03 Nov Channeling the voices
Channeling the voices
How does channeling works? I used to doubt myself about receiving messages. I doubt if it was my mind that is thinking or am I really receiving a message from some guide? It can be a challenge when it is your first attempts on channeling. A lot of questions in your head. I allow myself to receive the intuitive thoughts that are coming along. It is a teamwork, as I receive, I was also participating in what I am writing. It is connecting to my Higher Self or soul. You can start by asking your soul what it wants to communicate to you today? Stop and write what your soul wants to convey. Ask to speak from the highest light and reveal to you what does it want? Trusting what comes and flows from your soul. Creating a reset from your mundane life, and reconnecting to your soul and expansive self.
One way that I can distinguished the difference is when I looked at the finished product. The words that flow and how my mind was able to create complex knowledge is an indicator that I am receiving messages from someone higher than my linear mind. It is fascinating to see what they are conveying to assist us humans. It is coming from a higher perspective. It gives you wisdom about a certain situation that you are going through. It is not from this world for sure. Allowing the flow of insights and not editing or judging what comes up is a part of automatic writing. You let go of control and egoic mind. Stepping aside and letting the spirit and flow of information comes through you.
I used a Lemurian crystal that I hold when I channel. The grids from the Lemurian somehow connects me to the ancient knowledge. It makes me feel at home within myself and the channel. We become one together as I touch the ridges and close my eyes. After doing the meditation, I then start typing away whatever comes up. I can see visions, hear guides, and feel the energies that flow in my body. I became aware of the signs that they present in different ways.
Creating a sacred space and invoking the Masters of Light helps in setting the right vibration conducive for higher frequencies to flow through. I feel the electrical pulsations within my body. My crown chakra is tingling, light and open. I receive the intuitive thoughts and visions that assist me in putting the dots together. The thoughts that come, will make sense more to me with the visions that I receive. It can also come as sensations in my body parts. For example, around my shoulders and neck indicates the throat chakra and responsibilities that we carry. If I am channeling for others and I feel this heaviness around this area, I recognized that this person is taking responsibility that is not theirs. I become accustomed to the signs and body signals that I feel. It became like a pattern of codes that I developed through practice with clients in opening their Akashic Records.
Asking within when you want more information or detail can enhance your perception and knowledge about the messages. The flow of information is like a river that flows without hardships, it flows with ease and grace. The connection that you make with the guide is more attuned and aligned to your ways of receiving. Meditation before you start writing also helps you become more attune to the flow of messages. When we are not used to receiving messages, your egoic mind can play tricks on you. All you need to do is just do it. Do not listen to your doubts or fear. Create the sacred space and write away.
What are the ways to receive these messages?
- Prepare your sacred space. Light a candle. Meditate and begin your journal or typing in the computer.
- The guides will wake you up in the middle of your sleep. Sometimes, you receive downloads and know that you need to get up and just write. Create a daily schedule. Disciplining yourself creates a new pattern and habits.
- Recognize what the team guides are telling you. They can communicate through your dreams at first then in real time. You can ask questions as you go through the writing. They are listening and ready to help you in your journeys.
- Know who are your guides? It will help to align with their voice and special way of connecting to you. They can show colors and these can be connected to the Chakra energy centers. As you understand more about Chakra and colors it will redirect you to what part of the body system they are referring to.
- Be open to receive, do not judge yourself, let go of doubts and fears. Be you and just do it.
- Remember that you are a vehicle, they are communicating to you because they want to convey messages for the collective. Don’t take it personal. Serve it for the bigger purpose.
- Connect to your Higher Self and align to your body deva spirit as they become one in unison with the harmonious fields within you.
- Ask questions, ask to give you visions and clarity. You can demand with your spiritual teams and guides. They are here to assist you.
- Knowing how you are receiving impressions can help you understand how you are perceiving the messages then it is a lot easier to translate when you know how you operate.
- Letting go of fear, judgement about yourself, denying your gifts of channeling and letting go of control will make channeling a lot easier for yourself. Knowing that you are doing your part to help others connect to their guides and messages.
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