13 Oct Why we give ourselves away?
This triggered me around my ladies, what keep us stuck in giving ourselves away without being conscious about this pattern? What kept us in this low self- value? We are seeking to belong to someone, we want to be with someone even this person is not fully giving their self to us. We lose our vision, our focus and attention to what is our gift to share in this incarnation. We long for attention from another soul. We want to be acknowledge and validated.
Our validations have to come from within, when we value ourselves we don’t need anyone to validate us. We are free from others recognition of who we are. This is valuing your time and energy to fully feel this love from within. We become attached to this validation. Even though we feel half empty.
We unconsciously think that things can change. It might change but truly nothing can change the other person. It is you that needs to wake up. To change and transform into the highest version of yourself. Who are you? When did you lose yourself? What made you fall into this place of wanting, longing and settling for something less than what you deserved.
You don’t value yourself, somehow you feel that you are okay with this situation. Everything points back to you, how you treat yourself and what you allow others how they treat you. It is you, you are the magnet of all relationships. When you are triggered by someone’s behaviour, go deep within. Go back to yourself as you are the mirror of this situation.
Why are you triggered? Where did you feel the same emotions that you are experiencing right now? Who made you feel this way? Are you draining? What are you denying, are you avoiding to talk about this situation? Are you losing your inner peace? What are the steps that you can take to make you feel at peace, at home with everything around you? Letting the trigger talk to your soul. Be it, let it be. What is it that does not make sense? Is it something that you have no control about? It is ego that wants to control, the need to be right. What is right or not? Why do we need to be right? Is it something that is embedded within our psyche? Old beliefs and paradigms, that need to release?
As you stay still with the situation, you will find clarity and not become confused with the external stimuli. You become easy and lighter. You are allowing others around you to be who they want to be. It is not in your control. You are a witness to the conditions of others. Others painful stories is theirs, do not hold unto this story. Be light and let go of carrying others burden. They have their own path to traverse, it is not yours. Be free of burden. Be happy and do not allow judgement be in your shoulders. Free yourself of others stories. Let them be. Be you, be free.
What if we learn to let go of things that do not serve us? To let go is to free yourself from pain. To let go is to be free from confusion. To be you is to be free from others attachment. To be love is to love. To love is to be the best version of yourself. What if this person that you are not seeing is the person that is giving you the best lesson in life. To direct you back into you. To what you truly want in life. To point back to you who you are. How important to treat yourself in authentic ways. To be open and receive the love that you deserve without compromising yourself to be someone that you are not. This mirror is yourself. You will free yourself from any judgement and know that deep within you only deserve the best that life can offer to you. When you are ready to be this person, this self-love will be the first thing that you value and will never settle for another validation. You will not need validation because you are valuable and worthy of this love. This love is innate, divine and sacred. You incarnate to be this love, feel loved and be loved. Love is valuing yourself. There is no other love that can fill this up. This is love overflowing from within. You value love. Love values you. You are loved no matter what. Be free of confusion. Be LOVE.
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