26 Jun Awakening of the Galactic Human Hybrid
The Galactic Human Genome is awakening as we activate your light body to the higher frequencies of the Masters Guardians of Light. We are here to protect and shield your electromagnetic fields. You are becoming aware of your light body that is encoded with the 12 strand DNA from your ancient timelines. In this awakening, we are preparing you from a huge shift of your consciousness in the molecular and atomical level. Your realities are being distorted with a lot of infiltration from the malevolent force in order to destruct your focus and mastery of the soul. The mastery that we are talking about is the purification that you are going through. To be a master of the soul is to release all old imprints of karmic bondages from the lower vibrations such as fear, doubt, suffering, judgements, separation from the Source, unconscious negative beliefs so on and so forth. Many are called to this light path, but few are chosen. You are here to self-realize that you incarnate to help assist humanity in its transition to the Golden Era. It is here. It is the trajectory of your soul.
What are the infiltrations of the soul? You are a wave particle of light. There is an iono space around you just like the planet earth. This is the auric fields that surrounds your physical body. When you don’t have a strong force field like the fundamental forces of the world that your scientists have discovered such as: the four forces of nature which are gravity, electromagnetic force, strong and weak nuclear forces. You will get lost in the entanglement of chaos. This will weaken your focus and attention to what is needed to be implemented and birthed into the universe. Creations are from the ether. Funneling the immeasurable information and knowledge that your collective has downloaded in the Akash. This is the CLOUD Consciousness of Light information Open to Understanding of multi-Dimensions This is where you download what you create and also receive what you need to create, like a memory bank of all that is which again pointing you back to the zero-point field. Create from the heart frequencies of compassion. The highest frequency of creation, where you are at one with all the is.
The universal data bank exist in the vibrations of compassion and understanding humanity as it evolve into one unified field of consciousness. You are far from this creation, as you are still vibrating in separation from other humans. You are allowing the field of judgement from another being which is the lower vibration of infiltration. If you truly want to ascend and understand creation from a standpoint of one unified field of consciousness, you are being asked to unite all your judgements in the black hole of transmutation with the Masters of Light that you are encountering. These incarnations of the Masters as here, all their knowledge and wisdom. You have the capacity to download these in your system when you tap into your personal Akashic Records. For you to tap into your highest infinite potential, you have to purify all your thoughts, transcending negative into positive quarks. Symmetry of all your shadows and light aspects of spectrum, when purified thoughts can travel without being identified as a structure but a wave of particles from the quantum field of existence. It is the electromagnetic force field of your unified aspects of light and dark, that they are in the same space for you to create in this incarnation. When you assimilate the factors of your creation, you will see that the darkness is an important factor to see the light. Light is one manifestation of an electromagnetic wave, written by “Michio Kaku in The God Creation”
You attract what you have inside your own magnetic fields. In order to create balance and symmetry, you ground your thoughts into the core of mother earth to magnetize the quantum shifts of your perceptions. Everything that had been created here is a quantum sparks of the thoughts that were vibrating in higher frequencies of love and light. Your creations and attractions to others has a symbiotic lesson of your existence from a sub atomical point of view. Without this symmetrical balance of congruency in your energy fields, your focal point of attention is imbalance therefore unable to function with integrational factors of creatrix. It is empirical that you function in a well balance mannered to create what is necessary to evolve this human species.
There is a lot of disturbance from the emotional body, mental fields and etheric fields that can cause harm to your evolution. Your point of attention must focus on manifestation of the higher consciousness. It will be dualistic to say that you still have separation from other races. It is in your integration within that will pave the way to awakening your own galactic genetic matrix. The key is to integrate your judgements into neutrality or equanimity. This itself will dissolve any animosity towards another being and point of view. You become unified coefficient with the quantum creation of the holographic matrix of your universe. As your science evolve so as your consciousness. It is in one unified field of creatrix. The missing link of your hologram to create peace in the world. All parts of your being must sing one song. This is the music of the spheres that vibrates as one unified theory of universe. You are the universal conscious self as you awaken your DNA/RNA into the quantum jump of your accelerated Galactic Human Hybrid into your future timeline. Reverse engineering the timelines to evolve fully from the mundane chaos that is disturbing your harmonious synchronized motion.
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