07 Jun 215 Indigenous Children, Liberators of our Darkness
I was awaken early in the morning at 1:11 and had a night mare that I was in a huge building. I entered a room full of filth, feces and lots of little kittens crawling. There was a smell of death and negativity in the air. I woke up feeling the spirits around me and that I needed to write.
Yesterday, I was talking with my soul brother Brad about the horrific story of the 215 Indigenous children who were buried in the former residential school site in Kamloops, B.C. We had a ritual for the souls of our own children, who we had personally lost due to tragic accident, suicide and also for the souls of these children.
I asked the Akashic Records, what is the lesson in this situation? Why did they sign up for this tragedy? The answer that was given to me, was from the higher perspective of their souls. These souls that are involve in a massive death have sacred contracts to liberate our collective from violence, hatred and separation. They sacrifice their own existence to help us awaken. This is hard to conceive from our linear point of view because we feel the suffering of our children. We don’t see the soul’s divine mission. What is their highest service to humanity? They are the liberators of the darkness. They wanted to help us awaken to what is hidden behind the cruelty of mankind. These are imprints from the malevolent force that is looming in our collective.
Our collective which is experiencing massive tragedies will need a lot of assistance from the Masters of Light to transcend our sufferings. These painful challenges that we inherit is the karmic wheel of sufferings according to Buddhism. We keep repeating history of pain and fear. We need to reclaim our divinity. In this reclamation, we have to let go of any thoughts, emotions and deeds that are not serving our holism towards ascension of our human species.
We have the power and access of these Benevolent beings of Light around us. They are the Ascended Masters, Enlightened ancestors, angels and Archangels, Goddesses, the spirit of the elemental and Galactic Confederation of Light. The Galactic Cosmic Christ Light is upon us right now. The shadows are being revealed to us in order to pave the way of the Golden Era. Christ’s resurrection brought this 2,000 yrs ago but was misunderstood that the Messiah in the future will be coming again to judge the living and the dead according to Revelation. They did not fully comprehend that there is no time or space in eternity. It is happening simultaneously in multi-parallel universes.
Our Human Genome was hijacked by many malevolent beings just like humans there are benevolent and malevolent within us. Our shadows, the egoic reptilian brain part is imprinted within our cellular level of consciousness and memories. Right now we have the choices to receive the great dispensations and activations from the Masters of Light. They help us transmute this old paradigm of our brain structures into holographic morphogenetic fractals of light.
The fear or separation that were injected into our consciousness is now remembering that we have the power within us. We are connected to the Source of life. We can let go of our fear and suffering. By being fully conscious of our participation in our own soul’s journey that sends ripples of effect to the collective. We are liberating our consciousness from these ancient imprints of separation. When we continue to dedicate our lives into developing and strengthening our spiritual body. This is our innate knowing that we are “light body” then, we can fully clothed ourselves with the White garment of Light of the Ascended Masters. They are here with us, like the eternal souls of the 215 Children of the Sun to liberate us from our darkness.
The awareness that we are not separated from anyone and that we are a hologram. We co-create within and our external reality is the mirror of our creation. It is important to be aware of our intention in our manifestation. That the seed of our creation is deeply emerged with compassion for all sentient beings and the highest good of all.
We are now receiving the activations of our 12 strand DNA from the Galactic Federation Councils of Light. The 12 strand DNA is our divine blueprint. It has the power to recalibrate us into our ancient timelines of Lemuria and Atlantis. We are here rewrite the collective Akashic Records of our human genome. We are emerging into being a Galactic Hybrid to vibrate into higher frequencies of love and light.
As our mother earth Gaia ascend into these higher frequencies, we are her children receiving these ripples of effect. One of the symptoms of ascension is releasing hidden shadows of our egoic mind structure. Which is why our world had turned upside down. It is rebooting us just like our super hyper technology is inducting us into new templates every nano second of our existence. We are at the tipping point or juncture of our conversion into this golden era.
As we become more perceptive of our fluidity, we will observe our realities as mirrors of oneness. Our awareness can capture, what type of filter are we using? We become fully conscious co-creators of our realities. Our physical domain will be filled with joyful light like the sun emits its highest nurturing power for all sentient beings, we become the Children of the Sun. The Solar system will be used instead of the fossils. We will harness back the power of the sun or son of the Creation.
Let us offer prayers to the souls of these children. Honor each one of them as our angel messengers, who are keeping the vigil of light for us to clear our path to illumination. Every dark night of the soul that we encounter is a bright star waiting to be born in the galaxies. This is the powerful magnificent Light that resides within us the Divine Thread. This is our North Star. We are witnessing this transition right before our eyes. This is heaven on earth, the souls that bridged us into this lighted path are our loved ones who had gone before us to pave our ways. They are always watching and protecting us from any harm. They never left us, their spirit is eternal. It is the calling of the times to be free from any separation.
In this personal retreat in Kye Bay on June 6, 2021 I am humbled to deliver this book of 9 Weeks of Karma Clearing with the Masters of Light. It is so fitting that I am awaken by the 215 Children of the Sun, mighty powerful Avatars of our collective.
Today, my soul brother Brad and I drove by the city of Courtney, I saw 7777 then another 777. It is these mysterious repeating numbers that spark the activations of our souls. The way of divinity. We are orchestrating these gathering of the light workers. We are building a new template of living, sustainable community, supportive and unified consciousness. We are these fractals of the cosmos. We see love for others. We forgive those who had harmed us and vice versa. We don’t judge but have a strong discernment towards wholesomeness. We have strong boundaries, a force field of Ascended Masters, Goddesses, Galactic Beings, Enlightened Ancestors, angels and Archangels to protect our auric fields and soul hologram.
As we continue to lead the way for others, to show what living joyfully is, we choose to vibrate in high frequencies of love and light. Together, we will establish the new earth. Fully loved, nurtured and nourished within our sacred hearts and our external world will be filled with peace, compassion and joy. Let us continue to pray for all sentient beings, that we may be diligent and vigilant in this spiritual warfare.
As above so below, we are being given the signs through the clouds formations and many are seeing the Dragon Avatars right now. They will mightily sweep away our worries and troubles. They are our powerful protectors where the angels cannot reach. They are our ancient Warriors of Light. They are revealing themselves back to us.
Call on these mighty dragons, we need them right now. They will be there with you to tackle any darkness and shadows that come your way. You are this warrior, you anchor this radiance and illuminating light of the Creator. Call your inner dragon to ignite this sacred fire. To illuminate our unconscious mind. It is time to rise up from the burnt ashes. It is time to rebuild this kingdom on earth.
We are the one that we are waiting for. What are you contributing to this movement? Are you aware of your service to others? Consult your conscience if you are pure in all your transactions and relationships. It is integrity, authenticity and honesty that will build this foundation within yourself and others. Let us clear our collective from the Karmic wheel, liberate your soul from any harm. In all your intentions, thoughts, emotions and actions remember that you are contributing soulfully into the collective Akashic Records of our existence. Thank you so much for listening to this calling. Thank you so much Universe our Divine Creator for paving us the lighted path. We are FREE.
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