04 Jan The Seraphim, the highest order of the angels
The Seraphim are the highest order of angels that are now in our presence. There are 144 ineffable beings of light in our midst when we ask for their intervention. There was a time when these angels’ purpose was only to adore the Creator. It is written in “Isaiah 6:2 Each one has six wings: with two wings to cover their faces, two to cover their feet and two to fly.” They are here to help us in our purification stage. They purge all of that is not part of your God reality. They are among the greatest healers. Sacred fire, purge and purify to renew our bloodstream and give us eternal youth. They are fiery beings that form concentric rings around the great central sun. The flaming streaks of fire pass through the atmosphere like cosmic rays, they can pass through the flesh form of man through his thoughts and feelings, cosmic penetrability. Iridescent high spiritual energy helps with restoring the planet, bringing wholeness and balance the feminine Divine.
The Seraphim are 12th dimensional angels. They surround the Godhead and sing in the divine vision for Source. Seraphina is the chief seraphim who sings with notes that form geometric structures for our highest potential. She pours her high frequency light and tones down to us through the golden ascension thread that always link us to the Source. She oversees the intergalactic training school for those who have the capacity and desire to serve the cosmos. You must have your 12 chakras open and active to do so. You will visit the school while you are asleep to receive the instruction from the beings of Light who work with Seraphina. You may eventually become a Galactic Master and intergalactic ambassador. When groups of people of the right frequency gather together Seraphina sings over them in a way that is very similar to that in her galactic schools and information is imparted into the energy fields by high crystalline tones.
Personal experience:
I asked the angels to present themselves so that I may be a witness. As I wanted to know if they would appear with someone beside me. One time I was washing one of my patient’s body who had passed away along with another care staff, at around 3 in the morning we were in silence as we both washed and cared for the dead. Then, we heard an angel’s choir singing in such high notes and it felt like ascending frequencies. We both looked at each other, and I asked, “did you hear that sound?” She did and we both ran into the hallway to see if there if anyone was around. There was no one, so we both went back into the room and as we continue to do our work, the angels began to sing their high notes again. I was in a blissful shock. That night, I was not able to sleep during my break time. The lights inside the room were flickering and I knew I was in the presence of the angels. I didn’t know that their presence would be one of the magnanimous part of my existence. The divine intervention of the angels is unforgettable. It is eternally etched in my memory as a miraculous experience with the angels. I am here to expand your awareness and invite you to participate with these miraculous workers that are about to touch your lives. Believe and Trust.
Seraphim message:
Dearly beloved children, as we receive the urgency of your call to assist you in your transition. We are here to help you open and activate your inner ears to listen. To know that you are divine and that you have come here to help illuminate your world. The coming of the new breed, the hybrid, the new generation and your future self as an Ascended Master. Your contracts and agreements in your blueprints in the creation of Ain soph. As you become more fully conscious of your energy and you anchor your higher self, you will tap into the higher consciousness of the sacred. You are activating the crystalline fields and grids of Mother Earth. As it mirrors your own incarnated body simultaneously living in parallel multi universes. Your higher self and body deva spirit are now merging opening and receiving what is given and unfolding in your realities.
Be grounded and firmly rooted to the core of Mother Earth, the embodiment of your creation. As you lift the veil of separation you are able to traverse beyond time and space and tap into eternal time. Your time on Earth is accelerating as the vibrations and frequencies increase in the Schumann resonance. You are vibrating with your divine blueprint to the highest version of being human. Embrace the shadows and light as one unified field. The eternal seal is within you; the Merkabah, the vehicle of light as Archangel Metatron achieved during his transcendence of the prophet Enoch’s ascension. He was able to attain the highest transmission that was given to assist the human genome.
As you open your soul star chakra, receive the golden light transmissions from the Masters of Light, you are anchoring this golden light in the trillions of cells in the human body. Creating a strong force field that will build your immunity from any interference of a viral infection, which is fear. There is nothing to fear, all is well and there is only love. This divine grace is given to the human genome to co-create the rising of the Lemurian race. This is the field of harmony and unity, you are being called to serve others to attain their highest version of your manifestations. Visualize a green and silver flame to encapsulate and embrace your divine and human self in all creations be authentic and true to yourself. You are sacred.
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