28 Mar Behind the veil
As I write and edit the chapters for collective awakening, I received a message from the Galactic Federation and it was resonating to my truth. As we go through this timeline of isolation and Covid-19 pandemic, I questioned what is happening in the Akashic fields. This was given to me and hopefully it will lighten and help you see through the veil and shift your perception of the bigger picture of how we can assist our humanity’s evolution of consciousness.
In this highly advance world of technology, there should be no one experiencing abuse, poverty and homelessness. We as conscious human beings need to stop these lower realities that we co-created in our current timeline. The government that is meant to take care of us, are the ones who dominate the world. There is so much falsification and inhumane acts that are their priority and this is not congruent to the survival of humanity.
Human beings are suffering that should not be happening. If we live in integrity and take every action with humility and compassion, we can shift this reality. But there are a lot of things that need to be cleaned up first, starting with our consciousness and vibrations. We are vibrational beings, we have to understand that our existence as humans is re-calibrated to our highest version when we vibrate at a higher frequency. We have assistance from the Masters of Light. We need their help now and we have to vigilantly meditate and be in stillness as we go through this massive shift.
As you vibrationally align your energy centers, you will expand your consciousness. We are intentional creators and the new Light encodement will be received through the central nervous system. Stay focused about this aspect and old karmic patterns will be wiped out. As you become a Light portal, old programs dissipate. The more Light your crystalline fields hold, the higher frequencies you vibrate.
Our realities are simultaneously happening on different levels of creation. For example you are doing your physical exercise, while in another potential timeline you have restructured your muscles and physique in a co-existing quantum space. In that sense there is no time space reality, they are parallel timelines that we are co-existing in this multi-dimensional way of living. This system upgrade that we are experiencing is vibrationally matching our mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. We cannot be in misalignment with our Higher Self. We will create harmonious fields when we have integrated this knowledge. We have to maintain the higher vibrations in our awareness.
Each person has their own earth grids and cosmic alignment with the flow of universal energy. The earth portal is grounding our cosmic Light into the core of mother earth through our kundalini energy that is in front of our spine. As our crown chakra receives the downloads of information from the Masters of Light, we are reactivating our starseeds.
This becomes the path through which we remember our original intention for incarnating back on earth. We are encoded with Light language, inter-galactically communicating with our human DNA and RNA. This is a channeled message that I am receiving regarding Covid-19.The massive interjections of the viral infection that is seemingly appearing as pandemic was infused by other interferences with mal-intention for the genome project of humanity. This is a chemical viral warfare to implement fear based thoughts of survival through your genes as the DNA sequence is rejecting what is unknown to their cellular environment. The isolation that the government has implemented is to keep an eye on the travelling host of the virus. Where in fact they already know where it originated. This is a staged plan to distract us from their agenda.
It is known to others that the economy was already collapsing unless they printed trillions of dollars, this will not suffice. This has something to do with creating a fear epidemic but the true underlying factor was the collapse of the economic status of the nations. They are the Elite group that controls the world. The mal- intention is being performed through acts of application that humans believe that a virus would kill humanity. What is behind this epidemic are leaders of people that are manipulating the flow of wealth. Through chemicals they are using this false information that will blind us of the truth. This is the new genocide.
Orchestrating a propaganda to bring in a new vaccine to add to the chemical warfare and wealth accumulation. We are dying because of the chemicals that are not organically meant to help us but create more side effects. As above so below, the spiritual warfare is here. Watch for your brothers and sisters. Go back to organic living through community support and taking care of each other. Staying focused on what is important and stay away from media that infuses fear.
How can we function in a healthy way of living when we are in this quantum soup of deceptions? This is a different perspective that maybe you would want to expand on in your mind and open up to other possibilities. How can we help others to wake up from this manipulation? You can only help yourself and be a voice for your truth. The veil is lifted when one is awaken. Living in this multi-dimensional state of being is seeing behind the veil, as you learn how to discern and be wiser of your choices. We have the choice to what brings happiness and simple living. Together we can create a unified field of existence when we all awakened from power control, greed and manipulation. It is time to wake up and be at peace. Create your inner peace and this will create peace in the world. Be authentic and true to your core being. Be compassionate, kind and gentle with your self and others. This highest version of a new earth is highly attainable when we are all together supporting our mother earth and its inhabitants. We are one.
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