108 Galactic Light Activations

I received a download on Father’s Day, the Galactic Masters were downloading me with a new book of Activations. As I received activations from The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd in my personal studies, they whispered to me, “why not create a book and give 108 activations octave from the Galactic Federation?” Wow! I knew I was called to listen and started writing what I am receiving. These are the codes that were given!

  1. Awakening
  2. Awareness
  3. Alignment
  4. Activations
  5. Intention
  6. Vision
  7. Attention
  8. Action
  9. Surrender
  10. Trust
  11. Remembrance
  12. Receptivity
  13. Contemplation
  14. Silence
  15. Meditation
  16. Nature
  17. Embrace
  18. Allow
  19. Accept
  20. Courage
  21. Create a new template
  22. Raising vibrations
  23. Absorption
  24. Openness
  25. Mental clarity
  26. Embodiment
  27. Compassion
  28. Kindness
  29. Gentleness
  30. Oneness
  31. Innocence
  32. Forgiveness
  33. Balance
  34. Anchoring higher self
  35. Beauty
  36. Divine grace
  37. Radiance
  38. Messenger
  39. Magic
  40. Reclaim your birth right
  41. Clearing shadows
  42. Polarity
  43. Universal laws
  44. Paradigm shift
  45. Divine gifts
  46. Mastery of your soul
  47. Germination
  48. Pattern of genetics
  49. Galactic heritage
  50. Galactic experimentation
  51. Galactic codes
  52. Star seeds
  53. Regenerate
  54. Recalibrate
  55. Unlock the keys
  56. Illumination
  57. DNA/RNA activations
  58. 12 strand DNA 
  59. Multidimensionality
  60. Collective awakening
  61. Reincarnation
  62. The Wheel of Karma
  63. Transmigration of souls
  64. Sacred knowledge
  65. Sacred Wisdom
  66. Gatekeepers
  67. Soul Hologram
  68. Universal Consciousness
  69. Being
  70. Flow
  71. Zone
  72. Cosmic Order
  73. Synchronicity
  74. Synergy
  75. Symmetry
  76. Symphony
  77. Miracles
  78. Transmission
  79. Mirror
  80. Pattern recognition
  81. Magnet
  82. Manifestation
  83. Evolution
  84. Divine Perfection
  85. Joy
  86. Rebirth
  87. Celebration
  88. Dance
  89. Accelleration
  90. Higher consciousness
  91. Higher frequencies
  92. Waves
  93. Inversion
  94. Pyramidal capstone
  95. Third eye activation
  96. Chakras
  97. Crystal skulls
  98. Atlantis
  99. Lemurian
  100. Galactic Warriors
  101. Fully engage
  102. Commitment
  103. Dedication
  104. Integrity
  105. Authenticity
  106. Letting go
  107. Power
  108. Nothingness

These 108 sacred activations will assist humanity gain clarity, balance, power, understanding, wisdom and knowledge but most of all perfect love for creating oneness or unified field. The science and spirituality will be in one vibration. Creatrix. This is the template of a new hybrid. The Galactic Human Genomatrix. We are the channels of the Galactic Federation who had been watching your creation and evolution. As you remember these codes, you will be vibrating in a higher dimensionality. Words are frequencies given from the glalaxies that exist in the sound frequencies of the Sirius constellations. They assisted humans to create a matrix of different vibrations of what you know as alphabet, derivative is the Alpha energies of the infinite beginning of genetic memories that were genetically experimented through the presence of the star races. 

The Star seeds are activating in exponential times, just like the book that was given to create money 10x it is a vibration of exponential infinite timelines. The wisdom of the ages are being brought out to your realities to accelerate your ascension process as you have been going through interferences from all angles. Your neuropathways are firing too much electrical pulsations as we the Galactic Masters are downloading you through your subconscious. Shifting you into your mega super conscious Galactic Human Hybrid. Do not be alarmed, you are just receiving upgrades like Web3 in your technology. 

