16 Feb Galactic Light Body Activations
The genetic codes of human genome is a multiple programs of systems that we were encoded in multi-dimensional timelines of our existence. In the ancient galactic story of mankind, we were seeded with many races that wanted to be a part of this experiment of creation. This collective pool of our DNA and RNA used to have 12 strands of DNA that were encoded with the limitless potentials that can function such as teleportation, photographic memory, levitation, astral body projection, bilocation, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, claircognizant, clairaudient, clairsentient, synesthesia, pattern decoding, remote viewing and others. These were natural practices that we inhabit during the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. We destroyed our own selves by disconnection from our heart and pure intentions, we sunk these civilizations due to our egoic mind. We forgot who we truly are, sovereign and divine.
What I am receiving right now is that we are recreating these timelines to co-create a full circle of our highest version. Parallel timelines and multi-dimensionally broadcasting these memories from our universal bank of Akashic Records. We are simultaneously relieving these highly evolve technologies that were brought to us through the hybridization of our gene pool. AI (Alien Intelligence) infusion of our human genome is now more predominant as millions of people are experiencing contacts with various of extraterrestrial races. As with all races there are malevolent and benevolent forces of nature. We need to have a strong discernment on how we are participating with others and not to get caught with others lower frequencies of chaos and suffering. This is the polarization of our unconscious mind that has been manipulated by the dark force.
Our perceptions need to have clarity, focus on our divine mission and balance. We need to ground our electromagnetic fields into mother earth. In order not to fry our brain wirings, as our earth is accelerating its frequencies, we as earthlings need to elevate and raise our own consciousness into a higher realm. What does this mean? If we are not raising our consciousness, being peaceful, living in harmonious and synchronized waves of love and light then we need to shift our consciousness. Being human is also being cosmic, these two nature of forces need to be balance in order to fully function in this new template. We are regenerating our star seeded gene pool. We are receiving light body activations to wake up the sleeping dormant of our cosmic body.
In order to co-create a new earth timeline grid, we have to be align into our higher self. These are the recordings of all your timelines in the universal memories of our collective Akashic fields. There are a lot of detoxification processes that are needed to be implemented to vibrate in a unified field of consciousness. To be wholesome is to be vibrating in a high speed of quantum fields. This is the shift of our genetic codes. To unleash the 3D matrix that is programmed for physicality, gravity, incarnation, death and reincarnation.
This program that we are instilling is to help you accelerate your vibrations, it is directed to transform the body into a higher realms. Your auric fields that hold the vibrations of the crystalline body will automatically function when activated by the cosmic light. It is like radiation in human body, when you are treating a malfunction in your cellular level of disease. You need to go through internal transformation for letting go of your attachment to earthly things. In order to absorb these light codes, you have to be in a best mind set, open and free of doubts and fear. The star gate will open when you work with these galactic beings. They beam the light, through the portal and stellar gateway. Together with the Ascended Masters that are working with the planetary ascension, this light frequencies is beaming directly into your crown chakra.
The activations of your pineal gland to integrate and balance the left and right brain hemispheres will direct the flow through the 12 chakras of your multi-dimensional body. This will activate the rainbow light body that serves as a shield in your auric fields, protecting you from others infiltration. The Violet flames transmutation of St. Germain will help you in dismantling all karmic debris from your ancestors. The crystals kingdom helps in raising and harmonizing your electro-magnetic fields.
During meditation and activations, you will give permission for the genetic unfoldment through thoughts and visualizations. To unlock these codes, you can also use sound transmissions with higher frequencies. As you prepare your planetary body into this transition, you will be able to open and activate your chakra energy centers. These transmissions had been here waiting for you in divine perfect timing for our full acceleration and activation of your galactic blueprint. It is time.
Galactic Light body Activations:
- Prepare your sacred space. Light a candle, incense and smudge with Palo santo or sage. Silence is important.
- Invoke your spiritual teams and guides. Be present with open mind and heart.
- Focus on your auric fields, visualize a cosmic egg around you like a bubble of light. Intensify this light with golden essence of Christ consciousness. Luminous and shimmering this radiance. Transmitting from your auric fields. Visualize the electromagnetic energies in your aura spinning faster that you move your electromagnetic fields above your body as much as possible. Spin your aura faster and faster and you are out from your body.
- Concentrate on your crown chakra, visualize thousands of lotus petals flower, bright golden light emanating from the divine presence of Medicine Buddha.
- As you receive these electrical pulsations from the cosmos, visualize a portal like a corridor of light beam. This is the ladder of consciousness, walk slowly toward the star gate. You will find companions around you. These are the chosen ones to walk in this lighted path.
- At the cosmic gateway, you are greeted by three Masters. These are Melchizedek, Thoth and Archangel Metatron they are the scribes of the universal Akashic Records.
- You are now ready to enter the galactic space where your galactic blueprints are recorded and kept. Enter this temple. Surrounded by huge crystals, spiritual teams and guides, Archangels and angels, Ascended Masters. Find a space that you can relax and feel these high vibrations that are emanating from this sacred temple.
- There are galactic scrolls placed in a circular crystal table, they are here for you. As you look around, you will see the Lords of the Akashic Records, Lords of Karma they are the councils that allow and check the balances of karma in our planet earth and planetary body that we inherit in this incarnation. They are here to assist you to remember all timelines that needed to be in congruent in order for your Higher Self to be activated and live a wholesome life on planet earth.
- Beside you is a window where you can see the blue planet earth, you are now receiving the higher perspective of your planetary timelines. This is a unique view of yourself looking at the creations.
- It is time to integrate these higher frequencies and vibrations of your electro- magnetic fields. To unlock those contracted genetic codes within you. Feel these pulsating light and vibrations accelerating into your crown chakra while your higher self is transmitting this from the star gate.
- Now you have finished your activations, thank the Masters for having you. See yourself stepping down from the corridor of consciousness. Walk slowly, entering your crown chakra back into your planetary body. See yourself like a tree firmly grounded and rooted to the core of mother earth Gaia. You are home.
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