10 Oct Hosting trauma inside our body
As I published the book Darkness Into Light about the death of my son, I wanted to explore about the spirit that came out of my body after I went through a shamanic journey in Mount Shasta. When I was 2 yr old I had a near death experience from Diphteria in the hospital in Manila in 1965. For some reason, this spirit of my 2 yr old dying came out of my body. I was looking at my hands and arm turning purplish in colour, and I was so afraid of what I am seeing. I thought I was dying.
There was no separation between me and this two yr old. It was like experiencing two different worlds. I lost my sanity. I could not ground myself. And seeing my children watched me in this condition made me volunteer to mental health. I was not prepared for this spirit excavation. I was not in my body, I felt like I was in parallel universes. Experiencing the past like it is happening in the present as well. There was no time and space.
I wanted to examine what was happening then and how can I see this event in a deeper meaningful experience. First, I realized that I did not have any kind of therapy when I had NDE. I just grew up knowing that I went through it. I vividly remember seeing my Mama and holding me beside the oxygen tent inside the hospital room. I also saw my two brothers running in the hospital hallway. I was out of my body. Growing up as a child, I would see spirit floating in the room. It was normal to me. I thought everyone can see spirits. I feel that I had that gift from the spirit world as I transitioned from that experience. I feel that when we leave this 3D and come back we are gifted by some innate knowing of the spiritual domain. I feel connected to all that is. My clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, psychic abilites were activated as a child.
The traumatic events that happen to us, are stored inside our body. When we don’t release this, it stays like a spirit or an entity alive within our system. If you look at your timelines, you can pinpoint the traumas that you incurred. It can be death of a loved one, accidents, shameful events, and many others. They are lower vibrations of frequencies that we need to release in order for us to host higher frequencies of love and light.
During our healing journeys, we are given medicine from our ancestors and Mother Earth. Last night as we learn from Dr. Tonya Elliott of her practice Somatic Archeology. She had explained to us the different layers of earth and how it was corresponding to our different level of emotions and physical well-being. It helped us ground and connect to mother earth and how we can help ourselves be in tune into our body. Going through any traumatic events need some help from these healers. We need to put together our holographic matrix and feel in alignment to our higher self. Our higher self contains the highest potential and the best version of our self here in our incarnated body. When we are aligned, connected, integrated, and activated within our life flows like a river of consciousness. We find peace of mind, joyful heart and inspiration that reactivates our creativity, we are in our zone. That blissful feeling of being free from any distractions and it liberates us from noises in the head. We are grounded firmly rooted to the core of Mother Earth our home.
Entering our Akashic Records
I was teaching Akashic Records Level One last month of Sept and one of the students was not able to enter her personal Records. She developed physical illness, fatigue, weakness, congestion and was not able to function in her daily life. I received a call and realized there was interference from her soul level. The resistance can happen unconsciously even if the student wanted to come. For unknown reasons, there is an interference and created an incident that withheld her attendance to the class.
We kept in touch, and I did an energy clearing for her. I told her that I will call her the next morning for a follow up. I felt compassion of her case and wanted to help as much as I can. Last night, I had an encounter with this hideous being. It was a male huge beast, dark skinned human but huge arms that was almost choking me as he wrapped his thick huge arms around my neck and shoulders. I could not move and felt paralyzed I was in a lucid dream. Then, the beast started putting his tonque inside my mouth and I felt disgusted. I was in panic and screamed the name of Archangel Michael for help. Suddenly this dream dissipated, and I woke up. I was in shock that I am still being interfered in my dream state. Thank God that I am connected to the protectors and was able to defend my condition. The only thing that connected me from this situation is the consultation that I am about to do this morning.
I realized that I was dealing with a huge interference in helping my student. I prayed more to Saint Germain and the Violet Flame for assistance. I recorded our healing as I felt that our collective will need this Divine intervention. I posted it in my podcast the Cosmic Soul. These interferences happened before many times, and I felt the need to share them so people can be warned about these entities. We are so unconscious about the spiritual world and naive to what is unseen. This dark force exists, and they are here as malevolent as they are to interfere with our work of ascension. If we do not have a strong relationship with the Masters of Light, we will be lost in this realm. We will continue to traverse in the shadows. As I express these experiences, I feel that people will recognize their participation in this field.
In entering your soul records, you need protection to seal your sacred space that only of those in the light will be allowed to be in your sacred space. Invoking the Masters of Light, your spiritual teams and guides, angels and Archangels, enlightened ancestors and your Higher Self are the perfect divine team to help you access the transmissions from the Source. Your Blueprint holds the keys for you to unlock what is blocking you from this current timeline as it is interactive in your timeline. You are accessing the no time and space eternal now. In this present moment you can anchor this divine light and dispensation of grace through your higher self and light body. As you receive this flow of grace, your records are rewiring this new template for your ascension process. It is like you are receiving nexus points of acceleration in your pathway or life stream. As you fulfill your divine mission, life becomes lighter but carries more responsibility and accountability. Karma becomes instantaneous. It is manifesting right in front of you. You become a catalyst for others transformation. You become a beacon of light.
We all have shadows to embrace and the part of allowing acceptance and believing that we can transmute these shadows will make a huge difference in our ascension. The Great Saint Germain and the Violet Flame works in our collective to assist humanity in this path of illumination. The more we learn about our God fractal as part of this divine design, we become super conscious of all our creations. Our fragmented parts of ourselves in all timelines, dimensions, realities are all being anchored back to our holographic matrix. To feel this wholesomeness, oneness to the divine plan. It is our return home to the Source of all that is. There are layers to uncover and understand from the perspective of the Akashic Records. It is an eternal study. I feel so honored and humbled that I am called to be one of the guides to help others in their pathway. I am beyond grateful that in this incarnation I co-created relationships with these Masters of Light. Without these conversations, transmissions, activations I do not know where I would be. I dedicate this lifetime to this service for humanity. To live a life filled with love and light. Namaste!
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