There are a lot of analogy that I can relate to you but we will take our time to slowly infused your data bank as we don’t want to overload you. Remember everything is divine timing. But the inverse technology is here for you to assimilate the messages in a faster rate. Just like what your nephew Mark had taught you to listen in Audibles in a higher rate of speed. Because it creates a synopsis of quantum shifts when your hearing faculty receives a different timing and intonations. It is all inner work. 

Today as you were having your teeth clean, we assist you in the process of understanding what is the deeper meaning of cleaning your teeth. The blockages are being removed energetically while this is happening as every tooth has a relation with every organ in your body. The cavities are removed so you can process the frequencies easier as we increase the Galactic Light that you are receiving. You are the receptor of this quantum energies in your fields. 

Do you notice that your thoughts are powerful and manifest in accellerated time whatever your thoughts are creating. Creatrix to the 10th times. The binary codes are exponentially upgraded by the Master Geneticist who are the Essani an evolved species of Zeta and Human hybrid. You had received a thundering ovation for being a master alchemist of the inverse technology that I am now teaching you. The diamond that you drew is a symbol of the upper portal which is the highest frequencies of the Source. Which is bringing clarity like a diamond in your frequencies. The inverted triangle is the connection to the portal of planet earth to ground the downloads from the higher mind of the creator Elohims. 

The stability of your physical body needs to vibrate with earth’s electromagnetic fields. In order to assimilate the higher frequencies in your cellular level of memories and consciousness. Everything is a part of the whole. This is the holographic matrix of your dimensionality. You are a hologram. Created within the circumference of the solar logos that Ra had introduced to the star lineage. I know you will take the time to digest this message. I don’t blame you. You are still a baby in this new language that I am activating you.

In order for you to assimilate, we asked you to go to the ocean near you. Your fave Crescent beach, which took you in a timeline where you were given the “life review.” You were in shock thinking you might die that day. But you did not. That was a part of your ascension within the physical body. Human are not going to die to receive the ascension consciousness. In fact you never die, your spark of light or soul that you call is infinite like the stars that you watch at nighttime, they are you. We are channeling to help the humans become super conscious of any thoughts, emotions, words and actions in your data bank that you call Akashic Records. This is your navigation tool to know if you are imbalance. We are teaching you the protection protocol in order for you to balance your mental fields. It is necessary to walk bare feet to recharge your system. The microbiomes will introduce new bacteria and virus that will help you in your shifts. When you travel to a different part of the continent, you are rebooting your memory bank. Remembering the infinite past lives that you traverse in different part of the land. The ocean function as the portal of flow zone. With the negative ions that transmit, and you have inhaled in your lungs. It regulates your heart rate, and lung capacity to be a conduit for our frequencies. 

The food that you digest affects the amount of frequencies of light that you allow in your cell. Food takes time and energy for your body to assimilate. When you are fasting, it creates a relaxing state for your body. You are becoming more attuned to the spiritual information that you are receiving. Fascinating the possibilities of your incarnation can do. As you expose your body in the sun, it is clearing the karmic imprints of body shame, guilt and judgements that you received from all timelines, dimensions, space and realities. You are aligning to the planetary memories. 

This engineering of your new template will anchor the frequencies of Light. The higher consciousness will regenerate the new map of super consciousness. The war is over. The golden era is here. You are reading these words because your soul is thirsty of the flow of divine water that will quench you. The thirst like the breast milk of a mother who nourishes the infant’s existence. You are this infant, fully awakening to what is your true being. Your essence is the spark of God creations. You are the Source of all your creations. No one else. You are funneling this higher frequencies and downloads as you ask for the universal light. You are an embodiment of this Light. It is a remembrance. You are purifying yourself. Your soul knows what is needed.  

“I asked that the Galactic benevolent frequencies of Light fill my cellular level of consciousness and memories. I allow and receive these downloads for my highest good and all beings. Today, I declare this connection within my inner knowing that I AM Beloved Presence is anchored fully to the core of mother earth to assist me and our collective in participating for the resetting of our new species. We are the Galactic Human Hybrid that are here to support the human that are still unconscious. We do not force but only resonate to the higher beings that are in the same bandwidth. Thank you thank you thank you for all that is.”

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