Vibrate Higher

We can get so easily entangled with other person’s negative disturbances, if we are not aware of our own wholesome Self. When you are with some one negative and experiencing something that does not feel right, stop and pause. It is a trigger, you can feel this in your gut. It is a sign that you are not in alignment with your true state of nature, which is a peaceful, open and loving Self.

Our body is a mechanism that knows how to tune into our defense system. It is wired with our multi-dimensional experiences from many timelines. Imprints of our old stories, psyche, trauma and injuries, we made up an ego that will prevent us from getting hurt. We deceive our own self, we run away from pain. We defend our self from getting hurt. This is the ego running away from facing fear. We keep repeating the same cycle of pain when do not stop and let go. Letting go of the old story. Letting go of resistance.

The trigger can come from unseen patterns and blockages that our body had been withholding. We resist things that we are afraid of knowing or facing. Our own fear blocks us from heart-centered experiences such as loving others. We close our hearts when we get intimate and we repel the vulnerability of our selves. We resurrect those walls around our hearts to protect us from being hurt. This is the insane cycles of suffering and pain.  

How can we help ourselves and others stop this insanity? First, we need to understand that when we are broken we attract situations that prove to us that we are not loved. This is the hidden root of the problem of our fear of intimacy. Our consciousness can only shifts when we acknowledge that we carry this blockage. As we evolve, grow with our suffering and become conscious of what we attract. We gain the courage to face our own inner demon. We recognized that we are the magnet and the center of this attraction. We attract what we have within.

We choose to vibrate higher, letting go of lower emotions that keep us trapped in the egoic mind. The more we dwell in the negative thoughts, the deeper we go into our small self. The ego is deceiving, making us feel better than others and spiritually separate us. Paying attention to our physical bodies and feeling what comes up when we are triggered is the first step. This will help us to stop, let go of any constrictions and relax our mind. We become the observer of our thoughts and emotions. The analytical mind can create more confusion because it is tapping into the old programming of victimhood.

(constrictions + resistance = closed heart)

This formula will help you to know the symptoms of what is not working within you.  In order for us to shift, we have to understand what does not work and how we can tap into our infinite Self.

Our body will lead us to what we are holding, deep wounds, fear and suffering stops the flow of energy in our heart. Our default is to protect and defend our heart. We unconsciously built walls around our heart. This prevents the flow of love and cosmic light into our being. The eternal Spirit that lives within our physical body becomes constricted. Our freedom from these walls will liberate us from our own fear.

(awareness of pain + releasing fear= freedom of spirit)

This will help us become aware of our power to let go of anything that is disturbing us. It co-creates the freedom of our spirit.

The witness or observer of the situation becomes conscious of the seat of awareness. Things like thoughts and emotions become objects that pass by like clouds in the sky. Underneath this cloudy sky is the clear blue sky, which is the true nature of our consciousness. Consciousness has clarity, pure awareness and expansively open to all the infinite potential that is beyond our constricted mind can conceive. We shift and tap into our infinite Soul. This soul becomes illuminated, observing the joy and loving experiences of being an eternal Soul.                   

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