15 Aug Reclaim your body
When you experienced sexual abuse, you gave away your power to someone who had no permission to touch you. This happened and you were violated. You felt victimized by the society or people around you that did not support or believed you. You lost your voice or your identity. You played victim. Today I ask you to reclaim your body. This body that is yours. No one is allowed to touch you without your permission. This is your sacred ground. When we find strength and our voice to speak for those who are not able to do it, we become the bridge for freedom. Our true freedom lies in our reclamation for what is taken away and knowing that we have the birth right to claim what is ours. Our own body is ours. It is sacred because it hosts your soul. I bare my body to you because I have no shame. I reclaim every inch that was taken away from me as an infant, a teenager, an adult and now here. We have every right to be empowered. Do not allow others opinions about how your body should look like, you own this body and allow only respect not shame. This is your body, reclaim and be free from others eyes. You have this birth right. You have the power. Be free!
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