Emotions are entrapments

One of the most distractive force in our illumination are our emotions that are lower in vibrations. To name a few you can feel them when you are going through your dark night of the souls, like sorrows and griefs. The pain of being human is the attachment to people, places and things that we loved. When they are taken away, we feel a part of us dies with them. It is the pain of being at one with them. How can we get over this and help ourselves to rise up?

When I lost my son Theo through suicide, it was a very dark space for me and my family. How can my son who is successful in the eyes of the society will succumbed to his mental illness? I have a lot of questions deep within me that no body has the answer. Deep within me is that painful pit of losing a son. Within me, a part of me died.

These emotions like roller coaster that I had traversed will drive you insane if your are not aware or awaken of your true state which is our soul. The soul’s consciousness has to awaken to this illusionary view of being a human. You have to gain wisdom in order to survive this suffering. Without this wisdom, you will be lost in this whirlpool of sorrows. How can I take you there? How can I help you illuminate your mind, body and spirit?

First step, we need to be attune to the higher frequencies of our emotional body. Emotions are a continuum of high and lows bandwidth. Meaning there are different vibrations that we emit when we are experiencing a certain emotion. Like a barcode in the grocery store, when you are buying a good you have to scan this barcode in order to get the price. Each emotion that we experience has this barcode. This barcode will determine what frequency this emotions hold. For example griefs will have a very low frequency in our calibration of consciousness. This was studied by Dr. David Hawkins in his book Power versus Force which I truly recommend to read. We need to understand what kind of consequences we are experiencing with certain emotions and how it affect us in our collective consciousness.

I like to simplify things and how we can help ourselves when we are going through this lower emotions. To be an observer of our emotional field. We need to understand our patterns and blueprints. This blueprint our Akashic Record is unique to each individual. When we are fully conscious we become one to our highest potential of existence. But when we are going though the process, we are awakening to all of that which manifest in our energy fields. How we can position ourselves around this when it hits home? How can we release the heavy chains of this emotion or experience?

We have to know that our emotions are traps, but they can certainly help us determine if we are in lower or higher frequency of our consciousness. We can not stay away from our emotions because it is a part of our emotional body. What can help us go through this is awareness and how we can stay balance and centre.

When you are going through strong emotions, they are triggers and it is wise to back off and reflect. Journaling helps me go through this turbulent times. When you are writing, you are releasing the density of your emotions. It dis-entangles from the chaos that is produced from your scattered mind. It loses its grasp and power of disillusionment. You become an observer of how this emotions are affecting you. You gain control of the momentum. You self realized that you are the co-creator of this as well. With your permission, you are allowing this emotions to run into your system.

If you are the CEO of emotions, how would you handle this company? You will be presiding who you are allowing in your energy fields. This is being very clear about emotions that are not serving your highest good. Emotions that are lower in frequencies are stuck within our DNA and human conditioning.

We are beyond this as we evolve into our highest destiny as a human species. We can observe and know that we have the power to reclaim over our chaotic field. If we are observing traffic or congestion, we can ask our spiritual guides to help us in this energy fields. We are working beyond this material or illusory world. We are connected to this force of Light. You are the Jedi, the force field. You are the captain of your ship. Deliver and reclaim this powerful Light around and within you. Then you release yourself from the shackles of your emotional body. Shine your radiant Light. Be free.

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