10 Jun Zeta reticuli, embrace your shadows
June 10, 2022
I had been hibernating lately and focused my attention to editing the Galactic Blueprints. Last year as I was channeling the Galactic beings, the Zeta interfered, and I was literally afraid of them. I deleted the message because according to my investigation they are not very friendly, they were known as the Greys. I stayed away from them. Last night I was reading about Crystal Skulls and The Force by my favorite spiritual author Stewart Wilde. This morning I woken up with this urgency that I needed to add the chapter of the Zeta. I opened my Galactic Heritage Cards by Lyssa Royal-Holt that wrote The Prism of Lyra. The cards that came out were from Zeta Riticuli, I had an aha moment.
Zeta Riticuli
The double star Zeta Reticuli is in the western part of the small Reticulum constellation. You can see them with naked eye. They are located at similar distances from the Sun and share the same motion through space, confirming that they are gravitationally bound and form a wide binary star system. Both share the same physical characteristics to the Sun, so they are considered solar analogs. They are 39.3 light-years from Earth. They belong to the Zeta Herculis Moving Group of stars that share a common origin.
In ancient days of Zeta Riticuli, their species nearly destroyed themselves due to high planetary toxicity and misuse of technology. They turned off their emotions and lost their ability to procreate. They focus mentally in dominance and to be highly advance technology civilization. Their survival fear of not being able to sustain their life force was palpable. They moved to earth and interbred with our ancestors. This origin star seeded our genetics of zeta-human hybrid. Because of their failure to have emotions they were interested to our genome for the emotional codes that they are missing. They were focus on their mental ability and totally focused on elevating their consciousness with the highly advance technology that destroyed their existence. I feel that this continued on with the Atlantis civilization and fall.
The saga and challenges of this species is important in our transitions as it can represent a possible timeline in our evolution. Originally from Vega colonies, they created a very imbalanced society. We inherited these genetic codes that we need to understand our own shadows like addictions, greed, competition, revenge, guilt, unforgiveness, hatred, anger, survival, unreciprocated love, fear of intimacy, emotionally repressed, imbalance of our feminine and masculine energies and many lower frequencies of emotions that we are experiencing.
As I look back from my victim timelines, this can make sense to me. I did not understand why I was going through all those dark nights of the soul. The delusion of control from our parents and society. I recognized these traits and situations in my own blueprint and victim consciousness. These are the Records that we want to clear in our karmic patterns and behaviour to help our generations to come. To clear our ancestor’s bloodline from 7 generations before us and help clear our karmic wheel. This can be a disaster if we do not change. Our initiations to this race and imprints that we carry are here to help us clear and align our choices to our possible highest potential.
Don’t you ask yourself sometimes, “why am I struggling or why am I in this relationship?” This confusion is because of our genetic codes and imprints that created a delusion, survival archetype that we are still suffering and struggling after eons of lifetime. We are here to help ourselves, so we can help others in their ascension process. We are to be consciously creating a new breed, for our new earth evolution. To embrace our polarity and open to receive the support of these benevolent beings around us and within us. We are encoded within for the highest possible outcome in our parallel timelines. We have entered the Aquarian age and we are in revolution of our consciousness. Like Star Wars, we are in a galactic community that are waking up to understand our galactic blueprints. Our holographic matrix.
The fully evolved being of the Zeta is the Essassani who are the enlightened hybrids that are here to help us with our awakening. To know that we have the power to shift any situations that are lower in frequencies. We have been imprinted with their genetics but have the choice to choose a different timeline for our highest good and for our collective.
Zeta message:
Close your eyes and take some deep breathes. As we go through this galactic information with our star heritage. The conglomeration of these Masters that are around us. They are revealing our histories and genetics so we can fulfill our true divine mission.
We ask the assistance of the angels and Archangel Metaron to open the stellar and cosmic gateway. To activate our Merkabah in all our astral travels, and out of body experiences, with the four directions to seal our sacred space for healing. We ask for support from our enlightened ancestors and the benevolent Galactic Beings of Light, as we open our collective Records.
We now ask the Lord of Karma, Lord of time and Lords of the Akashic Records to open our collective Records. We now ask the assistance of the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Orions, Tzolkins, Andromedans, Founders, Atlantis and Lemurian. We ask the galactic transmission to be upon us, visualize this rainbow light upon mother earth and all sentient beings. Feel the activations in your Third Eye chakra and healing of all planetary beings, hybrids, humans and origins. Activating our DNA/RNA and multidimensional state of being in parallel timelines and alternate multiverses.
We want you to ground yourself in your body, fully grounded with all your systems. It had been along travel that we wanted to introduce ourselves to you without getting into panic or fear. We are here to help you elevate the future. The darkness, shadows or polarity that were part of your genetics has a purpose. By acknowledging, embracing these parts of you, you will rebalance your karmic patterns. It will help you in your relationships, opening your mind and heart to what is unfolding into your realities. The deepest polarity resides within you. Look around you, your mirrors or triggers are all part of your holographic matrix.
We are here in honor of your genetics that you have openly received being hybrids as you have chosen to participate in this current timeline. The tolerance of ignorance that had been imprinted in your human genome was a huge part of the trickster. You were living in a hypnosis that created delusions and control of your consciousness. As you awaken to your true essence, you are now receiving higher frequencies of our galactic template that you need to fully integrate. This is the evolution of the species that will help the generations to come. The rainbow light carries the higher frequencies and vibrations to fully open your mind and heart and integrate into your heart chakra. As we move into the time stream of your future possibility this is your time to implement the structures of the new hybrid, which is recognized, accepted and fully aligned to your highest possibility. Feel that expansion as we activate 30 trillion of human cells, activate your neuropathways and elevate synapses of your future highest potential. You are governed by universal laws and Ascended Master Sanat Kumara from Venus, brought you the embodiment of the feminine and masculine energies within you. Your multidimensionality needs to fully ground in your physicality and release all tensions from fear of the unknown.
As you accelerate your vibrations, we are revealing to you all these dimensions that are unseen. You are now recapitulating and visualizing your trajectory of your future timeline. Thank you for opening and listening to receive balance, that clarity that you are one of us and together we will co-create this paradise template that you are revisiting from eons of timelines. Beloved.
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