10 Sep Liberation from pain
As I end the chapter of 9 Weeks Karma clearing with the Masters of Light book at this ninth month of September 2021, I felt the need to tell you that I finally was able to let go of my lover. This sexual bondage of painful and unrequited love. How in the world did I allow this relationship in my being? As I remember that unspeakable week of Nov 22nd 2017, my life turned upside down, losing Theo my son who was full of life, love and laughter at 33 was hit by a freightliner, my heart sunk and my family was traumatized. That was the darkest night of my soul. My lover came at the same week of my grieving nights. I asked Theo, permission to have sex in the midst of my griefs. Why did I ask permission from my son’s spirit? Because I felt I was betraying him from being with my griefs and having fun at the same time. I don’t understand why I felt this way, I just did.
Today I woke up, my book was not complete without telling you how I was able to let go of something so deeply embedded within me and my lover. It was the pain, it was healing me in deeper layers. I was able to find a spot of freedom, relief that I am not anymore bonded in pain or suffering. I want myself, all to myself. No one is bonding me in pain. I was able to let go of people that do not deserve my attention, I want peace. I do not want any type of drama or confusion. I want clarity. I am clear with my direct divine guidance. I am a writer, today, tomorrow and I will write till the day I transition into the ether, back to the Source of all my being. I found my full expression. My love, myself, my Source, my Universe.
Today I feel full. My heart is filled with light. My body is light. My mind is clear and my soul is love. I thank my son Theo for gifting me the deepest pain and the deepest love of my life. I thank my lover for helping me go through the darkest night of my life. Even though we were not meant to be together, you have healed my soul. I thank all of my students for sharing their raw and vulnerable selves, you are all stars in my darkest nights.
I belong to mother earth, fully human and fully divine. There is nothing that I want but to express my gratitude for a life filled with dichotomy, polarity, waves of sorrows and joys, love and light but most of all for all my children and grandchildren who will continue this saga of life. I am embedded in this sacred peace. Thank you, thank you, and thank you divine Master.
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