31 Jan Aquatine Lemurian Calcite
As we continue our crystal journeys in our Crystal Vibes metaphysical shop, I was in awe of the mysteries and magical stories that are being shared to us. I was not aware that this will serve as a healing portal for souls, as it unfolds to us the true meaning why we are here? It attracts all different types of people that are coming to us. There were people hanging out for hours in the midst of the isle, feeling the high frequencies that these magical crystals are emitting. We watched them hold the crystals and gravitate to what they needed to bring home.
There was a certain couple that came, and I knew that the man was sick physically, as an experienced nurse I could easily assess when a person is not feeling well. I looked at him while they were asking questions, he looked very weak, unable to speak the words and his actions were frozen and also having difficulty to walk. They said that they wanted to buy a crystal for their son who studies and lives in US. As we continue to talk, I asked if he was feeling sick. He said yes, I told him to sit down. He closed his eyes, I smudged him and started to use the Tibetan singing bowl. I asked him to hold the medicinal pouch that I recently made, they were Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine and Tree Agate. I made this specifically for the Heart Chakra. To help heal brokenness, heart aches, release unforgiveness, ground into mother earth and nature, to be attune to love and open the heart for unconditional love. I also advised them to see a Medical Dr for his symptoms . They were both grateful and said, “we were sent here.” As we co-create this healing field in our shop, I realized I am into something bigger than what I think. I am there to help souls. This is just one of the stories that continue to unfold.
The couple bought a huge Aquatine Lemurian Calcite, that is reminding them of their timelines in beautiful paradise of Lemuria and help them heal.
Also known as Blue Onyx, helps to balance your emotions, remove emotional blockages and opens, heals and unblocks all chakras. Aids in memory and learning, helps students retain their lessons. Facilitates physical healing by clearing negative energy and emotions, encouraging rest and relaxation. It vibrates with the energy of “flow” and resonates with the consciousness of the ancient, high spiritual civilization of Lemuria. Connecting your Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras, it supports your emotional body, bringing a sense of calm and flow with your emotions. Aquatine Lemurian Calcite opens you to the higher dimensional consciousness so you can connect with your higher realm.
Aquatine Lemurian Calcite’s message:
We are here to remind you of your star origins. In Lemurian timelines, you are not separated from nature. You belong to the ocean, mountain, forest, river and trees. You are nature. As you continue to incarnate, in may timelines and dimensions your mind became convoluted with blockages from your ancient roots. Your emotional body is permeated with layers of harming emotions that caused you to close your heart. My dear children of light, you are never separated with us. We watch you grow and search for your true essence. You are so beautifully woven in the light frequencies of our higher vibrations. As you attune to us, we bring you back to your home. You are a part of the universe that flows in the vast ocean of love. How can you feel alone in this timeline? When we are all here waiting for you.
We cannot wait for your touch. As you hold us, we activate your timelines in paradise. You remember yourself as a child of the universe. You feel at peace on mother earth. You do not need to be alone, travel with us in many dimensions. As you sleep tonight, bring us in your consciousness. To feel loved, to flow and to regenerate your truth. Free yourself from any blockages, there is no fear but truly open your heart to love. Freedom is attained when you are in your heart. Be here now, feel this love within your cellular level of memories, we are connected and aligned to the universal love. We are here for you; the blue ocean of peace be with you in your travels. Find some stillness, meditate, free your mind. Be present to yourself. Watch as your life unfolds magical beings of light that surrounds you. Watch others be mesmerized with your creations with us. We bring peace, solace to your soul. We love you and know that you are always loved. The person that comes to you, is a fractal of light that is meant to receive your light. You uplift their spirit, bring them joy and life. You are a gift to others. Remind yourself that you are a sacred gift. You are one with all that is. Namaste!
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