28 Sep Integration of our Higher Self
Kindness and compassion, will help you transmute heaviness in the heart when you feel separated from another person. When things do not make sense, why you have to struggle with this relationship? They are triggers into our inner world, take a step back and feel your heart. Ask yourself, “why am I triggered in this situation? What is it in me that wants to reunite, align and integrate with my higher purpose?”
Your catalyst is the direction that your soul wants to pay attention to. We are given circumstances to overcome and see the bigger picture of why things happen? The ebbs and flows of our existence is always shifting. Like waves in the ocean, you will find some tides are huge and other times it is still. Our emotional body is like this vast ocean. We are composed of 75 percent or higher bodies of water. We are conducive to the highs and lows of our emotional state of condition. To maintain the fluidity of equilibrium is to balance our intake and output. For example you are in a conflict with another person. We have to pay attention if we are taking this trigger with an emotional imbalanced state of condition, or if we are in our center. We need to see that we are not confused and that we are not draining our power away. By checking inn with our state of balance then we can proceed with our responses. We are in alignment with our Higher Self.
We give our power away when we are not in touched with our true essence. We have the voice to speak of our truth and align with the highest integrity for all sentient beings. Relationships are mirrors of our souls. Who we see is who we are within. If you are seeing the other person as separated from you, then we have work to do. It is about integration of our shadows within to the Light of the wholesome us. We are complete and we don’t need to validate our presence. The egoic mind find things that are not resonating within you because it’s purpose is to annihilate you from others.
The ego’s operation mode is to separate and deceive that you are one existing person in this universe. The spirit is unifying us in one holographic universe. It is this conduit that will shift our deepest desires to unite and belong. If our filters are unable to see others as ourselves then the ego is activated. In order to deactivate this state of mind, we have to understand that others who are not aligning to us is just is, they are in the process of their own soul’s growth. They are here in their own system of deciphering how the spirit works. In their own time they will come into self-realization who they truly are.
Self-individualization is an important part of the soul’s process to know that it is wholesome. When the person feels whole, the process of soul integration with others is activated. It is the knowing that we are all one because they had done the work of integration within. All aspects shadows and light are one co-existing within us. The completeness of the encompassing and embodiment of the whole self is now in a different level of integration. We first have to integrate within before we can see the bigger picture of the whole system that is operating with all of us. Being one within is the complete state of knowing others.
Receiving others in whatever state of consciousness they are in is a sure sign that you have done the work within yourself. Tolerance of their ignorance is kindness in the heart. The mind can easily critique and pass judgement to others when one is not in stillness. This space is sacred. We have to take time to enrich this practice. It is our action towards this passion of the heart to reach a state of enlightenment. Through understanding our own egoic mind, we become kind to others journeys. Let us take the time to embody this step of understanding others as you do it for yourself. This is the part where human beings are confused. Because they feel superior if someone is not in their level of wisdom. Wisdom is not about being better than others.
It is compassion that infused wisdom in our hearts. When we are compassionate and kind to others, we become wiser in all ways. We become the Light that shines in the darkness. We are the light bearers. The vehicle and means for others to see their path. Becoming one within is an integral part of the whole universe. We can only become one when we have done the work towards this unified consciousness. As long as we feel separated, we are still a working progress and it is this momentum that will take us to a transformational shift in our evolution of consciousness. Be at one with within yourself and you will be at one with others. Namaste!
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