Sun in your loving arms to further grow as empathetic, sensitive and wise souls in the garden of love and light. The support that they needed to help the collective remember the vitality and strong force of mother earth to cradle our existence. Like the womb of creation is within and it expresses itself to the external and eternal home of our existence. 

Prayer to inhabit the Galactic Human Genome:

“I hereby witnessed this conglomeration between the karmic imprints of human death to be release permanently to attain the galactic human genome encapsulated within my human consciousness, biology, bio-etheric fields, auric and crystalline fields and holographic matrix. I hereby acknowledge my eternal, galactic human embodiment right here right now. I honor all my spiritual ancestors for this healing journey. I now live fearless, courageous, wholesome and healthy life here on mother earth, Thank you, thank you and thank you my star ancestors, galactic heritage and human heritage. I am presence, I honor you in my sacred heart and soul. Thank you. And so it is.”

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