18 Mar What does fully conscious means?
What is the world telling us as conscious human beings? That we need to pay attention to what is going on within our energy fields, environment, psyche, emotional, mental and spiritual state of being. The Immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body. If we are attached to the fear agenda of the mass collective then we need to shift within.
We are vibrational beings of Light. If we continue to vibrate low energetically our immunity is easily targeted. We are easily invaded by virus. This is contamination of our existence, not only our physical dimension but our spiritual domain as well. We are in a spiritual warfare of fear and love. Like the system of our body, we as people are like organs of this collective.
We are awakening collectively to increase our vibration to a higher more unified field of consciousness, in order to be in this vibration, we need to release lower emitting frequencies.
To maintain our inner peace, we need to go within. Meditate and be still, ground yourself to mother earth and know that all challenges will pass. Nothing is permanent and we are always protected and guided by the Source of all that is.
“All is well.” This simple mantra connects you to a safe space knowing that however things unfold around you, that the highest good of all will transpire because you are connected to the universal energy. Life is precious, we need to be aware of our own inner compass. Our true north star is our heart. Live simple lives with pure intentions for the highest good of the collective.
Feelings of separation will misalign your energies to the core of your being because we are one in spirit and universal mind. All of our thoughts, intentions, words and actions reverberate in our Akashic Records. Let us co-create a higher octave of resonance to vibrate in a higher frequency of love and Light. Let us sing a universal song of love, unity and harmony.
Our immunity is a metaphor for our inner strength and how we can have the power to support each other in times of invasion or interference. If we are not interconnected acting as one collective body and spirit, we can be easily attacked by a virus as we don’t have the defense mechanism to fight back. We need to communicate with each other and support each other collectively so we can vibrate higher.
The more we feed fear the more we succumb to the underlying motivations of the ones who rule the world. We are like pawns easily thrown out of the game. There is a hidden force in this agenda. We are being attacked through waves, electromagnetic fields, chemical warfare, vaccines, virus, fake news and other malefic agendas that do not serve our collective existence.
We need to be fully conscious of what we are energetically allowing in our fields. Such as our body’s nutrients, emotional fields and mental fields. Scan and filter our surroundings and be free of radicals and radioactive lower frequencies that are harmful to our being.
I had a dream of Lemuria; it was a paradise. We lived in collective harmonious ceremonials. We gathered food from nature, communal living with simple intention for the good of all, dancing and singing in nature. The people were attuned to the sound of the dolphins and whales. They were the sonic communicators of our vibrations. Their sounds harmoniously upgraded the vibrations of mother earth. The birds were happily singing and communicating with us. The flowers were blooming their beautiful colors, we were living in vibrant paradise. The ocean was sparklingly clean and turquoise blue, the corals were hosting its sea creatures, we were in heaven on earth.
This is Lemuria and how the people communicated were through telepathy. Gifted and divine beings, there was no need for monetary values. We were operating from the abundance code. The prosperity of mother earth supplied enough to sustain the community who worked and served for the collective. We were in a harmonious state of existence. Nothing was left behind from unconscious state of fear and separation. We were all supportive of the collective and living consciously with our sovereignty.
Our collective consciousness is shifting into the timeline where we were once in Lemuria. The harmonious state and unified consciousness of our being with nature and mother earth. Let us remember how we once lived and co-create this timeline for the generations to come.
The planets are talking to us, it is time to be at one within and externally we will embrace the new changes and transition into our new being and wholesomeness. Be attuned with your own innate calling and be free of suppression. Be authentic and voice your true essence. We need each one of us to be supported in love and healing Light of Lemurian. We are the ones who we are waiting for, be fully conscious of what is happening and stay in your heart space. Do not be alarmed, focus your attention to Love and Light. Be at peace. Aloha!
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