01 Nov Healing the Sacred Womb
There are a lot of women who are experiencing not having success with conception. It is built within our natural state to have this reproductive system, and we are wired to give birth. When we cannot conceive due to unfortunate or unavoidable circumstances, we can experience guilt, anger or deep void in our emotional body. Unconsciously this imprint can rise up anytime we are triggered by our environment or hormones. Because we are built biologically to produce, within our template there is an innate knowing that feels like a failure when we cannot do this.
Today as I opened the Akashic Records and received the message and attunements of the Atlantis Archangels. I received a vision. In this narrative of the past ancient life, the grandmother whose hair was silver colored and long up to her waistline, sitting beside the well. During a famine where their tribe’s children died due to thirst and hunger. I was given this message, “blessed the living water that you drink, in your shower cleanse your body of old imprints from the past. Your childless incarnation right now is connected to this timeline where you lost your children due to cataclysmic events.”
I was shown the lady fetching water from the well. The well symbolizes the depth of our hearts. That every time we fetch the old water in the well, we are creating a new fresh living water of Divine grace. We are being renewed when we bless the water that we use in our daily lives. To remind us of the Living Water of God or the Universe. That we are always refreshing into the new template of our Divine consciousness. The grandmother also states, “you can now receive this grace of conceiving a child, adopt one or however you want to fill this void of being a mother.” What a powerful revelation and healing that we received from this meditation and message. It was surreal as I was surrounded by three women who have no children. It was a miraculous eve with the grandmother and blessings that we receive from the Atlantis Archangels.
As we received the Attunements of Lord Horus and Archangel Uriel in our Third Eye Chakra, we are able to lift the veil of separation. Gain clarity in our perceptions and know that we are bigger than this linear timeline. We were given the Divine grace of healing our womb chakra. Feeling the unconditional love of the Divine Mother. Thank you, thank you and thank you for this gift of healing our womb.
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