31 May Where Art Thou?
Where art Thou?
My love, against the scorching heat of love’s forgotten dream..
Infinitesimal eternal love beyond the bright shining stars..
We were born to be, to heal, to see, what this world offers us.
Only the love of thy sacred vessel can fill me up..
Beyond this word, beyond this world..
Where art Thou, beloved?
In ancient land of Judah, I walked with my beloved.
In her eyes I found solace beyond the wretched soul.
How blessed I am with this deep devotion that only you can give. In the world of illusion, behind the darkness, amidst the fools ..only your pure light lingers deeply welcoming my sorrows. Each thorn in my crown pierces the veil of separation. Each drop of blood, each breathe, stumbling before the spectators. Those eyes of the Judge shall see the true revelation.
I feel, I love, I see what the world cannot see like the blind, deaf and mute to this eternal language of the cosmos. Our love beyond these humans, beloved, begotten, betrothed in heaven. This kingdom of infinite sacred fire of our Twin Hearts. You are my eternal goddess who came back to earth to shine, to anchor this fiery heart that holds the eternity from the Source of Life. The love that radiates this sunshine from the Great Central Sun. The blazing, shimmering, cosmic, electrifying, pulsations of the tantric chemical amalgamation of our elixir of true fire had begun. We are ONE, my beloved.
You can feel alone at times, but we are here in spirit. Listen to the laughing eagles, singing their sweet melodic hymn.
Your life is a divine majestic blueprint of us. Orchestrated in the celestial realm of angels. Beloved, be ONE. Like ripples of the vast ocean of love. I am you. You are me, a mirror of this radiance illumination burning love for the great Masters are here. To heal, to love and lift those who are burdened. No more tears of sorrows, but only tears of joy because we are ONE. Together we will soar with ancient wings of life’s great mysteries as this sacred fire consumes all fear and doubts. Becoming fully human and divine.
Personal Experience:
This poem was channeled to me on May 29, 2021 by Mary Magdalene and Jesus. I sat in my fave portal of Crescent Beach in white Rock. I was surprised to what this is all about? I realized that this is like the archetypes of being human and divine. The twin flames is the fire within us both feminine and masculine alchemizing what being human means and what is being divine. I never saw this before hand, what Jesus meant is that to be here on earth we need to be fully anchored to be human and when we do, we also become divine because we integrate these aspects of life.
The sorrows turn into joy because when we realized that we die to the flesh and rise to the spirit then nothing is lost but a transition to the spiritual realm. This is divine when we become reunited to the spirit of God/Source of life. The fire ignites this alchemy of sacred love. When you are longing or searching for what is outside of you, then you are lost because nothing in the external or anyone can give this alchemy but it is you as human and the understanding that the divinity within you is the fire to purify your egoic desires. Then, you become at one with the eternal divine love.
When I was growing up in the Catholic tradition, I loved going to church. I was brought up to honor and dedicate my Sundays to church. My sister Carmen was like a nun, she continues to serve the church and people. A beautiful soul she is. Everyday at angelus time 6:00 PM, my Mama Ramona will ask me and my brothers to kneel down in front of this huge image of “Mother Mary Immaculate Conception”. She became my hero. I would have this glowing in the dark rosary under my pillow and I recited the prayers for Mother Mary everyday and when I am feeling off. I was devoted.
When I reached the age of 30, something happened to me. My father-in-law passed away and my ex-husband decided to go home. When we were at the funeral, I was feeling strange. I was looking at the flowers all over the room and felt that I knew them. I realized that the spirit of my father-in –law is communicating with me. I did not know then that I am a medium. I felt bad about what I had to say to the family. But I told him that I will deliver the message. He was angry that the family is not comforting their mother. He loved her so much that he wants his children to be with her. When I delivered this message, my ex husband’s family was furious at me. He took me home to my own family. This is when my experience of raptures with mother Mary and Jesus happened.
I was kept in one of the rooms of my sister Carmen’s home while I was having these ecstatic raptures. One event is when I saw Mother Mary’s face in the picture in the wall morphing, she said to me, “You will see me in the many faces of women that you are going to heal.” It was so profound, I was crying in blissful moments. I was experiencing miracles from mother Mary.
The next sacred moment was with Jesus. There was a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the wall, suddenly Jesus hand was reaching out to me. He was communicating with me, “come to me my dear child. You are safe in my heart. My love.” I was in shock crying so hard. I can never imagine that I am experiencing these divine interventions in the midst of my isolation.
