02 May Darkness is a space that needs Light
In these turbulent times, we can get caught up with in the darkness. But if we know, where we put our attention is where energy flows, then we realize that our attention is not in the right space. Darkness is the shadow playing in our realities that needs Light. It is powerless. It is a doorway to push through to self-realize that we are expansive. When you feel restricted and contracted, that means you are in the opposite direction of the universal energy. The answer is to shift effortlessly and your consciousness will be on the right track.
We can get easily caught in the midst of the illusions. We forget our own true nature, our essence is still, peaceful and love. No matter what kind of confusion and turbulence is around you, you can keep your stillness when you practice meditation, silence and yoga. Your body, mind, heart and soul need to be in alignment to your true essence.
“Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.”
Powerful words from St Teresa of Avila.
Our clarity is gained when we put our focus into our service. Helping others helps you see the Light of truth. We cannot talk about Light if we ourselves are chaotic. It is toxicity in our system when we allow this illusion. Live in Light and attain inner peace through silence. This is the stillness of your soul. De-clutter your surroundings. Find clarity with simplicity. We are here experiencing darkness, as this is part of the Light, like the Yin / Yang balancing the forces of the universe. When you find that you are focusing on darkness, switch it around, shift your awareness into the positive energy and things will dissipate. Darkness is a reminder to shift your consciousness into Light. There is nothing to it, we will find that this works and life becomes blissful. Nothing can disturbs you.
Purification can be challenging, when you ask for Light work you may go through trials in life. We need to clear our energy fields, emotional and mental thoughts of lower vibrations. We cannot host two things, if you choose Light then it will be given to you. In order to have this in your space, you will need to weed out interferences like cultivating a garden. We remove weeds away from the plants in order to have flowers.
In the midst of the purification process, practice stillness, knowing that you are always protected. Sending love and Light to all sentient beings who are also going through the same process of purification. We are all one. This is the truth of Light, no matter how dark the world seems to be, we are all in the midst of this quantum soup. What matters is where you put your focus. Are you listening when others are talking about darkness? Or do you keep your centered focus on your service to help others, remind them of their Light. The things that we talk about affect us, the universal energy does not know the difference. It only vibrates to the resonance of your words. It delivers to you what your frequency is.
When we know this, we become aware of where we focus on. Bringing awareness does not help when we talk about negative energy. There is another way of bringing the truth. By being an influencer, talking about ways to promote holistic healing and stillness. If we put out attention to stressful situations then we are just bringing the same low vibrations into our fields.
Be aware of what you put out there, they come to you according to the universal law of vibrations. We need to scan our consciousness in all that we do and say. Are we calibrating in the higher frequencies of our Higher Self? Or are we bringing out more fear based thoughts in the energy fields? This will help you tune within, the answers are coming from within. In order to have a bountiful and peaceful life, we have to tune into our Higher Self. Anchor this in our body with the deva spirit that resides within. Our human body has to remember our spirit, the spirit that resonates with the Cosmos. Together we can promote a brighter soul, fully anchored to mother earth. Grounded in her teachings and supported by the universal energy. Let there be Light in our collective consciousness. This unified field is here, dream, believe and shine your bright Light.
photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@jeisblack
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