05 Mar Saint Germain and the Violet Flame
Saint Germain is the chohan of the seventh ray. Together with his twin flame, the ascended master Lady Portia the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. He is the great sponsor of freedom’s flame, while Portia is the flame of justice. They both delivered to the people of God dispensation for the seventh age and the seventh ray, the violet ray of freedom, mercy, alchemy and sacred ritual, a new life wave, a new civilization and new energy.
Saint Germain over 50, 000 yrs ago, was the ruler of a golden age civilization in a fertile country where the Sahara Desert now is. As king Emperor, Saint Germain was a master of the ancient wisdom and of the knowledge of the Matter spheres. As the people of this civilization became more interested in the pleasures of the senses than in the larger plan of the Great God Self, a cosmic council instructed the ruler to withdraw from his empire. He created a party and gave his 576 guests a crystal goblet with an elixir that was, “pure electronic essence.” The elixir was a gift of soul’s protection to the people so when Aquarius age bring back the golden-age civilization, they would remember their I Am presence.
Reincarnations of Saint Germain:
- Atlantis 13, 000 yrs ago Saint Germain was a high priest of the Violet Flame Temple. The Order of Melchizedek at Lord Zadkiel’s retreat, the Temple of Purification, which is Cuba now. Jesus and Saint Germain received the anointing here.
- In 11th century Saint Germain was the prophet Samuel. Samuel was the messenger of God’s liberation of the seed of Abraham.
- He was embodied as St Joseph the father of Jesus.
- In the late 3rd century, Saint Germain was Saint Alban the first martyr of Britain.
- In the 5th century, he was Merlin the alchemist, prophet and counsellor at the court of King Arthur. Camelot was a mystery school.
- 1220-1292 Saint Germain was Roger Bacon, philosopher, Franciscan monk, scientist and reformer.
- 1451-1506 Saint Germain was embodied as Christopher Columbus, discoverer of America.
- 1561-1626 Saint Germain was Francis Bacon, philosopher, statesman and literary master.
- 1930 Godfre Ray King released the foundation of Saint Germain’s instructions for the New Age in the books Unveiled Mysteries and the “I AM” Discourses.
- 1961 Saint Germain contacted Mark L. Prophet and founded the Keepers of the Flame and he is the Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. Saint Germain teaches on Royal Teton retreat his etheric retreat.
Personal experience:
In the year 2007, I was invited to be a recipient of Bio-energy healing sessions from David Linstead for 6 weeks who was studying then to be a practitioner of this field. I would visit his place and I received healing. In one of the sessions, I closed my eyes and my vision was filled with the color violet for almost 45 minutes. I was in trance. I cannot believe that I am seeing this color all through the session. Then, we have a little wrap up about what transpired during the healing and I told him about my vision. He confirmed to me that it was Saint Germain, and I had no clue about him. So I went home and did my research and found out that he was great master who I can call to help me transmute my problems.
After 6 months of healing myself, on June 8, 2008 I studied the Akashic Records and was initiated to the Lords of the Akashic Records, Ascended Masters, angels and Archangels. I was blown away from the start of the school as I was seeing spirits walking around the classroom. Then, my first attempt to read another person’s Akashic Records I had a vivid vision about the death of his father. I did not know how to deliver the message that I was receiving and my teacher taught me to say it by stating this, “ I am not sure what this vision means to you but I had received this and tell me if you can relate to this?” It was a great awakening that I was able to deliver the horrific murder. The other student confirmed it and I was in shock that I had the capacity to do this. Then as we moved along the course, my teacher told me that I would be writing a lot of books and will be talking in a crowd of people. After 12 years this has been happening now and I cannot thank enough the universe for calling me to this path.
My relationship with Saint Germain is getting deeper as I am able to read his books and understand more of his miracles and alchemy. It was profound that he is leading me to channel more about what our human unconscious state of mind can lead us to distraction and darkness in our present timeline. Saint Germain, continues to wake me up in the middle of the night to transmute anything that was coming my way.
This attunement and sacred geometry was given by Saint Germain during my session with a client that had a dark cycle of death, abuse, entrapment, curse, karma with the dark force. Saint Germain asked me to draw the higher self and the deva spirit of humanity together as two merkabah (vehicle of Light) in the middle of the circle integrated and aligned. Protected with the 4 Archangels from all 4 directions. It will help stabilize and protect your wholesomeness with the strong force field of these Masters. Archangel Raphael from the east and the Emerald Ray of Light, from the west Archangel Gabriel and the White Diamond Ray of Light, from the north Archangel Uriel and the Ruby Ray of Light and from the south Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray of Light. These Masters will protect you and help you in sealing the sacred space before any ritual. You can use them before you sleep, during healing session and in the morning during meditation. Ask these Masters to imprint this sacred geometry in your Third eye chakra to be infused this in your inner vision. Saint Germain will help us in our ascension process and we will be able to help others. We are co-creating the golden era which was prophesied eons of ages with the support of the Masters of Light.
Channeling from Saint Germain:
Beloved children of Light, in this lifetime you can get entangled with others stories of victim consciousness and it is time to speak your voice and hold the truth. This will free you from any entanglements and projections that this individual is doing. You know who you are and how your life is aligned to integrity and honesty. When a situation transpires and you are put in a space to voice out direct guidance, deliver the message with compassion. This is wisdom and courage. Building a strong boundary around you and how you engage in any transactions is necessary to have a peaceful mind and life.
Your worth and value is golden. You have attained the mastery of discernment. When a person speaks low of others, it is a sign that you need to be truly vigilant. Listen to how they address others, do they discount and shame others? It is a sign of back stubbing and you do not need this kind of lower frequencies in your energy fields. When you are a light house, people come to see you and unconsciously dump their victim story. It is not healthy, but toxic into your own system.
Shift the storyline into empowerment. Ask questions that will help them see a higher version and bigger picture. Redirect the person to the light of the situation. Do not get stuck in the darkness. There are a lot of people living in unconscious creations. They are not in alignment to the law of love. They see and create relationships from past pain and the roots of their karma is not cleared. It is time to raise your standards and allow only good energies in your fields.
Have compassion for those who are in the darkness but do not be consumed with the stories. You are the master of your energy fields. Listen to your spiritual teams and guides and what you are learning from others. To be clear is to love yourself. This is freedom from any attachments to drama that others like to create unconsciously. You are free. Speak your truth and surrender the situation for the highest good of all. You do not belong to victim stories. You are strong, brilliant and guided by the Masters of Light. Trust your gut feeling. This is your inner guidance. Do not contaminate your sacred space. It is important to respect your sacred space. Om
Tube of Light Mantra from the Summit Lighthouse
Beloved I am Presence bright,
Round me seal your tube of light
From ascended master flame
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.
I am calling forth violet fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in freedom’s name
Till I am one with the violet flame.
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