10 Jun Separation creates lower emotional frequencies
Separation from our parents or loved ones at our foundation years is the root cause of negative emotions such as anger, resentments, anxiety, guilt, shame, sufferings, judgements and many other emotions that vibrate in lower frequencies. When we do not receive validation, love or attention from our parents, we grow up feeling that we do not matter. This becomes a pattern that brings us confusion to who we truly are. We do not know that we are loved, so we sometimes act as a rebel in order to find our identity. But this will not last in our ascension process, as we are being called to be authentic, open and true to ourself.
We experienced this situation in other relationships, we build trust and then unconsciously re-create patterns of broken relationships over and over again. Becoming aware of the roots of separation is an important step. How do we become wholesome in our relationships? How can we stop the cycle of this pattern?
Healing the foundation years of separation in childhood is a multi-dimensional healing. Because we are complicated beings, we have a lot of layers to uncover in order to understand the bigger picture. I will take you to this path of healing your soul in your book of life. When we open our Akashic Records, we gain access to the deepest hidden pictures of our soul. We release these memories and rewrite our book of life. We are going to create new grids of understanding how we can rewire this system. To create new ways or patterns of relating to our full self and loving others.
First, look at your timeline, when you felt separation anxiety or feeling of not being loved. Go to that age and discover what are the different emotions that come up for you. Close your eyes, reminisce and envision the people’s faces that had caused you harm. In this timeline grid healing, our intention is to send compassion to ourselves and others who had caused harm into our existence.
Healing of the womb, the emotions that we are carrying does not originate from us. From the moment of conception, our mothers have a great influence on our emotional body. The placenta fluids that is full of emotional codes from our DNA affect us thoughout our lifetime. If we are not aware of our mother’s emotional signatures, look back and feel how your mother is relating to the world and herself. You will find similarities within you that you have denied yourself. This is the link to your emotional wholesomeness. How can you forgive your own mother? To let go of any unresolved issues with her and yourself.
I believe we come here as a representative of the collective awakening. As someone who experienced this separation, we become a conduit to share our healing Light to others. When we heal ourselves, we heal the collective. To be conscious of all our thoughts, words, emotions, intentions and actions we become a vehicle of the massive awakening. Our consciousness reached a state of higher vibrations and we awaken others through our own personal journey.
Sacred prayer:
This is healing for our Higher Self and all sentient beings that hurt us and that we can consciously declare to the universe, ” I call upon my Higher Self and these sentient beings that had caused me harm in all timelines, dimensions, space and realities. I ask forgiveness consciously and unconsciously that I had caused. I forgive those that had harmed me. I now release any attachments, karma, stories of being a victim, cords, hooks and drains that this had caused in my current lifetime. I ask the Masters of Light to assist me and infused unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and freedom in my body, mind, heart and soul. And so it is.”
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