19 Jul Activations of higher frequencies
Our unconscious collective archetypes are living parallel with our conscious and superconscious mind of infinite possibilities. In hybridization, the genetic pool of our human consciousness that were imprinted for eons of lifetimes are now being revealed simultaneously in our present timelines. For example, the Christ and Mary Magdalene twin flames are being recalibrated within our sacred heart to ignite the chambers of our hearts. We are learning to be more aware that we are multidimensional. That every people, places and things are a holographic mirror of every aspect of our collective expressing in our multiplicity. It is a complex perception but will reactivate your expansion when you debunk your personal beliefs. Anything that is egoic construct will diminished when you are tapping into higher consciousness. All thoughts, beliefs, religions, opinions, are all illusions of the egoic mind. They obstruct our growth and expansion and limiting your galactic mind.
In a sense, your past lives are present in this current timeline within your cellular memories of consciousness. You are a living library of your soul. The recordings of all that is, is within your cellular matrix DNA/RNA they are the living memories of our collective. As you evolve, you contribute to this holographic matrix. All the archetypes are like shadows and beliefs that were formed within our collective unconscious. They can be seen as neutral energies that we have accumulated to learn our lessons and embrace humanity. The higher frequencies of the Galactic Light will increase the spectrum of your perceptions. The Rainbow warriors are here to assist the acceleration of these Light frequencies. Multiple ways of receiving these activations and codes. Through focusing, discipline and dedication to your divine mission, you will decipher the codes of multidimensionality. The 12 Gateways of your highest potential to assist your ways of linear thinking into multidimensionality ways of perceptions. This will result in a higher exponential formula of every opportunity that comes up for you. Like visualizing yourself as a high rise building with 12 floors. Each floor serves a different view of the external. The higher you go into each floor; the view gets expansive. Just like your perceptions, the more evolve you become you see higher and different views of your situation. When you reached the penthouse, you see the expansion of yourself. Your incarnation is like this tall building, you have layers of timelines creating simultaneously while you are in your body, the only difference is you cannot see the other dimensions as you needed to accelerate your vibrations into a higher octave.
Understanding this example will catapult you into a higher wisdom of your incarnation. Your multiple dimensionalities is the expression of your higher self and anchoring this into your incarnated avatar will make a difference in your ascension process. Activating all 37.2 trillion cells that are vibrating and alive to function in its highest potential.
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