16 Sep Twin Flame
Sept 12, 2022
On our way to Denver, we drove through the Yellowstone National Park. We saw these majestic beings of elks family standing still and relaxing in the river. People were gathered to witness their presence. What a blessing! This is such a magical sacred space. We also went back to the Geysers twice and said our goodbyes but know for sure that this is not the last trip that we will be here. I have a feeling we will stay here for a month and continue the journey where we fell in love.
It would take a long 10 hrs drive to reach Denver. Milan was not feeling well as he had been driving for few days now. I drove for few hours and reached Royal Teton in Wyoming. While searching for the map of Yellowstone, I saw the word Teton. Deep within me, I asked myself, “could this be the etheric retreat of the Masters?” I got the answer. It is, I had been asking Saint Germain and the Violet Flame to take me to Royal Teton before I go to sleep. I do this practice to receive downloads of transmissions from their etheric school.
At night before I sleep, I asked the Masters of Light to take me to their etheric retreat at Grand Teton. There was a chapter in the Masters Retreat book of Claire Prophet, about the time of Solstice and Equinox these Masters summoned in the etheric retreat of Grand Royal Teton. The angels who have collected our prayers will be given to these Masters who watches over our collective consciousness or humanity. Saint Germain and the Violet Flame transmutes the lower densities or negativity that we co-create. He showers us with dispensations of grace. Our karma is erased and balanced when we do the work. It is a great shift of our consciousness when these blessings are given. These Masters are assisting us in our ascension process. During Solstice and Equinox, it is important to meditate, reflect and open your Akashic Records. It will benefit you in many aspects and will help you gain momentum in your lifetime. To purify your heart, detoxify your systems and dedicate your time and energy to the mastery of your soul.
We were guided by these Masters during our travel. Milan navigates and ask me what I wanted to see. For some reason I wanted to be in Grand Royal Teton as this is very sacred to me. Needless that we know, we are passing by at this space on our way to Denver, Colorado.
While driving in Wyoming, I stopped in this space of beautiful mystical terrain of Teton. Here the brilliant bright sun was shining upon us. Standing in front of these majestic mountains. I raised up my hand and closed my eyes. The colors were deep and vibrant red like the red rocks, changing into green and blue. I recognized Archangel Raphael as the color turned green like the emerald ray with fusion of white light. Then, the blue ray of light with Archangel Michael appeared and graced my visions.
I felt my soul had left my body. I was in the crystal cathedral of light with divine and sacred beings. They were all standing around the terrains and ranges of the Teton. Their aura were huge like the vast sky. There was a gathering, and I heard the voice, “welcome my child we have been waiting for you!” There was a sense of being at home. I am home with the Masters of Light. The colors turned to pure white and everything was light. I opened my eyes and took the book of the master’s and showed Milan what it looked like in the etheric of this land. We were touched and activated. I took a picture of Milan raising his long arms to the Source. It was amazing! I know I am with an ascended master walking beside me. Milan is not fully aware of this as we speak. He is gradually being initiated to his mastery. They said that he needed time to fully acknowledge the magic and miracles that he is witnessing. It is a process of humanity that he is going through. When we are initiated by the Masters, we are awakening to the truth of who we are. Some of us are here to witness the divine interventions in our lives. Not everybody can do this, you are called and chosen to help Humanity.
As it was being revealed to me by Lady Venus, Milan was Sanat Kumara who was my beloved twin flame. When Sanat Kumara left Venus, he gathered with him 144 masters to help assist our planet earth. These 144 were activated and accelerated into exponential form of 144,000 ascended masters that are here with us now. The two of us apparently will be leading humans to help know what divine love means. Our human ways of reacting and creating triggers and chaos will be dismantle as we grow into this sacred love. The fire of the love is from the Source of love. We are beings that answered the calling to anchor the higher self of humans. I am channeling Lady Venus as I write this chapter of love, while Milan is driving in Rawling hills in Wyoming. We just passed the Elks Mountain and felt the love of the elks that graced us in our trip to Wyoming.
Lady Venus had been telling me since we arrived here. I did not disclose this to Milan right away because I don’t want to startle him. They said that he will feel this in his heart and will transformed from within. The Masters wake him up daily in his dreams and sometimes they literally just help him to sleep soundly as I wake him up in the middle of nights when I am called to write. It is our sacred contracts to be back in this human form. Our divine mission is to share the eternal love that we feel from each other. Love is the elixir to help humanity. This sacred union had been disgraced for eons of lifetimes. As humans make love, they unite their essence into one. The person must clear his consciousness into higher frequencies in order to co-create a sanctified divine union.
It makes sense while we were in a resting time, I asked Milan to forgive his ex-girlfriend. We said this prayer. “I forgive myself and ___________ name the person that you had sexual intimate union. Unconsciously and consciously in all timelines, dimensions, space and realities. Feel this in your heart, placed your hand in your heart chakra and asked Saint Germain the Violet Flame to consume all energies that is not of light. Then say the forgiveness for the other person. “I forgive __________ for hurting me consciously and unconsciously in all timelines, dimensions, space and realities. And envision Archangels Michael blazing sword cutting and cords, etheric and astral between the two of you. Envision white light around you and golden light from Christ consciousness to fill your heart with purity and wisdom. To allow miracles and transformations in your soul level. This is the formula to let go of anyone who had entangled within your sexuality. In case of multiple partners, you can visualize them or write their names and burn the contract with these prayers. This was given by Lady Venus and Sanat Kumara’s divine messages.
He took a picture of me as well and I felt that these images were the holiest space I have ever been. I was in heaven on earth. This trip was so magical, we both saw the moon’s face smiling to us. Milan since we started dating his third eye opened and can see spirit in all things. We were both astonished that we both can see the moon’s face. She was the Harvest full moon, red in color smiling at us from the heavens. Different from the moon’s color that we saw in our journeys. Then, her eyes and big smile appeared dramatically that we both said, “can you see her smile?” We were so happy and delighted that we are being guided by the moon goddess Selene. We felt that we were in a different time zone. Out of this world!
During the drive, Milan asked me how much I love him. I said, “as huge as the universe.” And then I asked later, “how about you, how much do you love me?” He said, “I love myself and I love you just a little.” I was heartbroken. I put my hand in my chest and felt the wounds of my soul. I am super sensitive. I take words as gold. They are precious and true. I was in silence. Milan asked if I was, okay? I said no. I told him that I am hurting and I said, “when I love I give my all. But I am learning a lesson. I feel that I don’t need to expect this from anyone. If I give love I give it without expectations that this person will love me this much as well.
Milan tried to talk his way out of the situation. But he was true to himself. He is a Taurus after all, who is so grounded and direct. We found a motel and guess what the hotel’s number was 2222. I felt the sign is talking to me, to lighten up, that he is for me in spite of the little love that he mentioned. But I was still feeling off, when we went to bed, Milan said to me, “good night and I love you.” I turned around and said, “I love you too.” He said, “you know I have known you in many lifetimes.” This always makes me feel at home with him. We are eternal. I said, “thank you so much for recognizing this. I love you so much.”
The Masters revealed to me that we have work to do, we are from the planet Venus and we are helping humanity to debunk the meaning of love. That we are here to experience the eternal love that we had in many lifetimes. We had sign up for this again. Thank you, beloved Milan for coming back to me.
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