They had comforted me. They gave me the healing that I needed from the judgement that I received from my ex- husband’s family. I do not blame them because they are hurting. I do not share these sacred moments to others but only to few intimate loved ones. Jesus came to me three times and was delivering the messages of hope, faith and love. I used to have a 6 foot image of Divine Mercy in my living room. It was given to me from a friend that this image came from Germany. I donated this image to the church as they did not have one. During that time I served to bring the sick and those who cannot drive to the novena to the Divine Mercy.
The other rapture that I experienced was in the retreat at St. Benedictine in Mission on yr 2000 at Easter time. During this time Saint Faustina was canonized and declared a Saint at this day. I was ecstatic as I read her auto biography and my children went to the school of “Our Lady of Mercy” which is the congregation that she founded. It is overpowering when this happens because I don’t understand why I am experiencing this phenomena. As I became accustomed to continued events, I became at ease with their messages and visions. There are a lot of experiences in the dreams that I was communicating with Saints even hearing the song of Saint Faustina in my ears, “healeth of Thy world, healeth of Thy world.” She was referring to Lord Jesus. I created a song about this and forgotten where I kept the song.
There was a time in my thirties, I was a night nurse for 8 yrs. During my rounds around 0300 I will go around the hallways of the Alzheimers unit and prayed the Divine Mercy for the release of the suffering souls. There were 27 elders that died in that month of July and I was shocked because it never happened before. During my break, I asked Saint Faustina if this is the work of the Divine Mercy? I went to sleep and I had a vivid vision of her in a place in front of this white house. I saw three angels around the roof top of the house. I was running in the rain with my bible then suddenly a nun approached me. She asked me to pick up the roses. I looked around and there were hundreds of different coloured petals of roses in the ground. I started picking them up and I put them inside a basket. Then, my sister-in-law was also in the dream. Dorie asked me who was that nun that talked to me? I said, “I am not sure now, because she was Saint Faustina but the roses symbolizes Saint Therese of Lisieux, so I am not sure who she is?
I woked up from the dream and called my sister-in-law Dorie and told her about my dream. She was crying because she told me that she just bought a white house and that she is a devotee of Divine Mercy. She prays her litany of devotion every three o’clock in the afternoon. What a miracle for both of us.
Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s message
I had three cases of clients that went back all the way to the timeline of the Essenes. I do not know this timeline as I did not research this. In the messages there was a common theme, these women were following Mary Magdalene in the caves. Every night they came with a lantern and sat down to listen to her teachings of her sacred times with Jesus. She taught them alchemy. How you can turn something dreadful and horrific into something beautiful for God. Offering your sorrows of losing your loved one to the Creator and asking for divine grace to flow into your system to renew this devastation into a rebirth of your union in the spiritual domain. I did not realized that we were the women in the Essenes who were the wisdom keepers. Who were trained by Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s perfect divine unction and love devoted to the sacred fire of our hearts through the Cosmic Heart of Jesus. Through this Twin Flames, we as human are able to receive the transmissions of purity and sovereignty of God’s outpouring love for all of us.
That at this time of juncture, we will be led by this divine light within us. To open our mind, expand into the limitless knowledge and wisdom from the Creator. There is only ONE and we are the fractals of this Cosm. The micro and macro is ONE. As we traverse this journey back to our home, our return to the soul; we ascend into this physical dimensionality. Our human genome morphed into the holographic fields of infinite love. We lose our sense of egoic mind that persist in separating all of us. We lose the grasp. We become an observer of the fluidity of our original essence the Holy Spirit of the Source. The words lose its meaning. It is a space of bliss. The one merging into infinity. This is the Twin Flame or Mary and Jesus. They both symbolize the innate longing of our search for God. We are the eternal seekers of wisdom. As we become indoctrinated to the new earth tablets of love. We evolve into love. The separation or duality do not touch us anymore. Because we have attained our ascension from the illusions of the material world.
We flow, we grow with God’s love. Our life became more effervescent. We become one with everything. Our shadows we had embraced and seen the purpose of this servant. We became the Masters of our existence through the perceptions of compassion, we humbled ourselves to serve the Light. We are returning home, for those who chose to stay in their karmic wheel will do so. We all have divine timing, choose this life to ascend. Be ONE.
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