24 Jun We are here
I was restless tonight, I couldn’t sleep. I was listening to Nikola Tesla and I just realized that he is mystical, cosmic and universal. It sounded like how my mind works. I guess the universal knowledge is here in the ether, we can feel it, see, hear and taste it when you are an open channel. Receiving is like listening, when you are open to what is, without blocking your intuition. It is your gut feeling. I was in awe when the other day I spent my time naked in the beach. Having a magical time in nature, listening to the eagle’s melodic hymn, remembering my Lemurian timelines in paradise. I lost my inhibitions, shame, guilt and judgement in my physical body. Woah! It is a huge transition of my critical thinking. I am so proud of my inner work.
People are probably judging my nudist lifestyle because they don’t understand the healing component of this act. But right now, I don’t really care about others’ opinions of me. I just live me. This snippet of my life here on earth is about me, my choices, decisions and soul’s journeys. Never about others’ opinions. I became radical and free.
When I am awake, I feel the downloads coming and I allow the flow. There is a huge shift in our collective. The unified field is in the air. But it will take a lot of chaos and restructuring of our consciousness to be in a higher frequency of light to co-create this matrix. It is written in the Akash. We have been traversing these parallel and alternate universes throughout the cosmos. It will take each one of us, to help send ripples of light to those who are still asleep. They will come to you like you have come to us. The Galactic Beings have been within your genetic makeup, you were just unconscious of this matrix. You must vibrate higher to receive these frequencies. As you gain back the knowledge and remember the light codes within your memory universal data bank, you will be guided. You will meet people that will activate your higher consciousness.
A person’s ancestral roots like country, bloodline and genetic make up activates another person in their galactic human hybrid make up. Meaning, your auric fields change the light codes that the other person is activating you. You are not aware of this magical power. Everything is electric. The light codes dances with the light codes that the other person has. Like intertwining, dancing in the fields of cosmic soup of infinite possibilities. Your creations start from your imagination, visualization and intention. As you dream about this, the light particle in the universe attracts what you thought of. This etheric fields are the Akashic Records of all creations. Guarded by the mightiest light that ever walked this universe like Archangel Metatron when he was prophet Enoch. As you create a relationship with Metatron, you inherit the power of creations. Everything is interconnected, you are receiving the power of the Masters of Light. You are eternal so as Metatron. It is the initiation to these Masters that will assist you in remembering the Light Codes. The light body that you have is full of these timelines like barcodes that you see in Lemurian crystals. You are encoded within. The activations happen when your soul is ready to receive. As you purify the old timelines of victimhood, you reach a higher octave. This signals to the galaxies your vibrations and you attract the same higher resonance in your fields.
Look who are the people around you now, where they come from and what heritage they are encoded. You can feel the activations that they are bringing especially when they are highly educated as the intelligence of the universe is encoded within them. But as you know it is not this knowledge that will elevate your consciousness, it your heart’s wisdom. This is the magnetic force of all creations. The frequencies of compassionate heart will bring all creations to you. You hold this within your heart. The pure heart attracts all good things and situations.
The dark night of the soul is the black hole. It is through this black hole that your soul is purified of all impurities. You let go of all that is egoic and realized that your light is what matters. This light body is your password to your highest potential. When you see beyond your sufferings, you become lighter. You see the bigger picture of why things happen to you. You are no longer bonded to the mundane noise of the unconscious. You become a vessel of light. You become an observer of all creations. Everything becomes alive, vibrant and joyful. This is the frequencies of the galactic light. It is time to embody who you truly are. The Galactic Human Hybrid is the future timeline of your species. It is this bloodline that will create the unified field. You will become a galactic community. Where there is no difference in race, gender and color. Everyone will be sovereign of their own body and soul. The mind will realign to the divine creations of pure perfection of love. There will be no war or separation as you are within yourself. You are fully integrated to the light being that you are.
This is the collective awakening, we are here to wake you up and remember your true genetic history. We are one of you and you are one with us. Together we will co-create the unified, harmonious and peaceful earth. As earth itself ascends and become a galactic planet in the cosmos. You will awaken your Merkabah, this vehicle of light within you. It will help you ascend without being interfered and bombarded with fear. No doubt resides in our energy fields, you are attuning to the higher frequencies of light. Light permeates all cells. It is flowing and powerful force that infuse your neuropathways to send signals to all organs that create your physical body functions in harmony. All the systems that are running autonomously within your body is a powerful mechanical force of creations. What a powerful being you are!
As you receive these activations, remember to ground to nature to help you balance your systems. Do not get overwhelmed but remain still and centered in all ways. We are here witnessing your quantum shifts and we are pleased that you are doing your work and participation in the galactic confederation of light. Be well.
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