10 Feb The Power of Choice
Challenges are like attacks that we seem to get confused about their true reality. When we are unconscious of our old patterns, we automatically react to them as real. For example, you are going through divorce and you are receiving a lot of attacks from your ex-spouse. You become reactive, stressed over your survival, and is experiencing anxieties and negativity. These negative thoughts and emotional imprints of fear from your old self or many past lives that you had lived as a victim are triggered.
You are in resistance, like two people tagging and pulling a cord between each other. The resistance is like the old story of being a victim. You are participating in this tug of war, because this is your way of defense mechanism. You are like a child trapped inside a hurricane. You are trapped, feeling that there is no way out. You allow this confusion and chaos around you. Within yourself, you feel weakened. When we live in fear, we are confused of our true essence. The truth is that we are loved, nothing can disturb us when we have a strong faith in God/Universe/Source of all that is.
The chaos that we are experiencing is like an illusion of our shadow self. When we are align to our higher self, in our solar chakra we feel our inner strength. We become fearless over anything that comes to us. This is a state of vulnerability, we become gentle and kind to ourselves. We open our hearts to what is being presented to us without reaction. But allowing ourselves to be in a space of stillness. This can only be achieved through a still mind. Like the Buddha, there is no harmful thoughts. But the awareness that all thoughts are passing by, even difficult situation will pass by.
Our fluidity helps us to recognize that there is always a choice. To choose power over force and light over darkness. How can we attain this space of peace? When we claim this choice, it is within us and there is a process of self-awareness that happens. Like goddess Isis, she holds the solar disc in her crown chakra that symbolizes the Sun/God that illuminates our mind. When you are in this state of illumination, you are not allowing any illusions, negativity that will harm your mind. You are only allowing thoughts that are high vibrations. Thus, Goddess Isis wings can fly freely over any obstacles. Like us when we become fully conscious, we become the master of our consciousness. We recognized that we hold the power to choose higher frequencies of love and light. Then, whatever negativity or fear in front of us shifts and dissipate into light because light has power over darkness.
Freedom is a choice, when we fully express ourselves from the heart. We do not resist what is in front of us but to face any difficult circumstance with compassion and kindness. Anxiety arises, to confuse us with our mind. It creates a barrier that prevents us to go deep within our heart. When we are open and vulnerable, we become intimate to our own wounds. We don’t create a wall around our hearts. We can say to ourselves, “this too shall pass and I am always loved.” Anything that happens that brought challenges for us is like a door for expansion. We can take this as another door of opportunity to truly face any obstacles with a clear mind, strong faith and inner strength.
Challenges are initiations to your soul mastery. They presented themselves to you, to test your resilience. How far can you go? How deep is your faith? The spiritual path of a warrior is being an alchemist of your own shadows. Ego is limiting yourself to contraction, spirit is attuning you to expansion. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Know deep within that you are supported by the Universe. Allow only good thoughts and keep your mind and heart open to receive the limitless possibilities for you right at this moment. When we believe, we cast seeds of faith. These seeds will grow and bloom into a beautiful garden of your soul’s journeys. It will bring fruits in your harvest.
It is in divine timing, as long as we surrender we feel the divine grace helps us flow with ease. We become more loving towards ourselves and others. We are present to our precious lives. By choosing this power we let go of struggles, we attain peace and have joy in our hearts. Have discernment and remember that there is power in your choice, choose light. Namaste!
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